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Rubrics. Definition (elicit 5min). What is a Rubric? ما هو سلّم التقدير اللفظي. A scoring scale used to assess student performance along a task-specific set of criteria. مقياس يستخدم لتقييم أداء الطالب لمهمة محددة من المعايير. The Rubric. Advantages of using rubrics. For the Teachers
Rubrics • Definition (elicit 5min)
What is a Rubric? ما هو سلّم التقدير اللفظي A scoring scale used to assess student performance along a task-specific set of criteria مقياس يستخدملتقييم أداء الطالب لمهمة محددة من المعايير
Advantages of using rubrics For the Teachers • Allow evaluation and assessment to be more objective and consistent يصبح التقييم والتقويم أكثر موضوعية ومصداقية • Help focus to clarify his/her criteria in specific terms يساعد في التركيز على بنود محددة • Provide useful feedback regarding the effectiveness of the instruction تقديم معلومات مفيدة بشأن فعالية التدريس • Provide benchmarks against which to measure and document progress توفير معايير لقياس التقدم
Advantages of using rubrics For Students • Help them define "quality“ معرفة درجة الجودة أو الإتقان المطلوبة • Promote student awareness of about the criteria to use in assessing peer performance تعزيز وعي الطالب حول المعايير والبنود لاستخدامها في تقييم الزملاء • Help students judge and revise their own work before handing in their assignments. مساعدة الطلاب على الحكم ومراجعة مهامهم قبل التسليم • Clearly show the student how their work will be evaluated and what is expected توعية الطالب كيف سيتم تقييم عمله، وما المتوقع منه؟
Main Components of Rubrics المكونات الرئيسة لسلم التقدير اللفظي • Criteria البنود • Elements that characterize good performance of a task العناصر التي تصف الأداء الجيد • Description الوصف • To specify and clarify the meaning of each dimension تفسير وتوضيح معنى كل محور Scale of Values محك القيم • Numerical or Qualitative or Combination وجود مواصفات عددية أو نوعية أو كلاهما
Scales محكات التقدير • Quantitative الوصف الكمي • Numbers representing • 1 – 5 • 5 – 1 • 1 – 3 • 3 – 1 • Actual point value • May be used to reflect relative weight يستخدم عادة قيمة أو عددية أو ليعكس أوزان نسبية
Scales محكات التقدير • Qualitative الوصف النوعي أو الكيفي May include labels such as: • Not yet, developing, achieving وهذه تتضمن تسميات أو أوصاف مثل (تحقق / لم يتحقق / في طور التحقيق)
Activity 2 (45 min): Design a rubric for : 1-Practical work( lab) 2-Presentation 3-Model 4-Home work 5-Reasearch 6- Group work
Team Rubrics 1 2 3 4 Cooperative Will not help - ignores partner Sometimes willing to help partner Shares work when asked and listens to partner Willingly explains things to partner and will use partner’s ideas Creative Never thinks of other ideas to solve a problem Occasionally has a new idea, but little follow through Has new ideas but will not share with others Develops new ideas or ways of doing things. Products exceed requirements On Task Constantly talking to others in room, rarely works on task Sometimes talks about unrelated subjects Usually follows the tasks and talks only to partner Always follows the steps of the task and sometimes goes beyond the concepts Never has supplies or willing to find proper place in task Prepared Looks through to task to find place and sometimes borrows supplies Uses daily wrap-up to find place in task Arrives early for class and supplies are ready Makes no effort to learn new skills Skillful Satisfied with answering questions, but no real understanding Has general idea of task. Able to answer specific questions Has clear idea of task and its relationship to technology and education Team Rubric
Sample Rubric: Second Grade Research: Dinosaur Report
Sample Rubric: Sixth Grade Multimedia Presentation: Ancient Civilizations
Sample Rubric: Eighth Grade Book Report: Web site
Websites for Rubrics http://www.rcampus.com/indexrubric.cfm http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php
Questioning to guide Instruction and Learningأسئلة لقيادة التعلم
Ask the trainees: - Why do we ask questions? - Who asks questions? - What are the types of questions?
Questions Teachers ask students Students ask the teacher Teachers ask themselves Students ask themselves
Goal The goal of asking questions is: To improve the quality of teaching and learning Teachers like to base their lesson around a ‘key question’ لزيادة جودة التدريس والتعلم يجب على المعلم بناء درسه على مجموعة من الأسئلة القوية ( مفاتيح للأسئلة )
Skinny? (A skinny question has a really short, quick answer.) FAT! Fat questions have long, complicated answers. They are fun to research and discuss. We might not agree on the answers!
Make them Formulate questions that are interesting! Apply Jamie McKenzie’s “Prime Questions.”
Great Questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Which? Formulate questions that are interesting! Apply Jamie McKenzie’s “Prime Questions.” Why? Jamie McKenzie’s 3 Prime Questions How? Which?
Earth Science Questions Why do most people live near water? Which part of this place would be good to live? How might the people here find food and shelter to survive? Which place would I rather live-- my home or here? Source: Mark L. Hessenflow athttp://www.hknot.com/gallery/ba.html
Types of Question أنواع الأسئلة Closed questions الأسئلة المغلقة • Test factual knowledge • Contain a limited range of possible correct responses • Example: What lives in • the rainforest? • Provide the knowledge bases for more challenging questions اختبار المعارف والحقائق تحتوي على مجموعة محدودة من الإجابات الصحيحة الممكنةعلى سبيل المثال : ما الكائنات التي تعيش في الغابات المطيرة؟تزودالطلبةبالمعرفة اللازمةلأسئلة أكثر صعوبة وتحدي
Open questionsالأسئلة المفتوحة • Require students to think • more deeply • Require research, • investigation, reflection • prior to answering fully • Promote student discussion, • debate, inquiry • Call for learners to construct their knowledge,Have many different answers • Example: Is the rainforest important to us? الطلاب بحاجة لمزيد من التفكير العميقتتطلب البحث والتحقيق ، والتفكير قبل الإجابة تماماتشجيع الطلاب علىالنقاش والتحقيقدعوة للمتعلمين لبناء معارفهموالإجابات تكون متعددة ومختلفةعلى سبيل المثال : هل الغابات المطيرة مهمة لنا ؟؟؟
Open and closed questions Closed Questions • What is Oil? • What are the food groups? • What is the boiling point of water? Open Questions • Which energy source is the best option for the future? • Is this menu healthy? • How can we make water not boil at 100C?
Teachers Can Use Student Questions as Learning Opportunities by: * ALWAYS, praise the student for asking the questionشجع الطلاب على إثارة الأسئلة *Repeat the question, paraphrasing it أعد الأسئلة بأكثر من طريقة *Redirect the question أعد توجيه الأسئلة *Ask probing questions اسأل أسئلة بحثية أو تحقيقية *Promote a discussion شجع على النقاش