Thefollowingslide shows someimages of collegelifethat a college has chosen to use in itsbrochure. Talk to eachotherabout what impression of collegelifeeachpicturegives. Then decide whichaspect of collegelifeismostimportantfor new students to knowabout. Part 3
What impression of college life does each picture give?Which aspect of college life is most important for students to know about?
Part 4 • Which is more important for youngpeoplenowadays, going to college or getting a job? • Somepeoplesaythatstudentshaveaneasylife. What do youthink? • How long do youthink a course at college or universityshouldlast? • Do youthinkit’s important to studyacademicsubjects or shouldstudents only learnvocationalskills? • Whoshouldpay for studentsdoinguniversitycourses? • Shouldeveryonehavethechance to go to universitywhatevertheirage?
Thefollowingslide shows jobsthatpeopleneedspecialskills to do. First, talk to eachotheraboutthespecialskillsthatpeopleneed to do thesejobs. Then decide whichjob you thinkshouldbethemostwell-paid. Part 3
What special skills do people need to do these different jobs?Which job should be the most well-paid?
Part 4 • Why do youthinksomejobsbecomefashionable? • What is the best way for people to choose a career? • Which is more important, to earn a goodsalary or enjoytheworkthatyou do? • What do youthinkmakesan ideal place to work? • Which is moreuseful for a youngperson, going to university or gettingpracticalworkexperience? • Do peopledoingsomejobsearnhigher salaries thantheyshould?
Thefollowingslide shows thingsthatpeoplespend time and moneyonnowadays. First, talk to eachotherabouthowthesethingshavebecome so important to people of allages. Then decide which one you thinkisreallyworthspending time and moneyon. Part 3
How have these things become so important to people of all ages?Which one is really worth spending time and money on?
Part 4 • Do youthinkthemedia has toomuchinfluence on ourlivesnowadays? • How has familylifechangedsinceourgrandparents’ day? • Somepeoplesaythatbeingfamous has moredisadvantagesthanadvantages, what do youthink? • Why do somepeoplefinditdifficult to get a goodbalancebetweenthe time theyspend at work and the time theyspend at home? • What do youthink of thewaymanypeoplehavecosmeticsurgery to try to lookyounger? • Is it possible to be happywithoutspendingmoney?
Thefollowingslide shows somepracticalmeasuresthathavebeentaken to try to solvesome of theproblems of living in a city. First, talk to eachotherabouttheadvantages and disadvantages of these different ideas in solvingsome of theproblems of citylife. Then decide which one you wouldsolvethegreatestnumber of problems in a city. Part 3
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different ideas?Which one would solve the greatest number of problems in a city?
Part 4 • How couldyoudecidewhoshould and whoshouldnot be allowedaccess to city centres? • Shouldpeople be allowed to ownmorethanone car? Why? Whynot’ • How important do youthinkit is to preservehistoriccities? • How do youimaginethecities of thefuturewill be? • What do youthinkmakesan ideal city to live in? • Whatreasons do peopleoftengive for movingfromthecity to the country?
Source: CAE PracticeTests Plus. Pearson. SecondImpression 2008