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Learn about elections, registration, voting practices, government branches, and qualities to consider when choosing candidates. Understand the importance of voter participation and informed decision-making in shaping the future of the nation.
What is Election ? Election is the means by which the people choose their officials for definite and fixed periods.
How often are elections held ? • Every 2nd Monday of May for national and local elections • President and Vice-President: every 6 years • Senators, Congressmen, Provincial, City and municipal officials: every 3 years • Every last Monday of October, every 3 years for barangay and SK officials • Every 3 years from March 1993 – ARMM elections
What is registration? Registration refers to the act of accomplishing and filing of a sworn application for registration by a qualified voter
Why Should I Register? To have the opportunity to choose our leaders What’s in it for me? Just like text voting, you get heard and counted.
What are the requirements for registration ? • One must be: • a Filipino citizen • at least eighteen (18) years old • a resident of the Philippines for one year and of the city or municipality wherein he proposes to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election • not otherwise disqualified by law
What is validation of registration? a process wherein fingerprints of the voter would be captured electronically at no expense to the voter
Where should I register? Comelec office Where should I validate my registration? Barangay office
How do I go about transferring my registration ? • You may apply with the Election officer of new residence for the transfer of your registration records. • You will be asked to accomplish 6 application forms.
Your Vote…. Our Future
Our voting practices • Voting by popularity • Vote-buying
“The Philippines is a republican and democratic state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them.” • We elect our officials directly • Officials serve for fixed terms • Officials are directly accountable to the people
The Government Legislative Judicial Executive
Executive • Implements programs & projects • Monitors programs & projects • Provides basic services • Performs ceremonial functions Action-oriented
President National Vice President Governor Mayor Local Brgy. Capt. Executive Positions
Legislative • Reviews & evaluates proposals, position papers • Conducts research on proposed bills & position papers • Consults experts • Defends & analyzes proposed bills Analyst
Senator National Congressman Board Member Vice Governor Local Vice Mayor City/Municipal Councilors Brgy. Councilors Legislative Positions
What qualities should I look for? R- Righteous Governance I - Integrity G - Giftedness H- Heart T- Track Record
What qualities should I look for? R- Righteous Governance How does your candidate decide on issues? How does he lead his family, constituents? Does he/she make decisions that promote justice, righteousness and peace for all law-abiding Filipinos? Or does he/she decide based on what is convenient for him/her. Does he/she use his influence as a platform for governing with prudence and foresight for the good of many? A candidate who governs righteously does not accept or offer bribes, and leads an example of eradicating graft and corruption within his area of influence.
What qualities should I look for? I- Integrity A person on integrity is not a perfect individual; rather, he or she is someone who desires to be accountable to those he leads. His walk should match his talk, and his public image must not be a result of a clever media makeover, but should be based on a solid character of trustworthiness. If and when he/she makes wrong decisions, he/she must be willing to take responsibility for it and not put the blame on his predecessors, or other people. A candidate with integrity will also look for positive solutions to problems without promoting himself/herself.
What qualities should I look for? G- Giftedness A candidate for a public office must have the qualifications and abilities necessary to carry out his/her responsibilities successfully. A candidate needs more than an impressive pedigree or diplomas, but must also have the strengths, personality traits and innate capabilities needed to serve in the particular office he/she seeks to serve in. Some candidates will be good as executives but will make for mediocre lawmakers or legislators, and vice versa. Others will be great managers, but will not be as effective in drug busting. Still others are visionaries who can inspire greatness in those they lead, but will fail as implementers of their dreams. Be careful in voting for a previously successful public official. Study the new position he or she is seeking to fill
What qualities should I look for? H- Heart How is your candidate’s heart for God, for people and for our nation? Does he/she see himself/herself as answerable not only to people, but to Someone infinitely higher than him/her? The heart, in my opinion, is the most important characteristic not only of a leader but also of every single citizen of this country. This is true because the heart of the problem of this nation is the problem of the heart. Genuine change should come from the inside out. Yes, all of us are already tired of lawlessness. Yet, many of us contribute to this lawlessness. Have you tried driving in Manila? Have you crossed EDSA as a pedestrian? All of us, not only our politicians, need to be reformed. To have genuine reform Jesus said, “I am the way…”
What qualities should I look for? T– Track Record Look for your candidate’s track record in a previously held public office, or if he/she is entering politics for the first time, consider how this candidate has proven himself/herself in his chosen profession or area of expertise before running for office. You need to also be informed about your candidate’s track record in the other points of the guidelines I have just explained to you. Do you see a good pattern of righteous governance, integrity, giftedness and heart? If you do, then your candidate is one leader you should vote for and support.
What is the value of your vote? • equal chance for a vote, whether rich or poor • guaranteed opportunity to participate It is priceless!
Your vote will mean: • better services from the executive • better policies and laws from the legislative • a brighter future for us, Filipinos
What must we do? • Pray • Go out and register or revalidate your registration • Encourage your friends to register and to revalidate their registration • Help educate your friends to Vote RIGHT. • Vote RIGHT • Watch the count, be a Poll Watcher
How to be a Advocate? Visit our booth Be a registered VoteRIGHT facilitator! Get a free VoteRIGHT Survival Kit For more inquiries call… Arlene Ang 0918-9283696
“The best way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Voters Education Program National Youth Commission And