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Quarkonium in the ALICE Muon Spectrometer. E. Scomparin (INFN Torino, Italy) for the ALICE Collaboration. EMMI Workshop "Quarkonium and deconfined matter in the LHC era" . Martina Franca (Italy) June 16-18 2010. Introduction. ALICE ( A L arge I on C ollider E xperiment):
Quarkonium in the ALICE Muon Spectrometer E. Scomparin (INFN Torino, Italy) for the ALICE Collaboration EMMI Workshop "Quarkonium and deconfined matter in the LHC era" Martina Franca (Italy) June 16-18 2010
Introduction • ALICE (ALarge Ion Collider Experiment): • the dedicated heavy-ion experiment at the LHC • Main focus on Pb-Pb collisions QGP studies • at the nominal LHC luminosity, 51026 cm-2s-1 • p-p collisions are a crucial aspect of the physics program • Reference for heavy-ion collision studies • Genuine p-p physics • Maximum luminosity limited to a few 1030 cm-2s-1 • due to pile-up in TPC • Faster detectors may stand a higher luminosity Running conditions appropriate for quarkonium studies (both charmonium and bottomonium)
Quarkonia in the muon channel • Quarkonia measurement via muon pair decays • Well-known (and tested) detection technique • Hadron absorber(s) to filter out muons • Muon tracking in a magnetic spectrometer • Triggering on muon (pairs) to enrich the signal • Advantages • Fast detectors can be used work at high luminosity • Soft background can be rejected at trigger level • Drawbacks • Careful design needed to have a satisfactory mass resolution • Possibility of separating states Concept of a muon arm for ALICE present (almost) from the beginning (TP)
ALICE muon arm - tracking • 5 stations of two Cathode Pad Chambers ~ 100 m2 • 1.1106 channels, smallest pads 4.26.3 mm2 • (<5% occupancy in PbPb) • Chamber thickness ~3% X0 • Beam test results for spatial resolution 50 m • (<100 m required) • Measurement of detectors displacement with an • accuracy <50 m (GMS) St 3,4,5: 140 slats (max size 40280 cm2) St 1,2: 16 quadrants
ALICE muon arm - trigger • 4 detector planes subdivided in 2 stations (16 and 17 m from IP) • 18 RPCs per plane, read on both sides with • orthogonal strips • Each plane ~5.56.5 m2 • 21k strips (1,2,4 cm pitch) and readout • channels • Projective geometry: different strip pitch • and length on each plane
Muon trigger - principle • Muon pT cut helps reducing the background from light meson decays • Two programmable pT cuts • Latency time ~800ns used as one • of the L0 triggers • 5 trigger signals: Single , UnLike and • Like-Sign dimuon high and low pT • Max muon trigger rate ~2 kHz Trigger principle pT cut using correlation between position and angle Deflection in dipole + vertex constraint
Beam shield Front absorber Muon filter Absorber(s) • Front absorber: mainly carbon (also concrete, steel) (10 I) • limit scattering and energy loss in the muon path • Muon filter: iron (7.2 I) remove hadronic punch-through • Beam shield (along the pipe, tungsten): protect detectors Muon momentum cut: p = 4 GeV/c
Acceptance • Rapidity coverage: 2.5<y<4 • Good transverse momentum coverage: down to pT=0 ! • Effect of muon trigger pT cut not too strong
Physics performance, nominal LHC running conditions • Simulations for quarkonium physics performance study are based on • CEM calculations with MRST HO PDF • mc=1.2 GeV/c2, =2mc for J/ • mb=4.5 GeV/c2, =2mb for CEM predictions, with these parameters, are in agreement with Tevatron data for the , but they underestimate by a factor ~2 the J/ J/ yields from these simulations may represent a pessimistic estimate Inclusive cross section, including higher resonances feed-down • ppJ/ = 31 b • pp = 0.50 b • ppJ/ = 53.4 b • pp = 1.12 b 5.5 TeV 14 TeV • PbPbJ/ obtained assuming • - binary scaling (Glauber model) • - nuclear shadowing (using EKS98 parametrization) • y, pT differential distributions • obtained from CEM predictions and from the extrapolation of the • CDF data at √s=2TeV, respectively (ALICE-INT-2006-029, ALICE-INT-2008-016)
Other dimuon sources • Background consists of • Correlated dimuons • both muons originate from the same heavy quark pair • Uncorrelated dimuons • combination of decay muons from uncorrelated sources • Muons from and K decay (uncorrelated bck) simulation based on HIJING assuming a pessimistic estimate of dNch/d|=0 ~ 8000 • muons produced after a first hadronic interaction in the absorber (secondary , K decays) <10% (after pT and vertex cut) From CEM and PYTHIA simulation (tuned to reproduce NLO pQCD)
Pb-Pb collisions, nominal LHC energy • Expected yields for the yearly ALICE Pb-Pb data taking period Time = 106 s L = 5 10 26 cm-2s-1 • Number of expected events (integrated over centrality) assuming no medium effects apart from shadowing and no enhancement in the quarkonium production due to statistical hadronization or cc recombination • With this statistics we can study • centrality and pT-dependence of J/ and yields • (2S) more difficult low significance • A measurement of J/ elliptic flow can also be carried out
Pb-Pb collisions, mass spectrum J/ region strong background centrality dependence (uncorrelated bck dominates) region weaker background centrality dependence (correlated bck dominates) central Mass resolution: J/~ 70MeV ~ 100 MeV the states can be clearly separated peripheral Uncorrelated background to be subtracted through event mixing techniques
First heavy-ion run, end 2010 • Future difficult to predict, but for the moment 4 weeks of Pb beam • at √s=2.76 TeV/nucleon are foreseen, with maximum luminosity • Lmax = 5 1025 cm−2 s−1 Baseline scenario 1.2 106 s data taking (12 hours 28 days, L=Lmax) Lint = 6 10-2 nb-1 NJ/ ~ 8.5 104, N(1S) ~ 8.5 102 (Slightly more) pessimistic scenario 5 105 s data taking (6 hours 22 days, L=0.02Lmax) NJ/ ~ 7 102, N(1S) ~ 0 Lint = 5 10-4 nb-1 Could be enough to distinguish suppression vs enhancement scenarios ?! Warning: RAA estimate would profit a lot from a (long enough) pp run at 2.76 GeV
p-p collisions, nominal LHC energy • Expected yields for the yearly ALICE Pb-Pb data taking period Time = 107 s L = 3 10 30 cm-2s-1 • It will be possible to study J/pT distribution with • reasonable statistics up to (at least) 20 GeV/c • (and down to pT= 0!) • The good statistics will allow a study of its • differential distributions
p-p collisions, mass spectrum MC, 107 srunning time, L=31030 • Contrary to Pb-Pb , the continuum is dominated by correlated • background (due to the low hadron multiplicity, the uncorrelated • contribution is small)
Forward-y physics • Gluon PDF distributions have • large uncertainties at very low x, • since they rely on extrapolations • (no data available in this region) • LO CEM calculations show that • the shape of the quarkonium • rapidity distribution is strictly • related to the PDF. Since the • region 2.5<y<4 corresponds to • x < 10-5 • it will be possible to put • constraints on the gluon PDF • at low x
(J/ bck subtr) (J/ + bck) = 0 Other physics topics: polarization J/ • Bias on the evaluation of the • J/ polarization due to the • background is not very large • (as expected) • With 200K J/, the error on • J/ is < 0.02 • With the statistics collected in • one year we can evaluate the • polarization with a statistical error • between 0.05 – 0.11 • Statistical errors, for the pT • dependence of the polarization, vary • between 0.03 -0. 2 • ALICE expected statistics in 1 year ~ 3 times CDF statistics (Run I, 3 yr)
First LHC p-p run • First pp run at 7 TeV currently ongoing • Luminosity is increasing step by step • Depending on the maximum luminosity chosen for ALICE, • and assuming, tentatively, LHC=0.12 • L= 3 1029 cm-2s-1 (beginning) 104 J/ month-1 • L= 3 1030 cm-2s-1 105 J/ month-1 • Expected statistics at the end of 2011 similar to that expected • for a 1-year run at top LHC energy • See later for the statistics cumulated up to now....
p-A collisions, too.... • They are in the program, but not • as first priority.... • Very important for our understanding • of A-A results, seen the large • uncertainties on shadowing Eskola et al., JHEP 0904:065 (2009) • p-Pb collisions, LHC single magnet ring with two beam apertures • imposes for p-Pb √s=8.8 TeV for p-Pb y=0.47 • Extrapolations needed when comparing p-p/p-Pb/Pb-Pb
R. Vogt, PRC81(2010)044903 Shadowing and CGC in pA Large uncertainties on the ratio depending on the chosen PDF set J/ Inclusion of CGC-related effects gives systematically lower ratios at all y and a steeper variation of Rp-Pb as a function of pT (again with large uncertainties) EKS98 A measurement is mandatory CGC, kT kick power CGC, kT kick gauss.
Moving from first signals..... • Spectrometer installed in 2007 and then commissioned step by • step during the 2008 cosmic run From the first cosmic muon....
..towards real data ..to the first muon pair in 900 GeV pp collisions Not yet a J/, anyway
Trigger is alive... • Fine tuning of detector parameters Efficiencies • Data collected in May • Threshold 7 mV • All RPCs have efficiency >90% • on both cathodes • Mean value above 95%
With trigger requirement No trigger requirement Muons Hadrons Total PYTHIA 7 TeV No trigger PYTHIA 7 TeV With trigger DCA(cm) DCA(cm) ...and working • For the moment (low luminosity) , use for data taking the lowest • possible trigger threshold pT = 0.5 GeV/c • Distance of closest approach (DCA) to the vertex for tracks • in the muon spectrometer • Muon tracking-trigger matching very effective in rejecting • Hadronic contribution • Soft (background related) component
Alignment is important, too... • First J/ signal has started to pop out in the invariant mass • spectrum a few weeks after the beginning of the 7 TeV data • taking... ...but with a bad resolution, due to the absence of an alignment with straight tracks
...and of course very helpful • Resolution on the J/ peak in agreement with • expectations from Monte-Carlo (J/ ~ 80 MeV • for an alignment resolution 700-800 m)
Towards the first physics results • Next step: produce physics results • On our list • Cross section • Differential distributions (pT, y) • Polarization being studied just now needs higher statistics • Obtain the cross section in the standard way • A · trig • High values down to pT =0 • Does not depend very • strongly on pT • track close to 100% Which is the main source of systematic error ?
Effect of unknown polarization • The full angular distribution of decay muons is given by • Assuming =0 (as measured by • all previous experiments) we can • calculate the systematic error on • due to our ignorance of and • The effect is rather strong +12.2, -13.5 % (Collins-Soper) +10.6, -11.7 % (Helicity) • Most of the effect is related to the uncertainty on , • plays a weaker role
Conclusions • ALICE is measuring quarkonium production in p-p collisions • at √s=7 TeV, at the LHC • The muon spectrometer, covering the rapidity region 2.5<y<4, • is currently taking data with satisfactory detector performance • First physics signal (J/) are popping out and will lead soon to • first physics publications • We are eagerly waiting for the first Pb-Pb run scheduled at • the end of 2010. A meaningful J/ signal seems within reach.... ...stay tuned!