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IEE project M.O.R.E.

Addressing the problem of olive oil waste by converting it into energy. A consortium of 6 partners from 5 countries will establish local supply chains and energy facilities for the sustainable use of olive-oil residues. Regional Steering Committees will ensure the establishment of a stable olive-residues-to-energy market.

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IEE project M.O.R.E.

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  1. IEE projectM.O.R.E. Market of Olive Residues for Energy Duration: 11/2007 – 04/2010

  2. Project summary Source: TDC Olive project reports The project aims at addressing the problems of the olive oil producers, offering a way to solve the problem of wastes by using them for energy purposes. The project will be carried out by a consortium made up by 6 partners from 5 countries, of which 3 energy agencies (from Italy, Spain and Greece), 2 research institutions in the agricultural field (from Croatia and Slovenia) and 1 network of chambers of commerce (Italy). The main expected outcome is the establishment of 5 local, exemplar supply chains and energy facilities for the sustainable use of olive-oil residues for energy purposes. Regional Steering Committees, gathering relevant local stakeholders, will act as advisory bodies to ensure the set up of the stable olive-residues-to-energy market. Source: TDC Olive project reports

  3. Background • The EU is the leader for olive oil production (80% of total volume) • 1.9 million tons of olive oil are processed each year. • Approx. 12.000 olive mills, most of which are SMEs. • Generation of Residues. • 3.4 million tons per year of Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW). • Environmental concern. • Disposal strategy for OMW today: mainly evaporation or deposit in olive plantations. • OMW contains high levels of phytotoxic components and release a strong unpleasant smell. • National legislations in European olive oil-producing countries prohibit the disposal of OMW in rivers. • Competitiveness. • Energy use of olive-oil residues for energy can contribute to increase the competitiveness of the EU olive oil market.

  4. Solutions /other initiatives • yyy • xxx

  5. Objectives and main steps • The main objective is the creation of a sustainable “olive-residues-to-energy” market. • Support will be provided to the creation of 5 local supply chains for energy from olive residues. Key public and private stakeholders will be involved through Regional Steering Committees (RSC) with an advisory role. • In areas selected in a fair and transparent way, 5 business plans will be developed for the set up of exemplar energy facilities for the joint management of olive residues for energy purposes. • Lessons from the project, and potential for replication will be communicated in other EU regions.

  6. Expected results • 5 viable and cost effective solutions (business plans) for the establishment of energy plants able to use olive-oil wastes. • A methodology, with local peculiarities, for support schemes, policies, legislations, actions plans, agreements, management structures for promotion of olive oil-energy supply chain and how to address and reduce environmental problems • Training sessions for personnel working at the mills • set up of Regional Steering Committees with specific intents and tasks composed by: market operators, energy agencies, chamber of commerce, technology suppliers, policy makers, experts, etc. supporting the deployment of the olive-residues-to-energy chain

  7. Partners and contacts • Coordinator: Roberta CasapietraARE Liguria Spa, ItalyE-mail: casapietra@areliguria.itTel: 0039 010 5488725 • Partners: • Unioncamere Liguria, Italy • Anatoliki SA, Greece • Energy Agency of Jaen, Spain, • University of Primorska - Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia • Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč, Croatia

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