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Nazi Media. Creating the “Other”. “Away with Him”. Caption: “A frog sat in the green grass. He didn’t do this, he didn’t do that, he didn’t do anything at all. Blinded by the glitter of gold, everyone flew into his mouth.”. “Pan-Jewery”.
Nazi Media Creating the “Other”
Caption: “A frog sat in the green grass. He didn’t do this, he didn’t do that, he didn’t do anything at all. Blinded by the glitter of gold, everyone flew into his mouth.” “Pan-Jewery”
. Jewish Murder Plan against Gentile Humanity Revealed. The issue actually got banned by the Nazis after it had been out for a while, not because of anti-Semitic content, but because it compared alleged Jewish ritual murder with the Christian sacrament of communion. 1934 – “Ritual Murder” Accusations
Caption: “Let the Goyim believe that we can be Americans, Englishmen, Germans, or French. When our interests are at stake, we are always Jews, and nothing but.” July, 1934 Jewish Congress
Caption: “Every little Jewish baby grows up to be a Jew.” “The Curse in the Blood”
Caption: Ignorant, lured by gold, They stand disgraced in Judah’s fold. Souls poisoned, blood infected, Disaster broods in their wombs. August 1935 (Issue #37) “Legion of Shame”
Caption: “She belongs to the church, she belongs to Satan. Both are lost to the German race.” July 1936 (Issue #20) “Unfruitful”
The Nazis conducted several campaigns against the Church during the 1930’s. The cartoon is titled “The ‘Holy’ Scripture.” The accompanying article complains that German schoolchildren learn more about Jewish history than they do of German history. October 1936 (Issue #44) “The Answer to the Scribes and Pharisees”
This issue accuses Jews of every manner of economic misdeed. The cartoon is titled “Demon Money.” A Jewish monster, engraved with the Star of David and the symbols for the American dollar and British pound has its claws on the planet. November 1937 (Issue #47) “The Economy and Jewry”
The cartoon caption: “Where one is ruled by the Jews, freedom is only an empty dream.” July 1939 (Issue #19) “The Land of Freedom”
The headline in red calls for the death penalty for a Jew accused of sexual relations with a German woman. The caption of the cartoon suggests that peace will prevail once the German sword has defeated the Jews. April 1942 (Issue #14) “Victory — Peace”
The cartoon shows the world’s Jews fearful of the truth. The headline is on the racial defilement theme. December 1942 (Issue #51) “Anxiety”
The cartoon shows a photograph of a Jew captioned “Satan.” Streicher regularly used the old religious argument that the Jews were in league with the Devil. This issue appeared as the last German troops in Stalingrad surrendered. February 1943 (Issue #9) “The Mobilization of the People”
Caption: They are enslaved and ruined by the Jews. Their joy and very soul is taken from them. They long for Germany, where work enobles, Where everyone recognizes its worth. 6 April 1944 (Issue #14) “Jewish Slaves”
Caption: Why, for what purpose is the blood flowing? Behind the scenes, the Jew grins. That makes the answer clear: They bleed for the Jews. 18 May 1944 (Issue #29) “Why?”
Caption: “The Jew’s symbol is a worm, not without reason. He seeks to creep up on what he wants.” September 1934 (Issue #40) “Brood of Serpents”
Caption: Life is not worth living When one does not resist the parasite, Never satisfied as it creeps about. We must and will win. 28 September 1944 “Vermin”
Cover from the book What do you notice? The Eternal Jew
Caption: “Eastern Jewish districts develop... What Kant called ‘a nation of cheaters’ moved to the promised land of Germany. Every day newspapers (even those not hostile to the Jews) report the dishonest dealings of Eastern Jews. The cleverness of Jewish criminality is astonishing. Just as astonishing is the patience with which the threatened population put up with these criminal activities.” (p. 16) From the Book
Caption: “ In Europe's capitals. The Jews have a self-chosen ghetto in Berlin around Grenadier and Dragoner Streets. Only the height of its buildings separate it from his Eastern models. It’s the genuine article: the same unpleasant creatures, the same Hebraic shop signs, the same masses of playing children, the same bad smells and piles of filth.” (p. 17) More from the Book
Caption: “The Jew in his element: With Blacks in a Parisian night club. The Jew bring people the glittering world of perversion as a way of unnerving and enslaving them. He seems to worry as little about it as the rats worry about the plague they carry.” (p. 97) And more…
Caption from the Previous Chart • Caption: “A picture of German economic life in 1930: Each column shows a branch of the German economy, The figure to the left shows the total number of companies. The number of Jewish firms is shown by the black bar, the non-Jewish by the white bar. When one remembers that according to the 1925 census there were ‘only’ about 555,000 religious Jews in Germany — which means by a generous estimate no more than a million Jews by blood in 1930, there are 60 to 100 Germans for each Jew. This makes clear what it means when, for example, up to 60% of the German economy is led by Jews.” (p. 36)
Outline of “Science” Curriculum in German Schools • Heredity and Racial Science in the Natural Sciences • Ways to Include Heredity and Racial Science in Teaching the Natural Sciences • Grade 4: Deals with the basics of heredity • Grade 5: More details on genetic inheritance • Grade 6: Cell biology, transmission of genetic material
Grade 7 • Grade 7: Applications to human beings • Inheritance of Physical Characteristics • Inheritance of Intellectual and Spiritual Characteristics • Inheritance of Weaknesses and Illnesses • The Physical and Spiritual Characteristics of the German Races • A Race is Judged by its Achievements • The Nordic Race is the Blood Foundation of the German People
Grade 8 • Grade 8: The Difference between Inherited and Non-inherited Changes • Genetic Damage Caused by Alcohol • Preserving Racial Inheritance • Law of Selection • Eliminating those with hereditary illnesses • Selection and Promotion of Strong Genetic Lines • Maintaining the Purity of Blood • The Jews and the German People • National Socialist Racial Thinking and the Peoples
This poster is titled: "People's degeneration = people's death." The point is that a combination of genetic illness and the change from rural to urban life results in a declining population, and therefore the death of the race. At the bottom is a quotation from Hitler's Mein Kampf: "Woe to the people who are not able to master this illness." Wall Charts for Schools
The title: "Flight from the land — Depopulation of the East." Under Hardenberg's liberal legislation (1812), a great flight from the countryside from the east to the west began, which was greatly increased by Germany's industrialization after 1870. Slavic blood streamed into the depopulated eastern regions. Threats from the East
The title: "Germany is surrounded by growing peoples." The top shows three "population trees." The one from 1910 shows a "growing people," with more young than old (1,430,000 children). The 1930 chart shows a "shrinking people," with 1,070,000 children. The 1960 chart projects a "dying people," with only 700,000 children. The map at the bottom shows the number of births per 1000 of countries around Germany. The title: "Germany is threatened." German Population Threatened
The title: "Genetic illness within the German people." The top shows the increase in genetically ill persons in institutions. The bottom shows projections of what could happen if steps are not taken. In 1930, there are equal numbers of "valuable" families and "inferior" families with four children. After 100 years, the ration will be 23% to 77%, and after 300 years, 4 to 96%. The quotation in red at the bottom is from one of Hitler's speeches at the 1937 Nuremberg Rally: "Only he who keeps his people healthy ensures its future." Against the Mentally Ill