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Millennials in the Library: Today’s Student Library Worker

Exploring the characteristics and impact of Millennials working in libraries, reflecting on their unique qualities and contributions. Learn about their behavior, interactions, and work ethic in the library environment.

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Millennials in the Library: Today’s Student Library Worker

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  1. Millennials in the Library: Today’s Student Library Worker Eric A. Kidwell Director of the Library Houghton Memorial Library Huntingdon College Alabama Association of College & Research Libraries October 7, 2005

  2. Neil Howe and William Strauss • Millennials Rising: the Next Great Generation. New York: Vintage Books, 2000.

  3. Generation Lost G.I. Silent Boom Gen-X Millennial * *(aka Generation Y, Echo Boomers, Net Generation) Birth Year 1883-1900 1901-1924 1925-1942 1943-1960 1961-1981 1982-2002 The Generations of the Last Century

  4. Characteristics of Millennials (Neil & Strauss) • Are they pessimists? No. • Are they self-absorbed? No. • Are they distrustful? No. • Are they rule breakers? No. • Are they neglected? No. • Are they stupid? No. • Have they given up on progress? No.

  5. Dr. Mel Levine, professor of pediatrics at UNC Medical School and director of the Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning • Levine, Mel. “College Graduates Aren’t Ready for the Real World.” Chronicle of HigherEducation. 18 February 2005: B11 +. • Pandemic of “worklife unreadiness.” • Levine, Mel. Ready or Not, Here Life Comes. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005. • “Echo Boomers.” 60-Minutes. Narr. Steve Kroft. CBS. 4 September 2005.

  6. The Parents of Millennials • “Helicopter” Parents • Over-scheduling • Wills, Eric. “Parent Trap.” Chronicle of HigherEducation. 22 July 2005: A4. • University of Vermont – “parent bouncers” – the last line of defense

  7. To Change or Not to Change: That Is the Question • Carlson, Scott. “The Net Generation Goes to College.” Chronicle of Higher Education. 7 October 2005: A34-37. • Richard T. Sweeney, university librarian, New Jersey Institute of Technology • Michael Gorman, dean of library services, California State University at Fresno • Naomi S. Baron, professor of linguistics, American University

  8. Richard T. Sweeney sweeney@njit.edu Richard T. Sweeney sweeney@njit.edu

  9. Sweeney, Richard. “Reinventing Library Buildings and Services for the Millennial Generation.” Library Administration andManagement. 19 (2005): 165-175.http://www.library.njit.edu/staff- olders/sweeney/index.html

  10. UCLA Higher Education Research Institute • Annual survey of incoming first-year students • 2004 survey: • Students rated themselves above average or in highest 10 percent in (top ten) • Kindness • Drive to achieve • Academic ability • Cooperativeness • Compassion • Generosity • Understanding of others • Leadership ability • Self-confidence (intellectual) • Forgiveness

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