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Studies In Psalms. Presentation 04. Sleeping In Peace Chapter 4v1-8. Presentation 04. Introduction.
Studies In Psalms Presentation 04
Sleeping In Peace Chapter 4v1-8 Presentation 04
Introduction How well do you sleep at night? Do you find it difficult because you are plagued by anxious thoughts about your work, your health, your family, or your future? If anyone had good cause to sleep badly it was David. At the time of writing this Psalm he was a fugitive. King Saul was determined to take his life and as a result his distress was very real cf. v1… What transformed this distress and enabled David to sleep like a baby? It was not a prescription he picked up at the chemist shop! The source of his refreshing sleep is found elsewhere and to that we will turn our attention. Presentation 04
Prayer Of A Distressed Saint The opening verses of the Psalm paint a description of a child of God with his back to the wall. The Hebrew text pictures a man who is being suffocated by the fumes of distress. In that condition David turns to God in prayer! Surly that is an obvious response? But we don't always do that! We unburden ourselves to friends, who are often ill- equipped to deal with our deepest problems. We try and escape into our work and fill our minds with other things but the problem remains. We can seek all sorts of distractions but at best they merely mask our anxiety. In our great anguish of heart, we are often reluctant to follow the psalmists example and run to God in prayer. Presentation 04
Prayer Of A Distressed Saint Prayer has been described as, “the helpless souls look towards a gracious friend.” Many lose sight of that friendship and try to gain God's attention in other ways. Some argue, “Lord look at the number of years I've served you.” The psalmist’s words were, “be merciful to me and hear my prayer”v1. The ground of his expectation lay exclusively in God’s mercy and not in his merit. And because God is merciful he cannot remain indifferent towards his people’s distress. Through the centuries the liturgy of some churches has included the words, 'Lord have Mercy‘, but they are often spoken in a note of despair rather than of expectation and so create an impression that we are praying for something we do not expect to receive. David had confidence in a God who is rich in mercy, do we? Presentation 04
Concern For Oppressors & God's Opponents The Psalmist’s focus then moves from his problems to those who had created them. He is concerned about the spiritual welfare of those who had made his life agony! There is remarkable biblical principle unfolded here; the man who seeks God mercy in his own life should be merciful towards those who have harmed him. Remember Stephen’s prayer, "Lord do not hold this sin against them". If no such mercy exists towards those who harm us, then we have grounds for asking, if we have truly tasted God’s mercy. Jesus parable of the unforgiving servant [Matt 18v32 ff.] underlines this truth. Mercy towards those who have harmed us is a very real mark of grace. Presentation 04
Concern For Oppressors & God's Opponents Do we nurse our grievances, refuse to let go of the hurt done us by others and justify our simmering indignation by saying, ‘If you had been treated as badly as I have then you would…’ ? Think how David was treated. Despite being the Lord's anointed king he had to live as an outlaw, cut off from his family and hunted down like a dog. He was criticised for failing to take the life of Saul, his enemy! His stand for righteousness was viewed as political suicide. David’s detractors ‘turned his glory into shame’. David knew physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual isolation! But he let go of the hurt - the shaking fist became the welcoming hand of mercy as he sought the spiritual welfare of those responsible for his plight. Presentation 04
Concern For Oppressors & God's Opponents Have you experienced the squeeze of rejection in the workplace or, in your family, simply because you want to do things God’s way. Do you want to know how to let go of that hurt and seek the spiritual good of those who have caused it? The Psalmist’s answer is found in v3. ‘The Lord has set apart the godly for himself’. Like David we need to learn to savour what it means to be precious to God, to be the apple of his eye, the delight of his heart. You see our rejection by man is far outweighed by the loving acceptance of God. This knowledge stimulated David’s prayer for those who knew nothing of God’s smile Presentation 04
Concern For Oppressors & God's Opponents David’s prayerful concern extended to those who, like Saul, had made him the object of their irrational anger cfv4... Despite being a loyal and faithful subject, David had been exposed to fierce hatred. David wants those who have behaved in this way to search their hearts before they fall asleep in the silence of the night. When a man is left alone with his thoughts his conscience has opportunity to reflect upon his behaviour. Today, many people are wired into a constant sound source giving themselves little opportunity to reflect upon the issues of life and little room for their consciences to work effectively. Presentation 04
Concern For Oppressors & God's Opponents David wants his opponents to offer ‘right sacrifices and to trust in the Lord’ v5. They had divorced religion from morality. Such people think, “If my contribution to the work of God, is big enough then I can persuade God to turn a blind eye to my behaviour”. How does God reply? “Your sacrifices do not please me” Jer.6.20. David wanted such men to trust, rather than try to make use of God. It is easy to condemn evil in those who have hurt us, but to use our knowledge of it to heighten our concern for their spiritual welfare is another matter. Something remarkable happens when we pray for our opponents in this way; not only does our bitterness of spirit begin to subside but our hearts are enlarged to receive God’s blessing. Presentation 04
The Richness Of God's Provision David's problems were not only produced by his opponents but also by his own followers. Their complaint is voiced in, “Who can show us any good?”v6These men had sided with David, God’s anointed king, but they still lived in caves and were hunted down as outlaws. They wanted tokens of God’s goodness; better living quarters, better provisions, greater community respect etc. Now material benefits can sometimes be tokens of God's blessing but these are not the tokens David asks for. Look at 6b, “let the light of your face shine on us O Lord”.There is no greater blessing than the knowledge of God’s presence with us! It equips us to stand before apparently insurmountable odds and to cope with material deprivation. Presentation 04
The Richness Of God's Provision When the Roman Emperor Valens threatened the aging Eusabius with the confiscation of his goods, torture and banishment and death he replied, he need not fear confiscation, he had nothing to loose, nor banishment for whom heaven was his only country, nor torments when his body would be dashed with one blow, nor death which only set him at liberty from sin and sorrow. Eusabiusknew what it was to have ‘the light of God’s face shine upon him’. Presentation 04
The Richness Of God's Provision No sooner had the Psalmist prayed for such blessing than God answered him. David's response is found in v7 “you have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.” He's saying, “the overwhelming joy of this personal, intimate fellowship with God, transcends all human joy, even that which is generated at those gatherings which are noted for the provision of freely flowing wine..” This foreshadows the words of Jesus to his disciples; “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” Jn. 15v11. Do we know that fullness of joy? Presentation 04
The Richness Of God's Provision The world seeks the joy of escapism which is shallow and effervescent. Concerning his gifts Jesus said, ‘not as the world gives give I unto you’ Jn.1427. His joy is not overwhelmed by sore circumstances but buoyed up in them. This joy equipped Paul and Silas to sing in prison. David began his prayer in great distress of soul, crushed and suffocated by surrounding circumstances. But now David is intoxicated - not with a frothy emotionalism artificially whipped up - with the joy produced by the Holy Spirit. And significantly, his circumstances have not changed! But he is overwhelmed by his experience of the gracious, loving acceptance of God. Presentation 04
The Richness Of God's Provision Are we kept awake at night thinking about what people have said about or done to us? Do anxieties, fears or, responsibilities play themselves over and over in our minds? What a word of instruction we have here from God's fugitive, a man troubled by his enemies, frustrated by the ungodly and disturbed by unbelief within his own ranks. David has learned how to put his head on his pillow and sleep like a baby. ‘I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone O Lord make me to dwell in safety’ v8 . Presentation 04
Conclusion What made it possible? He came to God in prayer and saw how precious he was to God. He let go of the past and prayed for those who made his life miserable. He saw that the only circumstance worth wholeheartedly pursuing was God’s smile. He understood that the world’s joy fluctuated with the changing circumstances. But the joy of the man of faith is impervious to change. Why? Because it flows from the throne of an unchangeable God who has committed himself to the well-being of his people. And so David’s trust for his safety and future well-being was placed in God and not in the sentries who were posted around his camp. Having unburdened himself to this great God, to whom the issues of life belong, he was now ready for sleep. Presentation 04
Conclusion Do you pace the floor at night or toss and turn in bed gripped by nagging anxieties and unsettling fears. Do you replay the hurts others have caused you in the videotape of your mind? Then follow David’s example and press the stop button by coming to God in prayer. Allow God to persuade you of your value to him, let go of the past by beginning to pray for those who have hurt you. Pursue the smile of God in your life and be amazed by the joy that God delights to pour into the lives of those who seek his face. Presentation 04
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