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Ancient Greek Influence Today

Explore the role of religion, geography, democracy, and Greek achievements in modern society. Discover how Ancient Greek math and philosophy still impact us. Compare different forms of government and their relevance. Uncover the enduring legacy of Greek mythology and architecture.

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Ancient Greek Influence Today

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  1. Study Guide 1. Explain the role religion played in the life of the Ancient Greeks. How did their polytheistic belief system help them understand the world around them? Religion was very important to the Ancient Greeks. Their polytheistic (many gods) belief system enabled them to understand the world around them. They created myths to explain events in nature. 2. How has the meaning and practices of the Olympics changed over time? The Olympics are now secular not sacred. Athletes, both men and women, from countries around the world participate. There are hundreds of events. 3. How did the geography of Greece impact its economy and early political system? The geography of Greece impacted its economy because it had few resources and its political system was fragmented as the mountainous terrain and island left the city-states isolated.

  2. 4. Why was King Phillip the II of Macedonia able to conquer the Ancient Greece? King Phillip was able to conquer Ancient Greece because the city-states were warring against each other. 5. Which Greek accomplishment is evident in our political system today? Provide evidence to support your reasoning. Democratic practices which were developed by the Ancient Greeks are evident in our political system today. The architectural design of our government buildings reflect the origins of our democratic roots. 6. Why was overseas travel so vital/important to the Greeks? Overseas travel was so vital to the Greeks because its rocky soil and mountainous terrain left it without many resources. The Greeks had to travel to other lands to get the resources they needed.

  3. 7. How did Sparta compare to Athens? Sparta was militaristic and Athens was more cultural. Sparta was an oligarchy and Athens was a democracy. 8. Complete a vocabulary word map (like you do in language arts) for the words democracy and metropolis (on the back) Democracy: Root Word-demos-power of the people In a democracy the people have the power to govern. Metropolis Root Word-polis-main city 9. Find examples in our society of the influence of Greek mythology. (Example: Greek Goddess Nike (Winged goddess of Victory, who can run and fly at great speeds)-Nike shoes. Visit http://www.greekmythologytoday.com

  4. 10. Explain how the Ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras’ work is still used today then create or find and solve a math problem using the Pythagoras theory. Be able use his theory to solve a word problem! http://www.math-videos-online.com/Pythagorean-Theorem-Word-Problem.html 11. Find and interpret a quote from a Greek philosopher and then explain how you can apply its wisdom to your life. Answers vary - use greece booklet. 12. How is the influence and achievements of the Ancient Greeks still apparent in our society today? Architecture, mathematical and scientific practices, literature, drama 13. Compare and contrast the following forms of government: oligarchy, democracy, and monarchy. Oligarchy: rule by a small group Democracy: rule by the people Monarchy: rule by a king or queen Tyrant: rule by one individual

  5. 14. Evaluate the forms of government from above and rank them in order of best or worst for the people. Justify your reasoning for your number 1 and number 3 choices. Use answers from #13. 15. How were the Persian Empire established? The Persians invaded small colonies, tried to invade Athens because of disputes over conquered colonies.

  6. #16

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