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Mastering Assessment Methods & Academic Writing Conventions Date:Jan. 2nd, 2019

Explore assessment techniques & writing principles. Learn paragraph structure, language use, organization of ideas.

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Mastering Assessment Methods & Academic Writing Conventions Date:Jan. 2nd, 2019

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  1. Video Conference (1)Jan. 2nd, 2019 Phan Thi Thu Nga, MSc.

  2. Video Conference (1) • Assessment Methods • Academic Writing Conventions • Organization of ideas

  3. Assessment Methods • Continuous assessment (online): 50% 1. Discussion board: 10% 2. Exercises: 10% 3. Peer editing: 10% (x 2) Descriptive & Process Paragraphs 4. Writing assignments: 20 % (x 2) Example & Opinion Paragraphs

  4. Assessment Methods (con.) II. Summative assessment (offline test): 50% Writing a paragraph: (1) Form (2) The topic sentence (3) Supporting ideas (unity, coherence) (4) Language (vocabulary, grammar, punctuations, spelling, capitalization)

  5. Academic Writing Conventions • Paragraph title • Paragraph layout • Language use

  6. (1) Writing the title • the title: a phrase, in the middle • capitalizing the first letter of each word (ex. articles & prepositions) My Beloved Father The Best Place To Live Steps To Plant a Rose Garden How To Transfer Money from an ATM Why To Find Information in a Library? Cellphones in Class: Allowed or Not? Unforgettable Memories about My Childhood

  7. (2) Paragraph layout • Put the title in the middle. • Indent the first line. • Only start writing a new line after you complete one line. • Capitalize the first letter of the word after a full stop. • Use a period (full stop) after each complete idea to avoid run-on sentences

  8. My Special Treasure My special treasure is a picture of my mother on her fifteenth birthday. This picture was always in my house when I was growing up. Years later, when I got married and moved to Montreal, my mother gave it to me so that I would always remember her. Now it sits on the table next to my bed. I look at it and imagine my mother’s life on that day. I think she was very excited because her eyes are shining with happiness. Her smile is shy as if she was thinking about a secret. She is standing next to a rose bush, and the roses are taller than she is. She is wearing a beautiful white lace dress and black shoes. Her hair is long and curly. She looks lovely in that peaceful place, and I feel calm when I gaze into her eyes at the end of my busy day. This picture of my mother is my most valuable possession.

  9. (3) Language use - Don’t use contractions, slang - Be kind to your readers, give them clues, transitional words… - Write correctly (avoid fragments, incomplete sentences) - Avoid using spoken language (as you know.., as we know…, you guys…)

  10. Organization of ideas • Space order: descriptive paragraphs 2.Time order: narrative & process paragraphs 3. Emphatic order / order of importance - Example paragraphs - Opinion paragraphs

  11. Unity & Coherence • Unity (w/o irrelevant supporting ideas) • Coherence (1) using appropriate patterns of organization (2) using transitional words/ phrases to connect ideas

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