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EfFFfectiiive Writing

EfFFfectiiive Writing. What Is Writing?. Preperation Subject Audience Organization How much Information. Ok, Now What?. Decide Writing Type Business Letters Instructional Evaluations / Regulations Research / Reports. Why on earth am I writing this sir??

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EfFFfectiiive Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EfFFfectiiive Writing

  2. What Is Writing? • Preperation • Subject • Audience • Organization • How much Information

  3. Ok, Now What? • Decide Writing Type • Business Letters • Instructional • Evaluations / Regulations • Research / Reports

  4. Why on earth am I writing this sir?? Who is reading this? Please don’t show it to my mother! What reactions do I want my readers to have? Clarify the Porpoise

  5. Survival of the Subject • FIND AND LIMIT YOUR SUBJECT! • What do you want? • ALWAYS, ALWAYS refer back to the original statment

  6. Periodic Elements of Writing WHY IS SOME MATERIAL NOT READABLE?

  7. Difficulties Caused by: • Lack of thought • Poor organization • Poorly developed Ideals • Poor sentence structure • Long or Unfamiliar words

  8. O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N • LIST out ideals • Don’t worry about order • Brainstorm • Check against subject, are they needed? • Hang on to ideal if not sure

  9. Ah, Ha! What do we have here? • OUTLINE • HUH? What's that • Yah right, I aint touching that • I don’t have the time for you anymore

  10. Why Worry Now? • Developing • WRITE FROM YOUR OUTLINE (DUH!) • Speak When you write • Use Short Words • Prefer short transition words • Keep Sentences 20 words average


  12. Paragraphs • Composition • Main Ideal 1. Support 2. Support 3. Support • Transition

  13. Paragraph • You might want to have…. • A development of the ideal • An explanation of analogy • An illustration (yeah pictures) • Support and evidence • Contextual links to reinforce the structure

  14. Editing

  15. Every Body’s a Critic… • Be a Critic • Proof Read • Proof Read • Proof Read 5. Layout • Informative title(s) • White space • Variety Read Aloud Have 2 other people look at it

  16. Spilling • Simple Errors • Does anywon know what this is about? • Their you go again 2. Homophones • Cell, sell • Knead, need, • Know, no • Marry, merry, Mary

  17. KISS me if you love me… • Keep It Simple Stupid!!! • Jargon…….. • Wordiness CONCLUSION: The End…………….

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