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Transforming Campuses: The Church of Pentecost Youth Ministry Agents Conference 2019

Join us for an inspiring conference focusing on the role of PENSA in campus transformation. Discover how the early church exemplified the Great Commission and learn to impact communities for Christ. Explore the concept of total transformation and the holistic approach to changing hearts and lives. Be a world changer through spiritual revolution!

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Transforming Campuses: The Church of Pentecost Youth Ministry Agents Conference 2019

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  3. THE EARLY CHURCH TOOK THE Proclamation of the gospel WITH ALL SERIOUSNESS • This has been theIRtask from the very day The CHURCH was born – Heading the Great Commission. • Examples: • Acts 2:46. They continued Daily • Acts 2:47 – The Lord added daily such as should be served. • Acts 5:42 → daily • Acts 6:7 from Adding to Multiplying • Acts 20:20 (20-20) church vision way of life not project

  4. THE TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OF THE EARLY CHURCH …OUR EXAMPLE • OUR LORD JESUS SELECTED ONLY 12 DISCIPLES, WALKED WITH THEM AND TRAINED THEM FOR THREE AND A HALF YEARS. • AFTER JESUS HAD ASCENDED TO HEAVEN, THE DISCIPLES WERE RADICALIZED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE TRANSFORMATION AGENDS BEGAN. • Before returning to heaven, Jesus broke down the great commission into sequential steps (Acts 1:8). Instructing His disciples to move from the simpler to the more complex ones. • THEY CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE Apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers.

  5. THE EARLY CHURCH, OUR EXAMPLE, CONT • THEY PROCLAMED THE GOOD NEWS WITH UNASHAMED BOLDNESS THAT SURPRISED THE AUTHORITIES with signs following. • They demanded to know “by what power or by what name have you done this miracle” (acts 4:7) • They demanded their cv and they had only three items on it: (Acts 4:13) • Uneducated • Untrained • Had been with jesus

  6. THE EARLY CHURCH, OUR EXAMPLE, CONT • they commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of jesus. And they responded… • “Whether it is right in the sight of god to listen to you more than god, you judge”? (Peter & john) acts 4:8 • They threatened them and let them go. Acts 4:21 • They went and reported to their friends and a prayer meeting began… and the holy spirit responded.

  7. THE EARLY CHURCH, OUR EXAMPLE, CONT • The transformation process and taking territories for Christ had began. • In acts 17:6 it was said of them: “those who have turned cities upside down have come here too”

  8. UNDERSTANDING transformation • A radical change in all spheres of life. • From having a hard heart to a warm heart • Unrighteous to righteousness • Death to life • Our goal must be nothing short of transformational development which impacts both man’s spirit and body. • The Transformation movement is different because it is spiritual without being religious. • It is Revolutionary. • You are turned from Unrighteous to righteousness • world changer., • walking innewness of life.

  9. TOTAL TRANSFORMATION • Jesus encouraged “inside-to-outside” approach. When change has started on the inside, its implications for the outside begin to manifest. (E.G: transformed zachaeusbegan to manifest what haD happened on the inside). • The internal that is prioritized in transformation is the human heart. Changed hearts lead to changed lives and this in turn should TRANSLATE to new ways of doing things and leading. • The objective is not only personal life transformation but holistic transformation that affects all spheres of human life, and all domains of society.

  10. Transforming campuses BY PENSA • THE character OF Christ must be manifested in our lives - WE MUST BE noted for honesty, ethics, love, integrity and “women and men of principle.” • Besides the Great Commission, we have the Great Challenge of the salt- and light passages (Matthew 5:13-16). These show we have a duty to influence the community, culture and even the leaders on campus for the common good of all. • LIGHT: SYMBOL OF ILLUMINATION, KNOWLEDGE AND Understanding • SALT: HOLDING BACK THE ROT IN THE SOCIETY, HALTS THE CORRUPTION AND DECAY BY WHAT THE CHRISTIAN POLITICIAN FOR EXAMPLE, BRINGS TO THE SOCIETY – EXEMPLIFIED BY PENSA STUDENTS IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS AMONG THE STUDENTS

  11. Transforming campuses BY PENSA - cont’ • Pensa must develop and promote transformational Leadership which reverses the perception of student leadership in ghanaas corrupt, self-serving and unable to deal with the challenges that have plagued the student body. There must be conscious efforts to capture leadership for classroom leaders to nugs leadership. Example of cold war era students leadership between socialists and capitalists • A life of Integrity: example joseph – moral integrity, Daniel – leadership\principles • Wholeness, uprightness, honesty, Purity • Manifesting Christ-like character in every area on campus • “If money is lost nothing is lost; if health is lost something is lost but if character is lost all is lost.” (Billy Graham)

  12. Transforming campuses BY PENSA - cont’ • Pensa must promote a culture of Excellence at individual and corporate levels • Excellence involves always doing the best for the best outcomes. • Excellence calls for never settling for second best. • Excellence involves creating environments that promote continual experimentation, creativity and innovation, learning, and improvement towards optimum results. • It must manifest at academic, leadership, sports, etc

  13. Pensa must pursue aggressive and varied EVANGELISM as a lifestyle for transformation on campus • DEFINITION: The proclamation of the historical Biblical Christ as savior and Lord, with a view to persuading people to come to Him personally and so be reconciled to God (Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelism). • To evangelize is to present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit that HUmanSshall come and put their trust in God through Him as their savioUrand serve Him as their King in the fellowship of the church (Michael Green).

  14. The campus environment – the need to understand the intellectual: An Intellectual is a person who uses his or her intellect to work, study, reflect, speculate on or ask and answer questions with regard to a variety of different ideas. They are deeply involved in ideas, books - the life of the mind. Intellectuals are sometimes perceived to remain impervious to propaganda, indoctrination and self-deception

  15. The intellectual needs Christ: • All men outside Christ are lost and need to be saved through Christ John 14:6-- I am the way.... Our good neighbors, friends, good brothers and sisters outside Christ are lost. God's wrath and judgment are upon them. • To be lost means man will spend eternity in Hell. • The soul is precious and priceless to God (created in Gods image). Since we have the ONLY message in all the world that can bring salvation to the lost man, we have the responsibility to carry it to the lost world.

  16. APPROACHING THE INTELLECTUAL (NON-CHRISTIAN) on campus • Not to be 'tricked' into giving his or her heart to Jesus. He needs to be "brought in" as a whole person into submission to Christ. • Avoid giving the impression that all problems are solved the moment we come to Christ. • He must be taken seriously. He is best approached personally. Respect his idiosyncrasies and particularly listen to him.

  17. CONT'D • THE PENSA MEMBER needs a proper understanding of the scriptures and Christian doctrine and ethics (a working knowledge of the Bible). • Be informed on a variety of subjects of interest to THE WORLD: Eg. All religions are the same, Jesus is just a good man, not God, the bible is not true, what about those who have not heard the gospel? Do Christians worship three Gods?, How about natural disasters? Why do good people suffer?

  18. CONT'D • Penetrate THE UNBELIEVER’S world-view • He remains an unregenerate person. Ask relevant questions • You have a testimony • Depend on the Holy Spirit/ Demonstration of God's Power • II Cor. 10:4 ff

  19. the pensa member’s Responsibility • Dependence on the Holy Spirit to prepare us (pray) • Study the word of God AND LIVE IT. • Dependence on the Holy Spirit to lead and direct us to the right audience. • Evangelize. • Ensuring follow up of the evangelized • be available BUT NOT OVERBEARING • Be fruitful- let our lives reflect IN HUMILITY AND EXCELLENT CHARACTER • Persuade BUT DO NOT IMPOSE • have faith and trust the Holy Spirit • Wait in silence for the Holy Spirit to prepare the grounds, give direction and the right motive.

  20. Establish Friendship Nurture Relationship • Develop common interests; hobbies, sports • Develop genuine interest in person's welfare Create Interest In Jesus • Lend person suitable magazines (e.g. with personal testimonies), books, music, tapes etc. • Share one's own experience of Jesus • Invite person to meetings

  21. Personal Guidelines • Be patient: Listen instead of talking all the time, do not push or pressure • Be consistent in your life: words, attitude, actions your testimonies., do not be discouraged by the lack of response • Be humble: admit mistakes, be ready to learn • Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and direct every stage

  22. OBSTACLES TO EFFECTIVE EVANGELISM a. FEAR - LACK OF FAITH • Not knowing how to be ourselves • → we are uneasy with ourselves therefore we struggle in relating naturally or humanly to the world. Example: Many avoid evangelism for fear that we may offend someone – Because we’ve not been able to identify their genuine desires → that it is Jesus they are really looking for. • Fear of being identified as a Christian or a Jesus freak. Therefore often remain silent when the topic of Jesus or God comes up or speak apologetically. • NB: In contrast, Marxists and Moslems on campus are highly evangelistic and bold. They communicate their beliefs articulately and with zeal. • But whatever you fear (or supremely respect) the most is what you serve. • NOTE ACTS 4:7 • And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, “By what power or by what name have you done this?” • Fear of failure: As if everything dependedson us instead of the Holy Spirit

  23. b. APPATHY • This obstacle needs no elaboration. Many are Gods “FROZEN’ CHRISTIAN STUDENTS” • Many don’t care, nothing constrains them to evangelize. Evangelism is the glow of an inner warmth and the go of an inner compulsion. In our age men are asking though usually quite unknown to themselves, the old question of the Philippian jailer “what must I do to be saved?” And we sit in apathy.

  24. c. Lack of Christ-Like Compassion (Passion for Souls) • The beauty of Christian character must be matched with the magnitude of His compassion (JESUS WEPT) as we weep (pray and fast) over these who are dead in sin? Romans 9:1-3, II Corinthians 5:11 & 14.

  25. d. Lack of a working Knowledge of the Bible (content) • Many have hazy ideas ABOUT THE theological understanding of all great doctrines of Christians faith. But don’t know the basic content of the Gospel with respect to evangelism. • Example: The need for a saviour/Jesus the Saviour/How to make him a personal saviour / bring him to a decision for Christ. Message of bible to clear any difficultly between him and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  26. e. Problem of Communication: • The way and manner we communicate the content of the gospel – the attitude or style of communication should be natural – we should expose them to the gospel (or Christ) not impose it on them way of life so leading questions etc. • NB: you can’t force them. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts and converts the sinner.

  27. f. Prayer – irregular inconsistent prayer. • Evangelism must begin, continue and extend with prayer. • By evangelizing we’re engaged in a spiritual battle. You can’t snatch Satan’s property easily! Can children be born without pain? Can there be birth without travail? True in the spiritual realm. Too Joel 1:13-14 – Lack of fasting? • NB: conversion is the operation of the Holy Spirit and prayer is the power that secures the operation. Souls are not saved by men but by God and since He works in amount to prayer we have no choice but to follow the divine plan. Prayer moves the arm that moves the world. We must therefore prevail in prayer.

  28. g. Lack of Authority and a spirit filled life • There is little or no reliance upon the Holy Spirit. He does the work. He works the hearts of men producing conviction and imparting saving faith – Through who men are Born again. Instead of depending on Him we depend on ideas self and strategies – empty of the flesh – i.e. Gift – talents, organization, machinery, education, training and not passion burden or travail. • Zachariah 4:6 – working in the anointing produces results. • NB: Holy Spirit was promised to help us evangelize Acts 1:8, Act2:4 We must learn what it means to be filled /walk/lead by the spirit Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5;16, Romans 8:14 • Then we shall be very effective.

  29. HOW to Evangelize on campuses • We must not be naïve and think that a vital relationship with Jesus alone is the only thing necessary for effective evangelism. There is more:

  30. HOW to Evangelize on campuses • 4 Things Needed • A clear grasp of the elusion message • You must be able to explain the message clearly to a non-client. It must be arranged systematically and must be able to explain the gospel without interruption. There is no one way to present the gospel. But everyone must have some outline if he is to be effective – therefore memorizing teats! 2.The Bridge Of Friendship • Take initiative in conversation to discover spiritual interest the Holy Spirit has put in life of a non-Christian. Therefore need to have non Christian friends.

  31. HOW to Evangelize on campuses 3. Answers to common questions • Then if can’t answer to refer always to your own personal testimony of what Christ has done. There too admit you don’t have answers now if a good question is asked which beat you • 1 Peter 3:1-5 Same question insecurity / fear of future/ Christianity etc. 4. How to ……. Decisions • Not only just present facts about the gospel. He must be brought to a part where he must come to a personal decision about Christ. Based on the understanding of the gospel message. • NB: God the Holy Spirit is the operative agent in sowing, watering and preparing. He wants us as instructs in all.

  32. “SERMONS WE SEE” I'd rather see a sermon than hear one, any day I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds For to see good put in action is what everybody needs I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do For I might misunderstand you and the high advice you give But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live Edgar A. Guest

  33. YOU ARE THE 5TH GOSPEL GisbySmith - Irish Evangelist says: • “There are Five Gospels written; • Matthew. Mark, Luke, John and YOU” People may not read the First Four BUT they will read YOU every day. • Gandhi says: “I like Christ but not their Christianity” & “I will be a Christian the day I see one”

  34. God bless you & THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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