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Worldview Beliefs about the world. Ethic ● Moral principles ● Rules of conduct. Christian doctrine Teachings from the Bible (Doctrine → Ethics). Geisler Christian Ethics.
Christian doctrineTeachings from the Bible(Doctrine → Ethics)
Assumptions about the Bible● God’s revelation● Perfect (Carl F.H. Henry)● Topic addressed by God● Statements and principles
Beginning of life issues● Reproductive medicine● Cloning● Genetic engineering
End of life issues● Abortion● Infanticide● Euthanasia● Quality of life
Secular view of life● Only biological causes● Courts, legislatures● Value by consensus● Technology
Christian view of life● God created all life● Each a unique creation● God’s image● Christ died for them● Scripture is guide
Christian view of Environment● God said “very good”● Commanded to care● People over planet (“specism”)
Christian view of Gender, Sexuality● God created● God’s Word: right, wrong (“sin”)● God’s plan: one man, one woman