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Receiver at fire stations. English Roman Korean. May I have your name please? Ee-room-ee moo-et-em-nee-ga? 이름이 무엇입니까 ?. Reading Numbers in Korean 0 : Yong 1 : Ill 2 : Ee 3 : Sahm 4 : Sa 5 : O 6 : Yook 7 : Chill 8 : Pahl 9 : Ghoo. Caller. Roman
Receiver at fire stations English Roman Korean May I have your name please? Ee-room-ee moo-et-em-nee-ga? 이름이 무엇입니까? Reading Numbers in Korean 0 : Yong 1 : Ill 2 : Ee 3 : Sahm 4 : Sa 5 : O 6 : Yook 7 : Chill 8 : Pahl 9 : Ghoo Caller Roman Korean ○ ○ ○ em-nee-da.(Last name only is sufficient.) ○ ○ ○ 입니다. Receiver at fire stations English Roman Korean May I have your telephone number please? Jhon-wha-pun-ho-rull ga-roo-cho ju-say-yo. 전화번호를 가르쳐 주세요? Caller ○ ○ ○ - ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - ○ ○ ○ ○ Roman Korean Numbers in Korean are shown below. Receiver at fire stations We’ll send an ambulance so stand outside and signal when you hear the siren. Ambulance-rul bo-nap-nee-da. Siren so-ri-ga dull-ree-myn on-nae ha-say-yo. 구급차를 보냅니다. 사이렌 소리가 들리면 안내하세요. English Roman Korean Caller English Roman Korean All right. or There is no one here, so I can’t go outside. Yae, gro-jo. / Hon-ja ee-so-yo. 예 그러죠. / 혼자 있어요. 14
Communication with 119 EMS Personnel Most of EMS personnel do not speak a foreign language well. They, therefore, will prepare EMS manual in the near future. When EMS personnel shows you this EMS manual, explain all the information regarding age, illness history. The patient will then be examined and first aid given based on this information. Emergency medical treatment will also be continued while patient is being transported to the hospital. The “EMS Manual” will enable communication in several languages consisting of English, French, German, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese. Foreigners with Some Korean Knowledge Fire Stations 119 Telephone Service 119 not activated, but you can try) The Fire Station Telephone Service provides information on hospitals on a 24 hour basis. When calling, ask for the desired department (internal department, department of surgery, etc. See page 19 on how to ask in Korean.) and also give your present address. They will give you the name of hospitals(clinics) and telephone numbers in the order of closest location to you, so please,write down this information. Inquire in Korean, if possible, or ask a Korean to call for you. If you are unable to find a person that can speak Korean, speak slowly and accurately in English. After receiving information, call and make reservations with the hospital according to the procedure on Page 22 and then go to the hospital.
Telephone Numbers of Fire Stations in Kyonggi-Province • Please don’t hesitate to dial 119 in emergency(fire· • ambulance · rescue), anytime, anywhere. • For usual contacts (Fax. number in parenthesis) • · Kyong-gi-do Fire Department 0331-222-1119 (36-1111) • · Su-won Joong-bu Fire Station 0331-245-2119 (242-5119) • · Su-won Nam-bu Fire Station 0331-236-1119 (239-6113) • · Song-nam Fire Station 0342-721-0119 (752-2119) • · Boon-dang Fire Station 0342-709-4119 (707-4075) • · Ui-jong-bu Fire Station 0351-878-1119 (871-9119) • · An-yang Fire Station 0343-387-0045 (383-0046) • · Bu-chon Fire Station 032-654-0119 (662-3500) • · Kwang-myong Fire Station 02-686-0119 (2611-1776) • · Song-tan Fire Station 0333-668-5119 (668-8119) • · Dong-du-chon Fire Station 0351-861-0119 (863-4119) • · An-san Fire Station 0345-483-3119 (483-3119) • · Kwa-chon Fire Station 02-504-4119 (503-2118) • · Ku-ri Fire Station 0346-566-1119 (556-1119) • · Kun-po Fire Station 0343-97-9119 (97-1119) • · O-san Fire Station 0339-373-0119 (375-5119) • · Shi-heung Fire Station 0345-431-2119 (432-3119) • · Ko-yang Fire Station 0344-965-0119 (962-6999) • · Ha-nam Fire Station 0347-795-0119 (791-5444) • · I-chon Fire Station 0336-634-5119 (631-5119) • · Yong-in Fire Station 0335-39-5119 (38-4079) • · An-sung Fire Station 0334-677-3119 (676-1194) • · Kim-po Fire Station 0341-998-7119 (984-7119) • · Pa-ju Fire Station 0348-952-0119 (954-0118) • · Po-chon Fire Station0357-533-1119 (536-8119)
Calling the Fire Station 119 Service in Korean Use Roman characters or Korean language portion when calling. Example of call Receiver at fire stations English Roman Korean This is the 119 Telephone Service. 119 Jhon-wha service em-nee-da. 119 전화 서비스 입니다. Caller English Roman Korean Please tell me the name of the hospital with an internal department. Nae-gwa-byong-won-ull ga-roo-chyo joo-say-yo. 내과병원을 가르쳐 주세요. Receiver at fire stations English Roman Korean What’s your address. Ju-so-rull ga-roo-chyo ju-say-yo. 주소를 가르쳐 주세요? Caller English Roman Korean It is ○city, ○street, street. ○she, ○dong, ○pun-ji-yae-yo. ○시, ○동, ○번지예요.
Receiver at fire stations The nearest emergency hospital is ○Hospital. Its address is she,○dong and the telephone No. is ○○○-○○○○. The second nearest emergency hospital is ○Hospital with address at ○she, ○dong and its telephone No. is ○○○-○○○○. Make reservations before visiting the hospital. English Ka-jang ga-ga-un byong-won-oon ○byong-won em-nee-da. Ju-so-noon ○she, ○dong em-nee-da. Jhon-hwa-pun-ho-noon ○○-○○○○em-nee-da. Ta-oom ka-ga-oon byong-won-un ○Byong-won em-nee-da. Ju-so noon ○she, ○dong em-nee-da. Jhon-wha-pun-ho-noon ○○-○○○○em-nee-da. Roman 가장 가까운 병원은 ○ 입니다. 주소는 ○시 ○동 입니다. 전화번호는 ○○-○○○○입니다. 다음 가까운 병원은 ○병원 입니다. 주소는 ○시 ○동 입니다. 전화번호는 ○○-○○○○입니다. Korean Caller English Roman Korean Thank you. Gam-sa-ham-nee-da. 감사합니다. Receiver at fire stations English Roman Korean You’re welcome. Chun-mun-ae-yo. 천만에요. 18
Asking for the department of the hospital in Korean In Korea, examination is determined by separate diagnostic departments based upon the location of the trauma to the body. Use the Roman character of Korean language portion as reference when calling the fire station telephone service and when calling or receiving treatment at a medical facility. Medical Departments in Korean English Roman Korean Internal department Pediatrics Surgery Obstetrics Gynecology Orthopedics Neurosurgery Circulartory system Respiratory system Dermatology Neurology Urinary Ophthalmology Otolaryngology Dental surgery Nae-gwa So-a-gwa Ae-gwa San-boo-in-gwa Poo-in-gwa Chong-hyong-ae-gwa Shin-kyong-ae-gwa Soon-whan-kee-gwa Ho-hoop-kee-gwa Pee-boo-gwa Shin-kyong-gwa Pee-nyo-kee-gwa An-gwa Ee-in-hoo-gwa Chi-gwa 내과 소아과 외과 조산과 부인과 정형외과 신경외과 순환기과 호흡기과 피부과 신경과 비뇨기과 안과 이인후과 치과
Describing the parts of the body in Korean Describe when contacting a hospital. eye noon 눈 head mo-ree 머리 nose koh 코 face oil-gool 얼굴 mouth eep 입 ear ghuee 귀 chin tuck 턱 finger son-ga-rak 손가락 shoulder oak-ghae 어깨 neck moke 목 arm pall 팔 back doong 등 elbow pall-ghum -chee 팔꿈치 breast kasoom 가슴 hand sohn 손 thigh hoo-buck-jee 허벅지 stomach bae 배 waist hoe-ree 허리 genitals sung-ki 성기 foot baul 발 knee moo-rdoop 무릎 leg ta-ri 다리 hip ong-dong-ee 엉덩이 20
Phoning for hospital reservations After learning the name and telephone number from the fire station, call the hospital and confirm that diagnosis and treatment are possible. If you go directly to the hospital without confirmation of medical examination, it may take longer to be examined because of other many patients. The hospital may not have time for proper diagnosis. After receiving approval for diagnosis from the hospital, explain your illness or injury and give your name and age. In emergency, rush to the hospital without reservation.
Confirm by using the Roman characters or Korean language. Example of conversation Phoning for reservations at the hospital English Roman Korean Is this ○ hospital? ○ Byong-won em-nee-ka? ○ 병원입니까? I was referred to you by the fire station telephone service. Please connect me with the internal department. So-bong-so-rull tong-ha-yo jhon-wha ham-nee-da. Nae-Gwa poo-tock-ham-nee-da. 소방서를 통하여 전화 합니다. 내과 부탁합니다. English Roman Korean English Roman Korean My ○ hurts. ○ ga a-pa-yo. ○ 가 아파요. English Roman Korean My name is ○ and ○ years old. Ee-rdoom-un ○ ee-go, na-ee-noon ○ sal em-nee-da . 이름은 ○ 이고, 나이는 ○ 살 입니다. English Roman Korean I am leaving for the hospital immediately. Chi-coom byong-won-oo-ro cam-nee-da. 지금 병원으로 갑니다. Items required for medical examination After confirmation of medical examination, you must bring a health insurance card issued in Korea, a health certificate for a student studying abroad, traveler’s insurance, passport, I.D. card and cash. As a general rule, payments are made by cash at the hospital. (You can neglect this part in emergency.)
Description symptoms in Korean English Roman characters Korean Slight pain Pain Strong pain Continuous pain Headache Migraine Menstrual pain No appetite Nauseated Vomited Cold Cough Fever Chills Convulsions Dizzy spell Constipation Diarrhea ka-byo-oon tong-jung tong-jung shim-han tong-jung tong-jung kae-sock too-tong pyun-too-tong sang-ree-tong sick-yoke-poo-jin ma-soo-ko-oom goo-to cam-gi kee-chim pall-yoll oh-han kyong.ryun hyun-kee-jung pyun-bee sol-sa 가벼운 통증 통증 심한 통증 통증 계속 두통 편두통 생리통 식욕 부진 메스꺼움 구토 감기 기침 발열 오한 경련 현기증 변비 설사
Korean English Roman characters My ○ is painful Cold sweats Palpitations Fainted Easily tired Swollen My ○ is itchy My ○ becomes numb Paralysis Cannot walk Injured Burned Bleeding Broken bone Sprained ankle Bruised Allergy Poisoning Alcoholic Unconscious Semi-conscious ○ tong-jung sick-oon-dam ka-soom too-goon-ko-rim kee-johl pee-row poo-ah oh-room ○ ka-ryo-oom cho-rim ma-bee cut-chee mot-hum poo-sang wha-sang pee koil-chawl pall-moke pim ta-bock-sang al-la-roo-kee jung-dock all-coal jung-dock moo-oo-ee-shick oo-ee-shick poo-joke ○ 통증 식은땀 가슴두근거림 기절 피로 부어오름 ○ 가려움 저림 마미 걷지못함 부상 화상 피 골절 발목삠 타박상 알레르기 중독 알콜중독 무의식 의식부족 24