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Helping declining churches revitalize , while resolutely planting new churches. Helping declining churches revitalize. Jesus said ,. „The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few . Ask the Lord of the harvest , therefore , to send out workers into his harvest field .“.
Helping declining churches revitalize, while resolutely planting new churches
Jesus said, „The harvestisplentiful but theworkersarefew. Askthe Lord oftheharvest, therefore, to send out workers intohisharvestfield.“
The churchleadershipobservesthedevelopmentofthechurch: Church life-cycle Refocusing Resources Maturity Preservation Longing Control Leadership Organizing Questioning Decline Growth Developing Blaming Polarisation Structure Clarifying Leaving Birth Dreaming Death
Assessment: Status ofour Church Maturity Preservation Decline Growth Birth Death
The Core Issues Or: Issuesthatcausecriseswhenleftunaddressed Maturity Preservation Leadership Control Decline Growth Structure Polarisation Birth Death
Characteristics of Decline in a local church • Plateau or decline in Membership over ten years • Transfer growth as opposed to conversion growth • Centripetal focus (inward) – Members, youth, building • Spirit of resignation (Our best years are behind us) • Leader- types have left the church • Resistance to change • People serve structures, not structures serving people • Information is more valued than transformation
Realize - - - Ifwekeepdoingwhatwehavebeendoing, we will keepgettingwhatwehavebeengetting! Is thatwhatwewant?
Howcanwebecomeharvest-driven? • Displaying REAL loveforoneanother (Joh 13) • Prayingexpectantly (Col 4:2) • Developing an outward-lookingfocus (Matt 9:36) • Discoveringour potential church in our OIKOS • Seekingtobecomeculturally relevant (addingvalueto the livesof non-Christians) • Key Question: Shouldourchurchceasetoexisttomorrow, wouldwebemourned or missedby the peopleofourcity/region?
The four elements needed for turn-around to take place • Attitudinal change (We refuse to allow decline to strangle us) • Missional behavior • Skilled Pilot (Guide, encourage, plan, results, celebrate) • Abiding/Expectant Prayer
Movingawayfrom an Event-Focus Coming to a foucus on Relating Non-Christians Christians The spoken word Non-Christians Christians Grace experienced
Culturally Relevant Church Growth The Gospel Talents and Gifts in the Chruch Real needs in our society
The Gospels surfacetwoquestions: Who is Jesus? Whatdoes He wantfromme?
Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus wantstoshape the futurewithus Then the elevendiscipleswenttoGalilee, to the mountainwhere Jesus hadtoldthemtogo. Whentheysawhim, theyworshipedhim; but somedoubted. Then Jesus cametothem and said, Allauthority in heaven and on earthhasbeengiventome. Thereforeasyouaregoingmakedisciplesofallnations (non-Christians): Baptizingtheminto the realityof the triuneGod, teachingthemtooberserveeverything, I havecommandedyou. And surely I am withyoualways, to the very end of the age.
The Future begins with Worship When the sawhim, theyworshipedhim
The Future is all aboutmakingpeopleintoapprenticesof Jesus Jesus: As youaregoingaboutyour normal living, makethemintomyapprentices . . .
Who do wemakeinto Jesus apprentices? All nations- Those not yetbelieving
How do wemaketheminto Jesus apprentices? 1. Duringour normal courseofliving. 2. Byimmersingtheminto the realityof the trinueGod. 3. Byhelpingthemtoapplywhat Jesus commanded
Jesus wantstoleadusinto His future, and His futureis the harvest.
Me Jesus My Kingdom God‘s Kingdom
Break out questions in triads • What change do I need to make personally? • What will it cost me? • Who will I ask to keep me accountable?