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Develop a software tool to parse the SAS Master Schedule, enabling users to easily find courses that meet their needs. The user interface allows for streamlined search with various criteria. Utilizes scripting, Perl, and CGI for seamless operation.
Course Selection CS450 Software Design and Development http://www.clarkson.edu/~jablonpa/cs450/selection.html Christopher Cameron Patty Jablonski Megan Peters December 3, 2001
Need • Resolving conflicts is frustrating! • Using the online Master Schedule is tedious! • Why not parse the SAS Master Schedule, and let the computer find a course that meets your needs?
User Interface • Access the webpage from any browser. • Narrow the search by selecting search criteria from a web interface. • Choose a course from the results list, or go back and search again.
Selection Options • Undergraduate or Graduate • School • Department • Professor • Day • Time • Course Number
Programming Overview • Development Environment • UNIX • Scripting • Perl • CGI • Web page design and documentation • HTML
From SAS to Usable • Perl script • Parses the SAS Master Schedule to get rid of HTML tags and garbage lines. • Parses new file to reformat and keep the most important information. • Parses the clean file using the criteria entered by the user. • Returns the results with Dynamic HTML.
Script - Professor List cat $1 | sed 's/<.*>//g' | /usr/xpg4/bin/sed "/\^\$/d" | grep "[A-Z][A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9]." | sed '/HTBA/d' | awk -f getProf | sort | uniq > $2 #!/usr/xpg4/bin/awk –f getProf { print $NF }
Dynamic HTML – Professor List print " Select a Professor:<br>"; print " <select name=\"Professor\">"; print " <option value=\"none\">"; open(INPUT,"professors.txt") || die("Can't open professors.txt"); while(<INPUT>) { print "<option value=\"$_\">"; print $_; } print " </select><p>";
Comparing Professors $pos=length $professor; $l=$pos-1; if($l == $thisLength) { $i=0; while(($thisProf[$i] eq $splitProf[$i]) && ($i<($l))) { $i++; } if($i==$l) { $keep=1; } else { $keep=0; } } else { $keep=0; }
Bibliography • http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/ECN/Documents/perl/ • Castro, Elizabeth. "HTML For The World Wide Web." Fourth Edition. Berkeley,CA: Peachpit Press; 2000. • Christiansen, Tom and Nathan Torkington. "Perl Cookbook." Cambridge: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc; 1998. • Robbins, Arnold. "UNIX In A Nutshell." Cambridge: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc; 1999. • Siever, Ellen, Stephen Spainhour and Nathan Patwardhan. "Perl In A Nutshell." Cambridge: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc; 1999. • Wagner, Bill. "The Complete Idiot's Guide To UNIX." Indianapolis, IN: Que Corporation; 1998. • Wall, Larry, Tom Christiansen and Jon Orwant. "Programming Perl." Cambridge: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc; 2000.