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The Art of Giving Constructive Feedback: Building Trust and Positivity

Constructive feedback enhances relationships by fostering trust and improvement. Learn to prepare, listen, and deliver feedback effectively using various tools and techniques. Develop a positive feedback culture for personal and professional growth.

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The Art of Giving Constructive Feedback: Building Trust and Positivity

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  1. Illustration by Krishna Kumar T The Art of Giving Feedback

  2. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference”

  3. Constructive Feedback Developmental Positive Constructive feedback improves Interpersonal relationships Feedback must be honest , based on facts , observable behaviour Honesty promotes TRUST amongst groups Feedbacks are results of perceptions. Before giving the Feedback one needs to prepare. This helps to bring Adult to Adult conversation.

  4. Steps for Preparation STEP I • Set SMART GOALS & Document • This is done at the beginning of an assignment / year. • This brings clarity & acceptance from the recipient too • In case of changes – important to document the changes STEP II • The Research work : Few Questions to be addressed are • What Happened? • What were the expectations? • Why are we providing feedback?

  5. The challenge is to LISTEN rather than getting judgmental about WHAT the recipient is saying or HOW they are saying it. The focus therefore is on the “INTENT” rather than “STYLE” What Happened?

  6. Revisit the Goals Helps to Bridge the Gaps Highlights areas of Improvement Helps to build on Strengths & prior success What were the Expectations? “Accentuate the POSITIVE” - The WHALE DONE approach

  7. Must be done with utmost care & must not appear Casual Done to ensure continuous improvement in the performance Help to motivate & strengthen the Positives Learning from past mistakes or failures and see the impact on the organization. Opportunity to work out actionables for future Why are we providing feedback?

  8. Two dimensions to feedback Support Challenge

  9. “Good, carry on, seems to be working” Two dimensions to feedback High support High Challenge Low Challenge Low support

  10. In passing, Unspecific, Dismissive Two dimensions to feedback High Support High Challenge Low Challenge Low Support

  11. “That was great, you’re obviously trying hard” Two dimensions to feedback High Support High Challenge Low Challenge Low Support

  12. Patronising, General, Safe Two dimensions to feedback High Support High Challenge Low Challenge Low Support

  13. “Well that could have been done better – why did you not focus more, early on..?” Two dimensions to feedback High support High Challenge Low Challenge Low support

  14. Critical, Induces defensiveness, Paralysing Two dimensions to feedback High support High Challenge Low Challenge Low support

  15. “A good effort. I could see how you were drawing the feelings out – I wonder if you got to the crux of the matter…?” Two dimensions to feedback High support Low Challenge High Challenge Low support

  16. Two dimensions to feedback High Support Focused, Attentive, Threatening? High Challenge Low Challenge Low Support

  17. Tool 1: Pendleton’s ‘Rules’ Tool 2: Non-judgemental feedback Tool 3: Observation versus deduction Tool 4: Pi Tool 5: SET GO Tool 6: Unacceptable behaviour A selection of some tools

  18. The recipient first performs the activity Questions then allowed only on points of clarification The recipient then says what they thought was done well The Manager/Lead then says what they thought was done well The recipient then says what was not done so well, and could be improved upon The manager/lead then says what was not done so well and suggests ways for improvements, with discussion in a helpful and constructive manner Pendleton’s ‘Rules’(Pendleton D, Schofield T, Tate P, Havelock P. The New Consultation. Oxford University, 2004.)

  19. Evaluative/Judgemental The beginning was awful, you just seemed to ignore him/her. The beginning was excellent - great stuff!! Descriptive At the beginning you were looking at the notes, which prevented eye contact. At the beginning you gave him/her your full attention and never lost eye contact – your facial expression registered your interest in what he/she was saying. Non-Judgemental Feedback

  20. Separate behaviour and interpretation Make interpretations tentative E.g. I noticed at this stage that you moved more in your seat, and your face became red, I wondered if you might be embarrassed? I saw you look at your watch and thought you might be bored I saw him talking with his hand over his mouth andwondered if he was lying Observation versus Deduction

  21. Make sure the recipient knows what you’re talking about! Along with a feedback point, give an example Point Illustration Pi () – Point / Illustration

  22. Point “I’d like you to use more open questions at the beginning of the discussion.” Illustration “Why not ask the customer at the beginning ‘How can I help?’” Point / Illustration

  23. What I Saw What Else did you see? What does the recipient Think? What Goal are we trying to achieve? Any Offers on how we should get there? SET-GO (Silverman et al.) SET GO

  24. 1. Check if person is OK before you start 2. Use a wake-up, warning phrase: “There’s something very serious I have to say” 3. Say, very simply, what is not right 4. Give an example as appropriate 5. Relax the tone to allow for a positive response usually an offer to improve ensues Unacceptable Behaviour(8 Useful Tips)

  25. 6. Respond to offer positively but define specific, measurable outcomes 7. Do not be drawn into discussion on: justification of behaviour your right to judge 8. Separate behaviour and person Most of us take criticism better if it is not personal. “Maybe what I did was not good – but it doesn’t mean I’m no good.” Make sure that the recipient can see this distinction too. Unacceptable Behaviour

  26. Feedback Must Be…… • Factual • Clear & Direct • Specific • Timely • Understood & Accepted

  27. Making Changes What’s easy and what’s not Difficult Source: Harvard Business Review Easy Knowledge Time & Work Management Job Skills Attitude Habits Personality Characteristics

  28. Poor performance is repeated Quality goes down Associates don’t improve and learn Associates may become anxious and uncertain Managers lose credibility Productivity goes down Star performers become discouraged Consequences of Poor or No Feedback……………….

  29. Some complaints about Feedback… • Not enough feedback • Too much feedback • Too much negative feedback, not enough positive • Unfair feedback (jumps to conclusions) • Vague feedback (a look, a comment like “why did you do it that way?”) • Too hurried or rushed • Feedback too long after the event (happened months ago)

  30. Hope you find this useful & easy to read Write in with your feedback at contact @i-expert.biz

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