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A. Santoro DFNAE/UERJ/RIO. Rio-16-20 February 2004. Dimensions on Digital Divide. Outline:. I - Introduction. II - Measuring Digital Divide. III - Conclusion – What Can We do?. LISHEP2004. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop. Rio de Janeiro - 16-20 2004.
A. Santoro DFNAE/UERJ/RIO Rio-16-20 February 2004 Dimensions on Digital Divide Outline: I - Introduction II - Measuring Digital Divide III - Conclusion – What Can We do? LISHEP2004 Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop Rio de Janeiro - 16-20 2004 Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
I - Introduction • This meeting was approved by ICFA to exhaustively discuss Digital Divide. • Digital Divide is a vast and complex subject involving several aspects. • To really understand all aspects of Digital Divide we have to understand the Economy, Social Organizations, Economic and social relationship among countries; • If GRID is a solution for Computing in High Energy Physics, Digital Divide is a major drawback to the progress of our Science. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
To face the problems with Digital Divide ICFA take some initiatives http://icfa-scic.web.cern.ch/ICFA-SCIC/ SCIC-Chair: Harvey Newman This committee produced a complete report about Digital Divide. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
ICT – Information and Communication Technologies Digital Divide reflect our social organization • Digital Divide cannot be completely eliminated without taking care of other important “divides” : Social Exclusions. • Digital Divide refers just to the access to the ICTs, but its relation with the whole society is clear. Comics from Professor F. Caruso Primary and Secondary School whorkshop - Radio - TV - DVD, CDs, - PCs - Networks ………………… Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
COMPUTING AND HEP: A LONG HISTORY • Our mission as High Energy Physicists impose to look for solution of one of our main problem : Computing & Networks. • Why are we so interested in this subject? • We now face a new challenge, In view of the new experiments In view of the Curiosity for Discoveries, In view of the Higgs, Understand the origin of masses, In view of the understanding of the Fundamental Laws of the nature, (G,, W, Z, g) In view of the Progress of Science! • What are the parametersof this New Scenario? Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Four Experiments Petabyte to Exabyte LHC Higgs and New Particles; Quark-Gluon Plasma; CP Violation; Diffractive Production ATLAS, ~2000 Scientists ~150 Institutions CMS, ~2000 Scientists ~159 Institutions ~563 Physicists ~50 Institutes LHCB ~1000 Scientists ~100 Institutions • ~5 Petabytes/Year/Experiment (1 PB = 1015 Bytes) • (~2010) Exabyte (1 EB = 1018 Bytes) Total for the LHC Experiments LHC Bandwidth Requirements in Mbps will be very important Networks! Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Not only in HEP, LIGO: Detecting Einstein’s Gravitational Waves Astronomy: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey 10s of Terabytes 100s of Terabytes The MammoGrid Project 10s Petabyte/year only in USA Oncology, Medical Grid,… What we have in common with these projects? Intensive Data Science Intensive Data Production Intensive Data Processing Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
1 2 3 . . . 45 Balloon (30 Km) CD stack with 1 year LHC data! (~ 20 Km) ONE YEAR LHC DATA Concorde (15 Km) (~ 20 Petabyte) Mt. Blanc (4.8 Km) How much data intensive they are? 1 Petabyte Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
The only solution to face the challenges of this scenario is GRID GRID MEANS: Technologies are available to Go ahead on these two parts • Share CPU Power • Share Data Storage • High Bandwidth, Speed Networks • NO DIGITAL DIVIDE = NO BOTTLENECK Unfortunately Networks are now the big bottleneck in our projects of HEPGRID mainly in Rio de Janeiro (last mile connection). Prices are too high! Digital Divide dominates the Distribution of bandwidths. Bandwidths are not distributed following the scientific needs. Too much politics around. We can see an example here, Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
LHC Data Grid Hierarchy Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Experiment CERN/Outside Resource Ratio ~1:2Tier0/( Tier1)/( Tier2) ~1:1:1 ~PByte/sec ~100-1500 MBytes/sec Online System CERN Center PBs of Disk; Tape Robot Tier 0 +1 Tier 1 10 Gbps FNAL Center IN2P3 Center INFN Center RAL Center 10 Gbps S.Paulo T3T2 Tier 2 Tier T2T1 Brasil/UERJ 10 Gbps Tier 3 Institute Institute Institute Institute Physics data cache 1 to 10 Gbps Tens of Petabytes by 2007-8.An Exabyte ~5-7 Years later. Tier 4 Workstations Emerging Vision: A Richly Structured, Global Dynamic System Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Brazilian HEPGRID Proposal USA ……………… CERN T2 10 GB/s Gigabit UERJ UNESP/USP CBPF T3 UFRGS UFBA UFRJ T4 Individual Machines 1 TIPS = 25.000 SpecInt9 1 PC(2 GHz) ~ 100 SpecInt95 2000 PCs = 8 TIPS Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Digital Inclusion 0,00 0,00 Computer Internet Until 2001, only 12,46% of Brazilians had Access to a PC and 8,31% to Internet Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Access to a PC, Internet Per Year of Study Having :PC - Internet - Total 0 YEARS 1 TO 4 YEARS 4 TO 8 YEARS 8 TO 12 YEARS MORE THAN 12 YEARS Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Not only HEP need of High Performance Computing ! Let us show a bit more about others. Medical GRID Medical Services is being organized on GRID Architecture, like, Oncology, Mammography Only USA hospitals accumulated 28 Petabytes of data. GEMSS - Grid-Enabled Medical Simulation System –Project of the European Commission. At UERJ the Oncology and Telemedicine Group would like to participate of these Technologies. Present Bandwidth do not allow this. Fibers exists!! Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
All these projects cannot work without Digital Inclusion. New developments appears when we establish a new technology. • UERJ must catch up! • Institute of Mathematics and Statistics • Geology and earth studies, • Development of Software, • Medicine/Oncology Group, • The HEP T2 T1 : 160 CPUs, Xeon 2.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM, ~7 Terabyte : • (Projects in collaboration : GriPhyN , ivGDL, CMS, DZERO, …) But…we have just a connection of ~20 Mbps for whole University! The progress of our HEPGRID project, continues São Paulo with T3 T2 also will soon be available Then we start to build our Regional Ring of GRID Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
II - Measuring Digital Divide On the World Summit on the Information of Society, Michael Minges and his collaborators presented a Report: “World Telecommunication Development Report 2003 – Access Indicators for information Society” (257 pages) This report help us to get an objective idea about Digital Divide in all extended sense. We will show some relevant information for our Domain. These are the number of countries Connected to the Internet. • 8 countries • 2003 209 countries • This is Nice! Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
To invest in Science is invest on Development of Society! EDUCATION against the Scientific Illiteracy! “The impact of Communication Technologies are making a strong Transformation on the market”. We can get lots of conclusions from this information. This means that Google can bring you any information from our World. This means that advertisements can reach 209 countries in seconds. However… how much % people have access to Computer, to Internet, to Digital devices. This is addressed in detail by Minges. • For example: • Only 3% of Egyptians have access to internet • but they have the second lowest Internet price of the world • . • Only 1/3% of the South Africans have access to a Mobile Phone • but 100% of the population is covered by cellular service. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Comparisons are difficult: Countries has different registered data about ICTs – Information and Communication Technologies. • Developed countries are more interested in New technologies • At developing countries they take into account the access to TVs, • Radios, Mobile Phones, DVDs, and so on. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
“Perhaps one important point is to consider the differences of the valorization of the Science and Technology for each country”. Could this be measured? “Would be this the root of the Digital Divide?” This also means to skip from the Spectator position to the Promoter ones of science. Only 14 countries have more than 50% of the population using internet. Countries having less than 10% of the population using internet. Iceland 81% - 280K - 227K Sweden 71% - 9M - 6M Singapore 64% - 4M - 2.7M Denmark 64% - 5M - 3.2M Finland 62% - 5M - 3.1M Korea (Rep) 59% - 22M - 13M Australia 58% - 20M - 12M Netherlands 57% - 16M - 9M New Zealand 57% - 4M - 2.3M Japan 57% - 128M - 73M United Kingdom 55% - 60M - 33M United States 54% - 300M - 130M Canada 53% - 31M - 16M Norway 52% - 4.5M - 2.3M M M Venezuela 10% - 24 - 2.4 Bulgaria 10% - 8 - 800K Turkey 9% - 78 - 7 Indonesia 6% - 220 - 13 Thailand 6% - 63 - 380 China 5% -1,300 - 65 Ukraine 4% - 49 - 2 Brazil 4% - 180 - 7 Number of users Number of uers Population Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Brazil has less than 4% of the Population using Internet 180 M habitants and only 7 M access the Internet Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
These rates have many consequences, and from them we can make many conclusions. One important conclusion is:It is very difficulty to convince Authorities and many of opinion maker that it is absolutely necessary to upgrade networks for Science. LATIN AMERICA CountryInternet Population # Users Access Peru 23% 27 M 6 M Chile 18% 16 M 3 M Argentina 15% 38 M 6 M Mexico 10% 102 M 10 M Venezuela 10% 25 M 3 M Brazil 4% 180 M 7 M Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Evolution of the Digital Divide Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Measuring the ICT access in the Educational Sector This means TVs, PCs, DVDs, Printers, LCD Projectors,…… The e-learning actions transcend the well established barriers, and prejudices. Internet, can be a Powerful tool to eradicate the scientific illiteracy. This century have to pay attention for that. This is the century of Science and Technology. The tools for discoveries was and is being built to allow us to progress on our knowledge of the nature. Digital Divide is our number ONE enemy. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Country # PCs/ 100 Students SINGAPORE 50 AUSTRALIA 20 USA 19 MEXICO 4.4 BRAZIL 3.9 SLOVENIA 3.7 Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Are we too much ambitious? Too much advanced? in our Proposals? Let us remember one of the proposals signed by 189 Nations Members of States of the United Nations, General Assembly 55 In 2000. General Assembly 55 in 2000 of the United Nations Approved: Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and Hunger: “Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day”! It is a shame! We need to be more ambitious and more realistic! “Who is hungry is in a hurry” (President Lula) Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Realistic means : I) invest more in computing, networks, tools to work on HEP and perhaps, one day, we will have a WorldGRID; II) invest in new detectors, electronics, photonics, and perhaps, one day, we will have more Medical Instrumentation; III) invest globally and not only in part of the world, and perhaps, we will see the end of wars. Am I a Romantic? Maybe. I am proud of that. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Goal # 8 - Develop a global partnership for development. Target 18:In co-operation with the private sector make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and Communications United Nations Development Program (UNDP) labeled: * the 1980s : a “lost decade” * The 1990s: a “decade of despair” * the 2000s: ? Let us propose at least ONE action for science: PUT 10 Gbps ON THE AMERICAS (NORTH, SOUTH AND CENTRAL) Not only North! What European, Japan and Asia say about that? Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
III- Conclusion – What Can We do? The success of our major scientific programs, and the health of our global collaborations, depend on physicists from all world regionsbeing full partners in the scientific enterprise. This means that they must have access to affordable networks of sufficient bandwidth, with an overall scale of performance that advances rapidly over time to meet the growing needs. Harvey Newman, Paris ICFA General Meeting Feb.2004, SCIC Report Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Standing Committee on Interregional Connectivity More on Digital Divide on HEP point of view, go to http://icfa-scic.web.cern.ch/ICFA-SCIC/ You can click here And download these reports. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
On e-learning, http://digitalequity.edreform.net/ • The Five Dimensions of Digital Equity • These dimensions have been chosen as fundamental categories by educators • and professionals working in the field. 1. Cultural Relevance • Access to high quality, culturally relevant content • 2. Content CreationOpportunities for learners and educators to create their own content • 3. Quality ContentAccess to high quality digital content • 4. Technology ResourcesAccess to learning technology resources (hardware, software, wiring • and connectivity) • 5. Effective UseEducators skilled in using these resources effectively for teaching • and learning Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Digital Equity Toolkit,(Joy Wallace) • What is the “Digital Divide", and why should educators care? • Where can I find inexpensive computers? • What is "digital equity“? • How can I learn more about the digital divide? • Where can I get free or inexpensive Internet service? • Where can I get free or inexpensive e-mail? • How can I get affordable Internet service for my school? • Where can I get free or inexpensive web page hosting? • What resources are available to build digital equity? • What are community technology centers, and how can they help? • How do I use the Internet? • What about help for teachers to learn how to use technology in the classroom? • What about digital equity for persons with disabilities? • Where can people use computers in their community? • What about sources of Internet-based curricula? • What about help with virtual collaboration? • What if I have more questions that need answers? • What do I need to make the most of this tool kit? • How do I print this out? Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Digital Divide on World Economic Forum: http://www.weforum.org/site/ homepublic.nsf/Content/Global+ Digital+Divide+Initiative http://www2.fgv.br/ibre/cps/mapa_ exclusao/apresentacao/apresentacao.htm Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Digital Exclusion Map Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
FIBERS EXISTS Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
High Energy Physicists know that Religion, Races, Politics Opinion never impede a collaboration but Digital Divide certainly DOES. Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro
Thanks! Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop - Alberto Santoro