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Delve into the study of church history to uncover the establishment, apostasy, attempts at reformation, and restoration in various denominations. Explore the scriptural concepts, including the church universal and local, and the emergence of denominationalism. Discover the significance of understanding the falling away in biblical history and the warnings of false teachings, division, and signs of apostasy. Learn about the gradual departure from God's Word and the historical evolution of church structures.
An study of church history – Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? • The establishment of the church . . . • The apostasy . . . • Attempt at reformation . . . • Our effort to restore . . .
Scriptural concepts . . . Jesus – the head – Ep 1:22 The church universal - • The Body of Christ: Eph 1:22,23 • All Those IN Christ – Ep. 1:10, 2:16; 1 Cor. 12:12,13 • Saved Individuals – Acts 2:47; Rom. 12:5; Ep. 3:6; 5:23
Scriptural concepts . . . Jesus – the head – Ep 1:22 The church local - • Christians in the same area joining together to do the Lord’s work - Ep. 1:1; Phili 1:1; 1 Cor 1:2 • Submitting to the head in organization, work & worship - Eph. 4:11; 1 Thes 1:8; 2:13,14; Col 3:16,17; John 4:24
Unscriptural concepts . . . Denominational Concept of The Body of Christ SO . . . • Catholic (606) • Lutheran (1517) • Presbyterian (1560) • Baptist (1608) • Methodist (1740) • Mormon (1830) • Pentecostal (1898) 10 Pennies 3 Dimes 2 Nickels 2 Quarters The church of Christ
Unscriptural Unscriptural concepts . . . Denominational Concept of The Body of Christ • Catholic (606) • Lutheran (1517) • Presbyterian (1560) • Baptist (1608) • Methodist (1740) • Mormon (1830) • Pentecostal (1898) Smaller than the universal church, but larger than the local church The church of Christ
Christian Methodist Baptist Mormon Why so many different churches today? “The seed is the Word of God” (Luke 8:11) • The Bible Alone • Bible + Methodist Discipline • Bible + Baptist Manual • Bible + Book of Mormon Denominationalism necessitates different seeds! Answer: Men have tampered with the seed!!
In The Beginning . . . Jesus Promised To Build His Church Birth of Christ 3-4 BC Earthly Ministry –26-27 AD Death, Burial & Resurrection – 29-30 AD (3 Years) 18“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:18)
In The Beginning . . . The Establishment of The Church Death, Burial & Resurrection – 29-30 AD Ascension of Christ –Acts 1 Day of Pentecost Acts 2 (40 Days) (10 Days) • First gospel sermon – Acts 2:14-39 • Saved added to the church – Acts 2:41,47 • They continued steadfastly . . . Acts 2:42
In The Beginning . . . The Growth of The Church The day of Pentecost Acts 2 Ethiopian Nobleman Acts 8:26-39 Cornelius & his household Acts 10,11 Etc. Acts 17 – Thessalonica, Berea Acts 18 – Corinth Acts 19 - Ephesus 1 Corinthians 4:17 The Samaritans Acts 8:4-13 Saul of Tarsus Acts 9:1-18; 22:16 Philippians Lydia & Jailor Acts 16
In The Beginning . . . The Discipline of The Church • Jesus commissioned & equipped the apostles: Mat 28:18,19; John 16:13; • The apostles then revealed all truth –Acts 20:27; Eph 3:3-5 • The church was, (and is) to be governed by the Word of God – Luke 8:11; Eph 4:11-16; Jude 1:3; 2 Tim 3:16,17; Col 3:17 The church to be subject to Christ – Eph 1:22,23
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? The Falling Away • Adam & Eve – Gen 3 • From Adam to Noah – Gen 6:7,12 • Those delivered from Egypt – Num 14:1-4, Heb 3:16-19 • The nation of Israel – • Divided – 928 BC. • Northern 10 tribes fall –722 BC. • Judah falls – 589 BC. • The restoration – 535– 439 BC. Biblical History:
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? The Falling Away • Jesus warned of false teachers – Mat 7:15; 24:5,11,13,23-26 • Paul warned that an apostasy was going to take place – Acts 20:28-32; 1 Tim 4:1-5; 2 Tim 4:1-4; 2 Thes 2:1-12 • Peter mentioned the reality of false teachers – 2 Peter 2:1-3 • As did John – 1 John 2:18; 4:1 Biblical History: The warnings:
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? The Falling Away • The presence of false teaching – Acts 15; Gal 5:1-4; Col 2 • Division was condemned in the church at Corinth – 1 Cor 1:10-17; • There were those who possessed the “spirit of preeminence” - 3 John 9,10 • Five of the seven churches of Asia had begun to travel the road of apostasy. – Rev 2,3 Biblical History: The warnings: The signs:
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? The Falling Away • Presiding Elders • Elder – Bishop distinction • Metropolitan Bishops – • Diocesan Bishop - • Arch Bishops – (Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, & Rome) • The Pope – (606 AD.) A gradual departure from God’s Word Biblical History: The warnings: The signs: Post Biblical History:
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? A gradual departure from God’s Word The Falling Away Step #5 Arch Bishops – Step #6 POPE – Boniface III 606 AD Step #4 Diocesan Bishop - Step #3 Metropolitan Bishops – Step #2 Elder – Bishop distinction Step #1 Presiding elder Elders Elders Elders Elders Elders Elders Elders Elders Original
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? The Falling Away Biblical History: The warnings: The signs: Post Biblical History: • Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) • Latin Mass (394 A.D.) • Purgatory (593 A.D.) • Transubstantiation (1000 A.D.) • Celibacy of Priest (1015 A.D.) • Indulgences – (1192 A.D.) • Auricular Confession (1215 A.D.) • Sprinkling (1311 A.D.)
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Attempt At Reformation • October 31, 1517 nailed his 95 theses to the door of the “All Saints Church” in Whittenberg • His goal was to “Change” the traditions of the Catholic church. • “Whatever is not against scripture is for scripture, and scripture for it” • [Handbook of Denominations, pg. 132] Martin Luther 1483-1546
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Attempt At Reformation “What the Bible does not command we may not do,” Gave up images, crosses, indulgences, observing the mass, and the practice of celibacy, and the use of organs in the church. In 1522, mounted a protest against the fast at Lent, a standard Catholic practice. Ulrich Zwingli 1484-1531
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Attempt At Reformation Martin Luther – (1517) Church of England (1534) John Smyth Baptist (1608) Joseph Smith Mormon (1830) Over 3,000 mainline churches TODAY Augsburg Confession (1530) John Calvin Presbyterian (1560) John Wesley Methodist (1737) Ellen G. White Adventism (1844)
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Attempt At Restoration Most everyone is in agreement that such a state of division is not good! But what can be done about it? • Three Proposed ways to obtain unity: • Catholicism – Accept the authority of the Roman Catholic Church – even though there is very little resemblance to what we find in the NT. • Interdenominationalism – Unity in the absence of following a divine pattern of organization, doctrine, and worship. • Restoration – Returning to the divine pattern revealed in the NT – in organization, doctrine, and worship.
Christian Methodist Baptist Mormon Why so many different churches today? “The seed is the Word of God” (Luke 8:11) • The Bible Alone • Bible + Methodist Discipline • Bible + Baptist Manual • Bible + Book of Mormon Denominationalism necessitates different seeds! Answer: Men have tampered with the seed!!
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Conclusion • Division exist contrary to the prayer and teaching of Jesus Christ – (Jn 17:20,21; 1 Cor. 1:10-13) • Men departed from the scriptures - and brought into existence Catholicism – • Men tried to reform the apostate church - which resulted in denominationalism – • Division is not good – but how can we go about restoring the unity for which Jesus prayed for and demands?
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Conclusion Our plea is for a complete return to the pattern revealed in the New Testament: Book Chapter & Verse Everything the scriptures teach Nothing the scriptures do not authorize Call Bible things by Bible names Do Bible things in Bible ways Back to the Bible
Why So Many Different Kinds of Churches Today? Conclusion You can be a member of the Lord’s church! Not by submitting to the Pope - Not by submitting to the doctrines & commandments of men - But by submitting to the Lord Jesus Christ – Mark 16:16