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Worldwide Test Beam Facilities Summary

Summary of available multi-GeV beam facilities worldwide, including key operational characteristics and particle species analysis. Facilities at FNAL, SLAC, DESY, CERN, and IHEP examined. Detailed insights on beam parameters, operational modes, spot sizes, and particle identification techniques.

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Worldwide Test Beam Facilities Summary

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  1. A summary of world-widetest beam facilities Erik J. Ramberg FNAL 4 Sept. 2004

  2. A list of available facilities with multi-GeV beam • FNAL - m, p, p: 8-120 GeV: available 2004-on • SLAC - e, g, p: 1-30 GeV: available 2004-on • DESY – e: 1-7 GeV: available 2004-6 • CERN – e, p, p: (PS) 1-15 GeV: (SPS) 10-200 GeV: likely available 2006-on • IHEP (Protvino, Russia) – e, m, p, p: 1-45 GeV: available See “Report on WorldWide Linear Collider Test Beam Effort”: http://www-hep.uta.edu/hep_notes/lc/lc_0005.pdf

  3. FNAL 2 beam enclosures. Eventually, downstream enclosure will be operated independently of upstream. 6 user stations, with a 7th downstream of the beam dump. An experiment can take up more than one station. 2 climate stabilized huts with air conditioning. 2 separate control rooms. Outside gas shed + inside gas delivery system can bring any 2 gases (and exhaust lines) to any of the user areas Lockable work area for small scale staging or repairs.

  4. MTBF Operational Characteristics • Resonant extraction from Main Injector delivers 120 GeV beam over 0.6 sec spill. Minimum of 1 spill/minute. Depending on program, can deliver up to 10 spills/minute • There are several operational modes: • Proton Mode:Tune beamline for 120 GeV protons that get transmitted through the target. Maximum rates so far are 200 KHz. • Secondary, or ‘Pion’ Mode:Vary the tune of the beamline according to the momentum desired. Maximum momentum is currently 66 GeV, with rates on the order of 10 kHz. Lowest momentum tune is on the order of 3-5 GeV. (See graph of calculated rates on web site) • Muons: Muon fraction at 33 GeV tune is on the order of %. Two intermediate beam stops exist to reduce rate of hadrons. • Electrons: At low momentum (< 10 GeV), the beamline delivers an enhanced primary electron fraction, at very low rates. • Spot sizes can be made as small as 3-5 mm square (with 120 GeV protons) and as large as 5 cm square.

  5. Particle Species in MTBF • We have looked at response of beamline Cerenkovs for 8, 16, 33, 66, 120 GeV tunes • At 16 GeV, it is easy to get ~100 muons/spill • Have seen Cerenkov signals below muon threshold, but haven’t verified presence of electrons. 66 GeV 16 GeV Scint. CC1 CC2 p+ threshold p threshold m+ threshold p+ threshold

  6. SLAC Beam Parameters at SLAC ESA, NLC-500, and TESLA-500

  7. Secondary Beams to ESA

  8. Secondary Beams to ESA cont. • These low intensity beams have been useful for many calorimeter and other tests • 1) Secondary electrons • • 500 MeV to 20 GeV • • usually one particle/pulse, but 3-4 mm rms half-width spot • • High momentum resolution • 2) Tagged photon beam using secondary e- (see above) on a bremsstrahlung target with tagging magnet and detector in the end station • 3) Hadrons and positrons are produced with a 0.5 r.l. Be target in Beam switchyard (BSY) • • Accepted into A-line at a 0.5 degree production angle. Small Acceptance 2.3x4 cm over 80 m drift. • • Averaging one particle/pulse allows use of TOF and Cherenkov techniques for particle identification for 5-20 GeV. • • At 14.5 GeV for 0.4 particles/spill total the yield was • 0.25 e+/spill • 0.17 hadrons(K+,π+)/spill • 0.01 protons/spill • see GLAST 1999 test results, SLAC-PUB-8682

  9. CERN

  10. IHEP Protvino electron beam line parameters • - Beam line #2B from internal target is used • - Negative beam • Momentum range (1-45) GeV/c • - Measurement by tagging system possible

  11. Protvino, beam line parameters Electron and hadron beam from PbWO4 array

  12. DESY

  13. DESY test beams, secondary beams

  14. General Impressions of Test Beam Facilities • DESY: Probably the best place for low energy (< 6 GeV) electrons • IHEP: Can get to higher energies for electrons. Good general purpose beam. Limited availability during year. • CERN: excellent all around beams. Limited availability during year. Unknown future. • SLAC: Excellent for accelerator component testing. Secondary beams for detector testing are good but have low rate. • FNAL: Good availability with general purpose beam. Probably have to share with other users. Electrons are problematic.

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