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General Information How to become a Network Member Executive Secretariat. Programme Report. UNESCO-CARISCIENCE Memorandum of Understanding IV Annual General Meeting Activities supported from UNESCO-BES/ROSLAC. C A R I. CIENCE.
General Information How to become a Network Member Executive Secretariat Programme Report UNESCO-CARISCIENCE Memorandum of Understanding IV Annual General Meeting Activities supported from UNESCO-BES/ROSLAC CARI CIENCE The Network of Postgraduate and R&D Programmes in Sciences in the Caribbean WHAT’S CARISCIENCE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP III ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NEWS
What’s CARISCIENCE g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n INTRODUCTION One of the main causes of the rapid, profound and generalized changes that Mankind has experienced in the last three decades is the closer and organic relationship between scientific development, technological improvements and their application in the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. In the world economy there is a globalisation of markets, characterized by an increasing competition which leads to a search for new technologies based on scientific knowledge. The incorporation of these technologies in the production system allows for costs reductions, improvement in quality, and raw materials and energy savings as well as the increase in productivity of the labour force. The importance of raw materials on production is being displaced by the increasing weight of knowledge (the 'dematerialization of the economy'), i.e. the products, processes and services become more ‘knowledge intensive’. In the structure of product costs the payment to unskilled labour becomes less and less important. The new international division of labour has erased the traditional static comparative advantages of developing countries. In the last decade the international economy has experienced structural changes derived from, inter alia, strong waves of technological innovation (with preeminence of incremental forms of technological change) and scientific developments, as well as organizational and institutional changes. The University of the 21st. century must fulfill an active role in the rapidly expanding generation and circulation of knowledge and information, and diminish the tendency for these to become increasingly appropriated by transnational corporations. The recognition of the leading role of the technologies and science skills has made it essential to create and perfect science postgraduate and R&D programmes in the Caribbean. In pursuance of the above, it has been decided to establish the Network of R&D and Postgraduate Programmes in Science in the Caribbean (CARISCIENCE) Science graduate and undergraduate programmes and science research centres in the English speaking Caribbean, set up in June 1999 (Kingston, Jamaica), under the sponsorhip of UNESCO, the Network of R&D and Postgraduate Programmes in Sciences in the Caribbean (CARISCIENCE). ...
What’s CARISCIENCE g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n OBJECTIVES General Objective To promote and channel co-operation, communication, and exchange among basic and applied science graduates, postgraduate and R&D programmes in the Caribbean, with the aim of promoting the strengthening and application of sciences to economical and social development in the Caribbean. The CARISCIENCE aims at the search for and criticism of knowledge and learning, and the promotion of academic excellence and R&D. Specific objectives i.To upgrade the academic excellence of graduate, postgraduate and R&D programmes and the quality of scientific research in the Caribbean ii.To strengthen theoretical and practical knowledge concerning basic and applied sciences in the Caribbean. iii.To contribute towards increasing the number of postgraduate and R&D programmes, and cooperation and integration among them. iv.To foster further participation from young researchers in sciences. v.To favour science postgraduate programmes to prepare, with high excelence academic training within the pre-established terms, professionals and workers of knowledge with analytical, creative and critical thought -and with the ability to communicate it- capable of acquitting themselves in an economical, social, cultural and informed interdependent society. vi.To contribute to the public understanding of science. vii.To foster linkages with the productive sector. ...
What’s CARISCIENCE g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n ACTIVITIES The basic criteria that guide CARISCIENCE activities are: a.Multinational cooperation: participation of two or more institutions from two or more countries. b.Sustainability: activities, projects and programmes that can ‘self-reproduce’ themselves, that continue independently in the future. c.Complementarity: complementing local and regional activities and projects. d.Support: for the training of women and young scientific researchers. To achieve the above mentioned objectives, CARISCIENCE carries out the following activities: a.Exchange of teachers-researchers b.Exchange of students (students, fellowships, in-service training, etc.) c.Transmission of teaching experience and research results d.Joint graduate and postgraduate training projects e. Organizing regional specialized courses f.Joint research projects g.Dissemination of publications and editing of joint publications h.Promotion of events and other activities related to the analysis and dissemination of knowledge. i.Support to the development of an evaluation and accreditation system of Sciences Postgraduate Programmes in the Caribbean j. Support to science education within basic education k. Support to the training of science teachers l.Formulation, evaluation and negotiation of technical cooperation and financial projects m. Data bases and Internet web pages (training programmes, research centres, academic units, researchers, publications, special equipment, etc.) ...
What’s CARISCIENCE g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n COORDINATION AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT CARISCIENCE aims at articulating and coordinating cooperative activities, based on the experiences of its members. CARISCIENCE is interactive, that is to say, the participating centres and programmes work as nodes that contribute to each other, supplying and receiving information and tasks through it. CARISCIENCE is coordinated by an Executive Secretariat, headed by an Executive Secretary and an Advisory Committee. The Executive Secretary is elected from among the Permanent Members of the CARISCIENCE. The Executive Secretary is elected for a two year term, extendable once for the same period of time.
What’s CARISCIENCE how to become a network member • Those who may become Full Members of CARISCIENCE are scientific research or science graduate or postgraduate programmes. • The following may be included as a new Associate Member of CARISCIENCE : • •Any centre or programme located outside the Caribbean engaged in postgraduate teaching or research in science. • •Researchers in science living in the Caribbean or abroad. • INFORMATION ON INTERNET • The CARISCIENCE World Wide Web Page provides general information on CARISCIENCE, the activities of the member programmes, publications and future events. It may be consulted at the following address: • www.cariscience.org
Wha’ts CARISCIENCE executive secretariat Dr. Harold Ramkissoon EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CARISCIENCE Dept. of Maths. & Computer Science The University of The West Indies St. Augustine Trinidad and Tobago Fax: (868) 6457132 Tel: 6358112 ramfly@trinidad.net www.cariscience.org
B y l a w s i n t r o d u c t i o n One of the main causes of the rapid, profound and generalized changes that Mankind has experienced in the last three decades is the closer and organic relationship between scientific development, technological improvements and their application in the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. In the world economy there is a globalisation of markets, characterized by an increasing competition which leads to a search for new technologies based on scientific knowledge. The incorporation of these technologies in the production system allows for costs reductions, improvement in quality, and raw materials and energy savings as well as the increase in productivity of the labour force. The importance of raw materials on production is being displaced by the increasing weight of knowledge (the 'dematerialization of the economy'), i.e. the products, processes and services become more ‘knowledge intensive’. In the structure of product costs the payment to unskilled labour becomes less and less important. The new international division of labour has erased the traditional static comparative advantages of developing countries. In the last decade the international economy has experienced structural changes derived from, inter alia, strong waves of technological innovation (with preeminence of incremental forms of technological change) and scientific developments, as well as organizational and institutional changes. The University of the 21st. century must fulfill an active role in the rapidly expanding generation and circulation of knowledge and information, and diminish the tendency for these to become increasingly appropriated by transnational corporations. The recognition of the leading role of the technologies and science skills has made it essential to create and perfect science postgraduate and R&D programmes in the Caribbean. In pursuance of the above, it has been decided to establish the Network of R&D and Postgraduate Programmes in Science in the Caribbean (CARISCIENCE) Science graduate and undergraduate programmes and science research centres in the English speaking Caribbean, set up in June 1999 (Kingston, Jamaica), under the sponsorhip of UNESCO, the Network of R&D and Postgraduate Programmes in Sciences in the Caribbean (CARISCIENCE). ...
B y l a w s 1 . o b j e c t i v e s • 1.1 General Objective • To promote and channel co-operation, communication, and exchange among basic and applied science graduates, postgraduate and R&D programmes in the Caribbean, with the aim of promoting the strengthening and application of sciences to economical and social development in the Caribbean. • The CARISCIENCE aims at the search for and criticism of knowledge and learning, and the promotion of academic excellence and R&D. • 1.2 Specific objectives • i. To upgrade the academic excellence of graduate, postgraduate and R&D programmes and the quality of scientific research in the Caribbean • ii. To strengthen theoretical and practical knowledge concerning basic and applied sciences in the Caribbean. • iii. To contribute towards increasing the number of postgraduate and R&D programmes, and cooperation and integration among them. • iv. To foster further participation from young researchers in sciences. • v. To favour science postgraduate programmes to prepare, with high excelence academic training within the pre-established terms, professionals and workers of knowledge with analytical, creative and critical thought -and with the ability to communicate it- capable of acquitting themselves in an economical, social, cultural and informed interdependent society. • vi. To contribute to the public understanding of science. • To foster linkages with the productive sector. ...
B y l a w s 2 . v i s i o n The 21st. Century requires a new vision of science by means of a culture of peace based on the universal values of respect for: life, freedom, justice, solidarity, tolerance, human rights and equity between women and men. The science graduate, postgraduate and R&D programmes form part of the higher education systems, which are a central component of social consciousness and collective intelligence, and must contribute to the cultural, ethnic, linguistic, social and economic integration in the Caribbean. The science graduate, postgraduate and R&D programmes and the CARISCIENCE must contribute to the sustained increase in productivity and competitiveness, to improve the quality of life of the population. The ideals and values of CARISCIENCE are: • A culture of peace based on the universal values of respect for: life, freedom, justice, solidarity, tolerance, human rights and equity between women and men. • The sustainable development of the countries and the welfare and quality of life of the whole population • A social justice that favours an equitable distribution of goods, social opportunities and the access to information and culture • The environmental conservation • The knowledge, esteem and strengthening of national cultures • The consciousness and permanent practice of democracy, interdependence, solidarity and co-operation as central axis of all social activity and organization • The transmission of the highest ethical values • The scientific, creative, participative, independent, lay and plural nature of research and higher education • The search for academic excellence and quality. ...
B y l a w s 3 . m e m b e r s • Full Members • Full Members are: • A Research Centre in sciences from the Caribbean, or • An academic unit or Faculty in the Caribbean that represents one or several Science Graduate or Postgraduate Programmes. • It is understood that Sciences Postgraduate Programmes are those that have been recognized by the educational authorities of their countries • It is understood by Research Centres in Sciences those whose main direction is specifically referred to basic and applied sciences. • Centres and programmes shall submit their application for CARISCIENCE membership in writing to the Executive Secretariat, through the pertinent institutional authority, engaging to support and promote CARISCIENCE's principles and activities. • Associate Members • The following may be included as a new Associate Member of CARISCIENCE : • Any centre or programme located outside the Caribbean engaged in postgraduate teaching or research in science. • Researchers (active) in sciences living in the Caribbean or abroad • Honorary Members • Honorary Members are programmes or professionals that have distinguished themselves in science or institutions that support scientific development in the Caribbean. ...
B y l a w s 4 . a c t i v i t i e s • The basic criteria that guide CARISCIENCE activities are: • Multinational cooperation: participation of two or more institutions from two or more countries. • Sustainability: activities, projects and programmes that can ‘self-reproduce’ themselves, that continue independently in the future. • Complementarity: complementing local and regional activities and projects. • Support: for the training of women and young scientific researchers. • To achieve the above mentioned objectives, CARISCIENCE carries out the following activities: • Exchange of teachers-researchers • Exchange of students (students, fellowships, in-service training, etc.) • Transmission of teaching experience and research results • Joint graduate and postgraduate training projects • Organizing regional specialized courses • Joint research projects • Dissemination of publications and editing of joint publications • Promotion of events and other activities related to the analysis and dissemination of knowledge. • Support to the development of an evaluation and accreditation system of Sciences Postgraduate Programmes in the Caribbean • Support to science education within basic education • Support to the training of science teachers • Formulation, evaluation and negotiation of technical cooperation and financial projects • Data bases and Internet web pages (training programmes, research centres, academic units, researchers, publications, special equipment, etc.) ...
B y l a w s 5. coordination & executive secretariat CARISCIENCE aims at articulating and coordinating cooperative activities, based on the experiences of its members. CARISCIENCE is interactive, that is to say, the participating centres and programmes work as nodes that contribute to each other, supplying and receiving information and tasks through it. CARISCIENCE shall be coordinated by an Executive Secretariat, headed by an Executive Secretary and an Advisory Committee. The Executive Secretary shall be elected from among the Permanent Members of the CARISCIENCE. The Executive Secretary shall be elected for a two year term, extendable once for the same period of time. The functions of the Executive Secretary are the following: a. To represent CARISCIENCE before public and private, national and international institutions; b. To coordinate and promote CARISCIENCE activities, in order to achieve its objectives; c. To propose to the General Assembly new members of CARISCIENCE ("Report on new CARISCIENCE member candidates and of memberships to be cancelled by inactivity"); d. To submit a Biennial Report to the General Assembly; e. To carry out an evaluation of the biennial activities; f. To admit, ad-referendum by the General Assembly, new CARISCIENCE members; g. To transmit archives and relevant documentation to his/her successor. In the event of absence of the CARISCIENCE Executive Secretary, the post shall be filled ad interim by the director of the national programme co-organizing the next General Assembly until it is held. The Specialist of the Basic Sciences Programme of UNESCO's Science Sector for Latin America and the Caribbean shall collaborate with the Executive Secretariat of CARISCIENCE providing technical advice. ...
B y l a w s 6. general assembly of CARISCIENCE The General Assembly of CARISCIENCE constituted by its Full Members, shall meet at least once every two years. The venue for these meetings shall rotate. The Executive Secretary shall convene the General Assembly in coordination with the co-organizing national programme. This programme shall ensure that the greatest possible number of host country centres and programmes shall participate in the organization of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall: a. Assess activities carried out by CARISCIENCE during the preceding period; b. Define the Co-operation Programme for the next period; c. Evaluate and, if appropriate, accept requests for the incorporation of new members; cancel membership of inactive members; d. Elect the Executive Secretary; e. Decide on the venue of the next General Assembly; f. Determine the annual membership fee CARISCIENCE decisions shall be adopted, whenever possible, by consensus; alternatively they shall be adopted by majority of the Full Members. The bylaws may be changed with the approval of two-thirds of the Full Members present, and proposals for changes should be included, with due anticipation, in the call for the General Assembly and on the Agenda. CARISCIENCE shall finance its activities through: • Annual membership of Full Members of the Network. • Contributions from national, regional and international organizations and other public and private bodies. 7. financing of CARISCIENCE programmes
M e m b e r s h i p BARBADOS Prof. Henry Fraser Chronic Disease Research Center University of the West Indies “Avalon” Jemmotts Lane - Bridgetown Fax: 246-426-8406 Prof. L. Moseley Department of Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics Cave Hill Campus University of the West Indies - Bridgetown Fax: 246-417-4597 lmoseley@uwichill.edu.bb Dr. L. Nurse Coastal Zone Management Unit Bay Street St. Michael Fax: 246-228-5956 lnurse@coastal.gov.bb Prof. W. Tinto Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus P.O. Box 64 - Bridgetown Fax: 246-417-4597 wtinto@uwichill.edu.bb GUYANA Mr. J. Caesar Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Guyana Turkeyen Campus P.O.Box101110 - Georgetown Fax: 592-22-3596 Dr. C. Garrett Faculty of Technology University of Guyana Turkeyen Campus P.O.Box 101110 - Georgetown Fax: 592-22-3596 Mr. Dickson Hoper Faculty of Health Sciences University of Guyana Turkeyen Campus P.O.Box101110 - Georgetown Fax: 592-22-3596 JAMAICA Prof. Tara Dasgupta Department of Chemistry University of the West Indies Mona - Kingston 7 Fax: 876-977-1835 tara@uwimona.edu.jm ...
M e m b e r s h i p JAMAICA Prof. H. Reid Department of Basic Medical Sciences The Universizty of the West Indies Mona - Kinston 7 Mr. G. Roper Office of Graduate Studies and Research University of Technology 237 Old Hope Road Kingston 6 Fax: 876-977-0568 ogsr@utech.edu.jm SURINAME Dr. G. P. Oehlers Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Suriname Kernrampweg 3-5 P.O. Box 537 - Paramaibo Fax: 597-441071 or 441007 fmew@sr.net Prof. Cornel Wijngaarde Dean Faculty of Technology University of Suriname Kernrampweg 3-5 P.O. Box 537 Paramaribo Fax: 597-495005 c.wijngaarde@cq-link.sr TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Dr. G. Sirju-Charran Department of Life Sciences University of the West Indies St. Augustine - Trinidad Fax: 868-645-7132 g_sirju99@hotmail.com Dr. A. Maxwell Department of Chemistry University of the West Indies St. Augustine - Trinidad Fax: 868-663-9685 hod@chem.uwi.tt Prof. H. Ramkissoon Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of the West Indies St. Augustine - Trinidad Fax: 868-645-7132 ramfly@trinidad.net Prof. R. Saunders Department of Physics University of the West Indies St. Augustine- Trinidad :rsaunders99@yahoo.com
III CARISCIENCE Annual General Meeting (Jamaica, October 5–6,2002) DRAFT PROGRAMME UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA/ UNIVERISTY OF THE WEST INDIES, MONA Invites you to CARISCIENCE 3rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING On October 5-6, 2002 At Technology Innovation Centre, University of Technology, Jamaica 237 Old Hope Road Kingston Saturday October 5, 2002 9am Welcome Ceremony Welcome Address……………………. Dr. Rae Davis, President ……………………. Prof. Ramkissoon Exec. Sec. Cariscience Remarks …………………………….. UNESCO Representative Keynote Speaker…………………….. Prof. Laylor 10:30-11am C O F F E E B R E A K 11am Presentation……………………….. Dr. Jean Dixon Promoting Science-Industry Partnership in the Caribbean Perm. Sec. MIC&T Presentation …………………………….. Dr. Victor Watt- UTECH Presentation ……………………………. Prof. I. Khawa – UWI Presentation ….Speakers from Industry... (Chair to be named) 1-2pm L U N C H 2-3:30pm Symposium……………….…. (Chair to be named) Promoting Excellence in Basic Sciences in the Caribbean Presentation……………………………… Prof. Roni Young Presentation……………………………… SRC Representative 2 Additional Presentations………………. 3:30-4pm C O F F E E B R E A K 4-5pm Plenary Session 1 7:30pm Cocktail Sunday October 6, 2002 9-10am Plenary Session II and Exhibition (to be mounted by SRC/Business Meeting Cariscience Board) 10am C O F F E E B R E A K 10:30 – 12noon Annual General Meeting 12-1pm L U N C H 2-5pm Excursions to Port Royal 7:30 CARISCIENCE DINNER
III CARISCIENCE Annual General Meeting (Jamaica, October 5–6,2002) • A REPORT • The 3rd Annual General Meeting of CARISCIENCE was hosted by the University of Technology in Jamaica during the period October 5-6, 2002. Delegates from Barbados, Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago attended. On October the 5th, two Symposia were mounted – one on “Basic Sciences in the Caribbean” and the other on “Industry Partnership with Universities.” The Business Meeting took place on October 6th and among the decisions and announcements made were the following: • 1. During the period November 1, 2002 – May 31, 2003 funds will be made available for: • (a) 7 academic visits for Senior Academics within the Caribbean • (b) 2 R&D Projects • (c) 3 Workshops • 2. A project to review the curricula in Basic Sciences and Engineering Sciences is to be undertaken. • 3. Prof. H. Ramkissoon will be visiting UNESCO’s Head Office in Paris at the invitation of the Director, Basic and Engineering Sciences to discuss possible funding for projects. • 4. The above mentioned Director and the Director of the International Foundation for Sciences based at Stockholm, Sweden, will be visiting the Caribbean in 2003. • 5. Effective from the next AGM, recognition will be given to outstanding Caribbean scientists. • 6. CARISCIENCE is to work closely with the Caribbean Academy of Sciences on “Science Education” at the primary and secondary level. • 7. CARISCIENCE should take the initiative in organizing a regional conference on “Gender Issues in S&T:”(possibly in Guyana as agreed previously). • 8. The next AGM will take place at the St. Augustine Campus. • Prof. Harold Ramkissoon • (Executive Secretary)
UNESCO-CARISCIENCE m e m o r a n d u m o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g Memorandum on co-operation in basic and engineering sciences between CARISCIENCE and the Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences of UNESCO’s Sector of Natural Sciences Whereas CARISCIENCE is a Network of R&D and Postgraduate Programmes in the Basic Sciences in the Caribbean promoting regional and international co-operation with participation of scientists from Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Surinam and Trinidad and Tobago, and of any established Research Centre or Unit in these countries; Whereas CARISCIENCE activity aims at promoting excellence in basic science in the Caribbean, harnessing science for Caribbean development and fostering co-operation between science and industry in the framework of national policies through cooperation, communications and exchange among science graduate, postgraduate and R&D programmes; Whereas CARISCIENCE was launched at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies in Jamaica in 1999 in co-operation with UNESCO Field Office in Montevideo and since then demonstrated its efficiency through implementation of a series of important projects in line with strategic priorities of UNESCO, such as the Forum on Research and Development in the Caribbean in the 21st Century (Guyana, 2000), the Workshop on Key Issues Facing Women in Science and Technology in the Caribbean (Trinidad, 2001), Astronomical Observing and Image Processing Techniques for Young Scientists (Trinidad, 2001); Whereas programme strategy of CARISCIENCE highlights projects on training, research, fellowships, workshops, short-term training courses, conferences and forums, academic missions and attendance of scientific meetings; Whereas CARISCIENCE seeks partnerships with regional scientific organizations and, in particular, with the Caribbean Scientific Union (established in 2000) incorporating academies of sciences in Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Caribbean Academy of Sciences. ...
UNESCO-CARISCIENCE m e m o r a n d u m o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g Whereas the Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences (SC/BES) is entrusted within UNESCO to promote international partnership in science in the framework of Programme on Science and technology capacity building, namely through actions encompassing mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological sciences and biotechnologies, as well as engineering sciences and technological research; Whereas capacity building through the promotion of international co-operation in basic scientific disciplines and cross-disciplinary areas constitutes one of the major focuses of the Division’s programme that makes particular emphasis on partnerships, in high-level training in research and university teaching, with non-governmental organizations, centres of excellence and regional and international scientific networks; Whereas the World Conference on Science (WCS): Science for the Twenty First Century: A New Commitment (Budapest, 26 June - 1 July 1999) organized by UNESCO and ICSU, in co-operation with TWAS and other partners, was a unique event that triggered world-wide long-term follow-up action to promote a reciprocal commitment between science and society as the world entered the 21st century; Whereas CARISCIENCE and SC/BES emphasize the pressing need to follow-up the recommendations in the Science Agenda - Framework for Action (Science Agenda) adopted by the WCS, in particular those relating to fundamental research (para 9), sharing of scientific information and knowledge (para 17), basic human needs (para 23-26), and science education (para 41-49); Therefore, CARISCIENCE and SC/BES hereby state and/or agree the following: 1 The experience gained by both bodies paved the way for the establishment of a regular mechanism of co-operation that would produce a beneficial synergetic effect on returns of their programmes. It is noted that within such a mechanism each partner will retain full responsibility for its action. ...
UNESCO-CARISCIENCE m e m o r a n d u m o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g 2 The partners will co-operate in: · the regular exchange of information on their activity and plans in the framework of their programmes (if requested, each body will contribute to those documents of the other needed for their members, governing bodies and partners); · promotion of science education within the basic education through training of science teachers, workshops on wise practices in methodology of science teaching and up-grading of curricula, in the region, in the basic and engineering sciences; · enhancement national capacities in basic and engineering sciences through international and regional co-operation in training and research, in particular through development of national centres of excellence and professorships programme; · advanced research training of young scientists, both men and women, in the regional and international centres of excellence through exchange of students, fellowships, and in service training; · sharing of scientific information and knowledge through organization of symposia, workshops and the use of new information and communication technologies; · evaluation of regional projects and programmes; · co-sponsoring activities contributing to the implementation of the programme of both partners; · launching and implementation of projects that follow-up the recommendations of the WCS. ...
UNESCO-CARISCIENCE m e m o r a n d u m o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g 3 Annual working plans of co-operation will be drafted and finalised through consultation between the partners by correspondence or at ad-hoc meetings on the occasion of appropriate international or regional events that involve both partners. In the course of consultation and during the implementation of planned activities, CARISCIENCE and SC/BES will closely co-operate with UNESCO Field Office in Montevideo and other field offices. 4 This Memorandum comes into force once signed and will be renewed or expire by the end of 2007. If need be, the Memorandum can be amended or complemented by addenda addressing selected issues of co-operation between CARISCIENCE, SC/BES and Field Offices. This can be done through an exchange of letters between the Executive Secretary of CARISCIENCE, the Director of SC/BES and Director of a Field Office concerned. Mr Macej Nalecz Prof. Harold Ramkisson Director Executive Secretary Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences CARISCIENCE Sector for Natural Sciences, (UNESCO) Paris, 25 January 2003
IV CARISCIENCE Annual General Meeting (IV AGM) The next AGM is scheduled to take place in Suriname, October 2003 For further information please contact: Dr. Harold Ramkissoon EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CARISCIENCE Dept. of Maths. & Computer Science The University of The West Indies St. Augustine Trinidad and Tobago Fax: (868) 6457132 Tel: 6358112 ramfly@trinidad.net www.cariscience.org FORESEEN DATE AND VENUE
Activities Supported by UNESCO/BES/ROSLAC n o v e m b e r 2 0 0 2 – a p r i l 2 0 0 3 • A. ACADEMIC VISITS • (a) Prof. B. Mootoo (U.W.I., Trinidad) • To visit Barbados and Jamaica to deliver lectures in Chemistry - (February, 2003) • (b) Prof. A. Ogunrinade (University of Technology, Jamaica) • To visit Barbados and Trinidad to deliver lectures in the Basic Medical Sciences (January, 2003) • Prof. G. Lalor (U.W.I., Jamaica) • To visit Suriname and Guyana to deliver lectures in Chemistry (March, 2003) • (d) Prof. C. Posthoff (U.W.I., Trinidad) • To visit Barbados and Jamaica to deliver lectures in Informatics (February 2003) • (e) Dr. L. Inniss (Costal Zone Unit, Barbados) • To visit Jamaica and deliver lecture on “Sea Rise in Barbados” (February, 2003) • Prof. V. Verma (University of Guyana) • To visit Trinidad and Barbados and deliver lectures in Chemistry (March,2003) • B. WORKSHOPS • 1. “Modern NMR Spectroscopy” (U.W.I., Barbados) (March, 2003) • 2. “Proposal Writing for Research Funding” (University of Technology, Jamaica) (November, 2002) • 3. Course Lecture (U.W.I., Trinidad) “Computational Fluid Mechanics” (March, 2003) • C. R & D PROJECTS • 1. Dr. P. Umaharan (U.W.I., Trinidad) “Molecular Characterization of Gemini Viruses”(November, 2002) • 2. Dr. S.A.C Mc Dowell (U.W.I., Barbados) Research in “Non-additive Interactions in Trimmers” (December, 2002) • One more project to be finalized