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Mollusks and Echinoderms

Mollusks and Echinoderms. Mollusks and Echinoderms are In the Animal Kingdom / Kingdom Animalia: Echinoderms are a phylum of marine animals Mollusks are a phylum of invertebrate animals . Echinoderms/Echinodermata:. Brittle star. Invertebrates (no backbone)

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Mollusks and Echinoderms

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  1. Mollusks and Echinoderms

  2. Mollusks and Echinoderms are In the Animal Kingdom / Kingdom Animalia: • Echinoderms are a phylum of marine animals • Mollusks are a phylum of invertebrate animals

  3. Echinoderms/Echinodermata: Brittle star • Invertebrates (no backbone) • They have no eyes, heart or brain • They have tentacle like structures called Tube Feet that have suction pads • The Tube Feet are controlled by a vascular system which supplies water through canals of small tubes. As the feet press against an object, water is withdrawn, creating the suction effect and when water goes back into the canals, the suction is released • Brittle stars release their waste through their mouth because they have no anus • They can regenerate missing body parts • They have 5 or more arms that radiate from the centre (excluding sea cucumbers) • their mouth is located on the bottom if tehir body and their anus is on the top (excluding sea cucumbers and some urchins) Sea Lily Sand Dollar Sea Cucumber Sea Urchin Starfish

  4. Mollusks/Mollusca: • Invertebrates • They use a muscular foot for moving • also known as Shellfish • They have 3 main body zones • The gills are located in the Mantal Cavity • Have a Radula, also knows as the “Toothed Tongue”, made of Chitin Clam Conch Shell Chiton • Head-Foot (motor organs) • Visceral Mass (Digestion and reproduction organs) • Mantle (Tissue that protects the visceral mass) Squid Mussels Bivalve Octopus Snail Oyster

  5. Echinoderms & Mollusks: • Eucaryotic (a cell with a true nucleus, with a nuclear membrane surrounding it) • Have an absent cell wall because they’re animals, and only plant cells have cell walls • Heterotrophs (Rely on other food sources, and break chemical bonds in food molecules, returning carbon dioxide and water to the environment, and energy is released) • Live in deep sea trenches, sand, rocks, and coral reefs • Live in cold salt water Coral Reef


  7. They have an outer layer made of calcium carbonate (a chalky substance) and 5 or more arms radiating from the central body called a pentamerous. Sea Stars (otherwise known as Starfish) have sharp spines covering the body, and nerve cells that transport information throughout the body. They also have light sensors at the tip of each arm, and if any part of the sea star is cut off or falls of, it will grow back Sea stars expel large numbers of sperm and eggs into the ocean. The fertilization is external, and after fertilization there are tiny, transparent larvae (baby sea stars). They get swept along by ocean currents for roughly 2 months, then slowly develop, and eat phytoplankton Sea stars are carnivores, so they eat mussels, oysters, scallops, clams, coral, fish, and other types of animals. They push their stomachs out through their mouth on the underside of their body to digest the food. Sea stars live in the ocean on coral reefs, rocks, and sand. They live in both cold and warm salty water, in every ocean.


  9. The male octopus has a special arm called a hectocotylus used to transfer sperm into a females mantle cavity. The female lays the fertilized eggs in her den, and guards the eggs until they hatch, which could take from 30 days to a year, depending on the species. She may seal off the den with more rocks and will remain there until all the eggs have hatched. After the eggs have hatched, the female dies. Octopuses have a large, bulbous head and large eyes. They have 8 distinctive arms with suction cups, and can weigh up to 400 pounds. If an arm is cut off, it will grow back. Something cool about them, is that they cannot hear. Octopuses eat small crabs and scallops. They eat shrimp, fish, turtles, and sometimes other octopuses. They catch their prey with their arms and bite them, paralyzing the prey with a nerve poison. They hunt at night, and are carnivores. They live in the ocean in coral reefs, on the ocean floor, and in tropical and temperate waters. They usually live in dens made of rocks especially when waiting for eggs to hatch.

  10. Mollusks: • They are an excellent source of food, jewelry, and pets • Contribute to the food chain, they eat other mollusks etc, and humans eat them • Some early cultures used Mollusk shells as money • Bivalves are filter feeders (Clams, Mussels, Oysters, Scallops, etc.) • Scientists are studying Chiton’s teeth whichare toughened with iron biominerals , that make them harder than steel, which allows them to graze on algae located within rock • Many have commercial value as food and medical research • Many keep the water clean by recycling nutrients through their systems

  11. Echinoderms: Sea Urchin • Source of food for Humans and other animals • Urchins help control seaweed growth • Scavengers of decaying matter on the sea floor • There are echinoderm-derived molecules for therapeutic application in selected fields of cancer research • There has been control of bacterial growth as substances with new antibiotic properties • Some are keystone species (causing an unbalanced effect on their ecosystem's structure through their predation) Sea Cucumber Sea Star Sea Lily

  12. Mollusks & Echinoderms: • If pesticides were to be used on land, it could run down and into the water, harming or affecting them • Temperature changes in the water won't affect most of them because they can survive in cold and warm sea water • Droughts, causing water to dry up, or having the shore line way low can affect many of them because they could wash up on shore easier, and die on land from lack of water

  13. INTERESTING FACTS • Echinodermata – Latin name means “Spiny-Skinned” • Echinoderms are nocturnal • Holothurian is the real name for sea cucumbers • Shellfish aren’t actually fish and some of them don’t have shells. Some even live on land • “Mollusk” is derived from the Latin word Mollus, meaning “soft” • There are 2 000 different species of starfish • If a starfish is cut in half, it will turn into two starfishes • Starfish can weigh up to 11 pounds • Starfishes blood is filtered sea water

  14. BIBLIOGRAPHY Echinoderms (starfish, brittle star, sea urchin, feather star, sea cucumber). (n.d.). Starfish: Photos of fishes, invertebrates (molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, worms, corals, sponges, jellyfish and more), reptiles, rays and sharks. Start your dive into the coral reef!. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://www.starfish.ch/reef/echinoderms.html#Top Mollusk. (n.d.). Monroe County Women's Disability Network. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://www.mcwdn.org/Animals/Mollusks.html Mollusks Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com. (n.d.). ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/invertebrates/mollusk/Printouts.shtml Mollusks To Biotechnology. (n.d.). Mollusks To Biotechnology. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://www.xenophora.org/en/doc/doss_dents_chitons.php Starfish Eat. (n.d.). Home Page. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://teacherportfolio.indstate.edu/hermit_firstgrade/starfish_eat.htm vessels, g. i., & oxygenated, t. s. (n.d.). Phylum Mollusca. Infusion. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from http://infusion.allconet.org/webquest/Ph

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