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By Lakasianus Tamnau. RELIABILITY. Test A. Test B. RELIABILITY. The Reliability Coefficient. Allow us to compare the reliability of different test The ideal reliability coefficient is 1 The requirement: to have 2 sets of scores for comparison by using test-retest method.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By LakasianusTamnau RELIABILITY Language Testing

  2. Test A Language Testing

  3. Test B Language Testing

  4. Language Testing

  5. RELIABILITY Language Testing

  6. Language Testing

  7. Language Testing

  8. Language Testing

  9. The Reliability Coefficient • Allow us to compare the reliability of different test • The ideal reliability coefficient is 1 • The requirement: to have 2 sets of scores for comparison by using test-retest method. Language Testing

  10. Scorer Reliability • It’s about scores on a multiple choice test • Every candidate would get precisely the same score on both of two possible administration of the test. • Any scorer would give the same score as would be given by any other scorer on either occasion. Language Testing

  11. Language Testing

  12. How to Make Test more Reliable • Take enough samples of behaviour • Exclude items which do not discriminate well between weaker and stronger students • Do not allow candidates too much freedom • Write unambiguous items • Provide clear and explicit instructions • Ensure that test are well laid out and perfectly legible • Make candidates familiar with format and testing techniques • Provide uniform and non-distracting conditions of administration • Use item that permit scoring which is as objective as posible • Make comparison between candidates as direct as possible • Provide a detailed scoring key • Train scorers • Agree acceptable responses and appropriate scores at outset of scoring • Identify candidates by number not name • Employ multiple, independent scoring Language Testing

  13. Language Testing

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