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Clovis West High School. Registration Orientation for…. Freshmen 2013. Introducing your Support Team at CWHS. Welcome to CWHS Freshman Academy Your counselor: Mrs. Janet Duke Your Freshman Academy is located: CWHS Delphi Cluster (C Bldg ) Mrs. Monique McCoy, Secretary
Clovis West High School Registration Orientation for…. Freshmen 2013
Introducing your Support Team at CWHS • Welcome to CWHS Freshman Academy • Your counselor: • Mrs. Janet Duke • Your Freshman Academy is located: • CWHS Delphi Cluster (C Bldg) • Mrs. Monique McCoy, Secretary • Your Support Team: • Link Crew with Mr. Danny Munster • Peer Counseling with Mrs. Kris Hawkins • SRL with Mr. Schwa Yang
Expectations • It is our primary goal that every child earns a CWHS diploma • It is our goal that every child is four year college eligible • Student Athletes need to carefully examine the NCAA Clearinghouse Rules and Regulations to ensure eligibility for athletic scholarship
Important Dates…. • March 6 & 7: Counselor explains registration process to students via AB teacher in KIT MPR • March 11- March 15: Collect registration contract via students’ AB teacher • English H Placement Test: April 10 @KIT MPR 2:45 pm *Auto Qualify: ELA ADV/3.5 GPA/earned A grade in English class/AB teacher recommendation
8 Steps to Register at CWHS Please follow these carefully
Step 1:Emergency Information Make sure you list all contact information carefully so that we have every opportunity to contact you in the case of an emergency • List both parents/guardians and as many phone numbers as possible • List Parent Email Address
Step 2: Parent & Student Signatures Signatures approve course requests and emergency information: Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________ Student Signature:_____________
Step 3: Summer School • Be very sure of your summer school plans before making course selections • SS is primarily for remediation or making up deficiencies for graduation • SS can also be taken for core/original credit– this year is Independent Study only, and must have “impacted” schedule as defined by • AVID, Band/Colorguard, Orchestra, Choir, Leadership, Peer Counseling, Folklorico • MOST IMPORTANT: • When you register, plan on successfully completing the coursework, or you will risk not being able to do that course in the fall
Step 4: Required Courses • First, a note or two….. • “P” indicates a course that will prepare you for college • “HP” indicates same but at HONORS level • “AP” indicates “Advanced Placement” and is essentially a college level course • English, Math, PE, Health & Geography are all required courses for freshman year.
Understanding Grades and Credits • You must earn a minimum of C grade in all academic courses to be eligible for college • You will earn 5 credits per semester for each course, totaling 10 per course, per year • That means each year potentially earns your child 60 credits • Multiply by 4 = 240 credits • The requirement is 230 credits to graduate from CW.
REQUIRED COURSES Circle ONE in each Dept: English Dept. Physical Education Dept. 22515 English 9-P 11031 PE Core A 22515.A English 9-P w/Link* 11005 PE Band (must enroll in band) 22516 English 9-Honors (Pre) 11031.0 PE Core B Zero Period Mathematics Dept. Health/Geography 44605 Foundations of Algebra 55007/66940 44602 Algebra 1-P (Pre) 44602.0 Algebra 1-P w Link* 44612 Geometry-P (Pre) 44603 Algebra 2-P (Pre) Math Teacher Initials: ______
Step 5: Academic Electives Circle at least ONE from Science and/or ONE from Foreign Language. Science Dept.Foreign Language 55040 Science 1 98817 Chinese IAB-P 55709 Biology-P (Pre) 98803 French IAB-P 55708 Honors Biology (Pre) 98811 Spanish IAB-P 55710 Chemistry-P (Pre) 98812 Spanish 2AB-P *Please indicate an alternate for languages
Step 6: ELECTIVES Art Dept.Performing Arts 78020 Animation 88306 Band-P 78302 Art IAB-P 88307 Orchestra-P 78306 Ceramics-P 88326 Choir-P 88306 Band Colorguard-P 88323 Drama English Learner Program 88202 Folklorico Dance 1-P 22044 ELD 1 (Pre) Business Dept. 39013 Computer Applications
Step 6: Electives cont. Support Classes: 4014.0 *Math Lab w/Algebra 1 designated Link 22021.A *English Lab w/ English 9 designated Link ***Student is likely to be placed into a Support Class based on CST ELA/Math scores of Below Basic and Far Below Basic Non-Departmental: 00075 AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) (Pre)
Step 7: Alternate Courses List Specific alternate course numbers to replace specific elective classes: Alternate#1________ To replace_________ Alternate #2__________ To replace___________
Step 8: Assessment Scores7th Grade STAR Performance Bands Circle appropriate performance band: Gr 7 ELA: Adv Pro Bas BB FBB Gr 7 Math: Adv Pro Bas BB FBB
To be completed by Gr 8 AB Teacher Teacher: Please circle all that apply below: RSP 504 GATE SST
More on Math… Students will be placed into Clovis West Math courses based on: MULTIPLE MEASURES, including: • 7thGrade CST Math Scores • 7thGrade Math Course Grades • 8thGrade Math Course Grades • 8thGr CST Math Scores • Formative Assessments 8th Grade
Honors Algebra 2? • Students must be academically strong in Geometry • Students will be invited to take Honors Algebra 2 exam in May • Students will be enrolled in Honors Algebra 2 based upon exam results
Honor’s Biology? • Advanced CST English in 7th grade and 8th grade • Proficient or Advanced CST Math for Algebra 1 • Earned an “A” in Algebra 1 and enrolled in Geometry for freshman year • Earned an “A” in Science 8 or “B” in 7th and 8th grade Advanced Science
Foreign Language • Students are required to take a minimum of two years of the same foreign language and earn a “C” or higher for eligibility into a four year college. • Spanish 1 • Spanish 2 • French 1 • Chinese 1 • Incoming 9th Graders with a GPA of 2.5 or higher may enroll in one of the above college prep courses. • Please list an alternate foreign language in case your choice is full. • Students who are native Spanish speakers • Incoming 9th Graders determined to be Fluent Spanish Speakers may be enrolled in a higher level Spanish course
4 Year College Eligibility Requirements • History/Social Science – 2 years • English – 4 years • Mathematics – 3 years through Algebra 2 • Lab Science – 2 years (one in Life/one in Physical) • Foreign Language – 2 years • Visual or Performing Art – 1 year • College Prep Electives – 1 year
Summer School • Location: Buchanan High School • Independent Study • May take up to 10 credits – 5 credits Health/5 credits Geography • Students must have an “impacted” schedule! • 6/10/13 to 7/25/13 Seven weeks • Student is required to meet once a week with teacher • Office hours T/W from 8 am to 5 pm • Caution: Failure to take signed up class may affect schedule next year!
Please Calendar ! • First week in August – pick up registration packet in CW Main Office (fill out paperwork) • August 13 – Link Crew Frosh. Orientation in CW West Gym at 7:45 am • Registration at noon in CW cafeteria on same date to turn in registration packet (activities, school tour, and receive class schedule)
Welcome to CWHS CWHS Administration and Staff welcome our future CLASS OF 2017 to CWHS, Home of the Eagles and the Freshman Academy where you will always find a friendly face and warm support