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American Revolution Study Guide: Key Events and Figures

This study guide covers important events like the Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Valley Forge, and key figures such as Patrick Henry and Cornwallis, providing insights into the American Revolution.

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American Revolution Study Guide: Key Events and Figures

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  1. Study Guide Chapter 4

  2. The Sons of Liberty dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act. Boston Tea Party

  3. 5 colonists shot dead by British soldiers outside a Customs House. Boston Massacre

  4. Colonists who stayed loyal to the King. Loyalists

  5. Patrick Henry

  6. Continentals Army’s winter camp in Pennsylvania. Very cold and harsh. Valley Forge

  7. In what battle did Washington surprise the British on Christmas night? • Battle of Trenton

  8. Name the Virginia representative who opposed British taxation. • Patrick Henry

  9. What are natural rights? List 3. • Freedoms that cannot be taken away by the government. • Life • Liberty • Pursuit of Happiness

  10. Yorktown Where did Cornwallis surrender to Washington?

  11. Stamp Act Which act placed a tax on all printed material?

  12. Hessians Mercenaries Who did the British hire to fight in the American Revolution?

  13. Common Sense What famous pamphlet was written by Thomas Paine?

  14. Treaty of Paris What treaty ended the American Revolution?

  15. Second Continental Congress Who chose George Washington to lead the Continental Army?

  16. William Howe Who was the British General at Bunker Hill?

  17. Great Britain Where did the Colonists get most of their ideas about government?

  18. Both had two house legislatures. What similarities are there between the British and Colonial governments?

  19. Boycott Protests Violence Name some ways the colonists opposed British taxes.

  20. Lexington Where was the “Shot Heard Round the World” fired?

  21. They thought they were too radical. How did loyalists feel about the Patriots?

  22. Homefield Fighting for their lives Name two colonial advantages in the war.

  23. Tensions increased How did the American Revolution affect relations with Native Americans?

  24. Colonists began supporting the Patriots. How did British losses in the south affect neutral colonists?

  25. The colonists had no representative in British Parliament. Virtual vs. actual representation They were willing to pay taxes passed by the colonial legislature Explain why the colonists thought it was unfair for the British to tax the American Colonies.

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