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The role of giving and receiving feedback. 1. How do you react to criticism ? 2. When you ask for sb ´ s opinion do you get hurt / upset with their truthful opinion ? 3. Are you 100% honest when you criticize sb´ s work? Explain.
1. How do youreact to criticism? 2. Whenyouask for sb´s opinion do yougethurt/upsetwiththeirtruthfulopinion? 3. Are you 100% honestwhenyoucriticizesb´s work? Explain.
Ifyou show somebody a pieceofyour work and youaskthem ‘What do youthink?’, theywillprobablysay‘it´s OK’becausetheydon´twant to offendyou. Next time, insteadofaskingifit´sright, askthemwhat´swrong. Theymaynotsaywhatyouwant to hear, but chances are theywillgiveyoutruthfulcriticism. Truthhurts, but in thelongrunit´sbetterthan a patontheback.
´In thelongrun a slap in the face is betterthana patontheback.’
Mentoring System Cycle 1: You observe your mentor/a teacher You are observed* Cycle 2: You observe your mentor/a teacher You are observed* Pre-meeting (15’) Observation Post-meeting/feedback (60’)
Feedback • AfterthePre-service • AftertheMentoring System • AftertheIn-service • Afterthetests • Afteradopting a new book series • The satisfactionsurvey (students) • Afterclassobservation • ...
‘Whateveryouthink, thinktheopposite’ by Paul Arden Anninha Almeida ana.almeida@ibeu.org.br 2014.2 i