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Carbon Stock Assessment in Mangrove Forests for Climate Mitigation

Learn methodologies to determine carbon stocks, composition, and structure in mangrove forests. Understand the value of ecosystem services provided by mangroves for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Discover how to measure and report carbon stocks efficiently with field data collection. An essential guide for policymakers and researchers striving to tackle climate change through mangrove conservation.

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Carbon Stock Assessment in Mangrove Forests for Climate Mitigation

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  1. Topic C3. Slide 2 of 29 Mangroves – a unique tropical forest type 138,000–152,000 km2 (145,000 km2) Widely distributed – 123 countries Critical provision of ecosystem services Values – USD 2000–9000/ha/yr Spaulding et al. (2010)

  2. Topic C3. Slide 3 of 29 Mangroves – Tremendous range in structural diversity Seneboi River Delta, Papua, Indonesia Mangle Bajo, Parque Nacional Montecristi, Republica Dominicana

  3. Topic C3. Slide 4 of 29 Training objectives:1. to learn methodologies to efficiently determine carbon stocks and emissions in mangroves.2. collect the field data necessary to calculate the C stocks, composition and structure of mangroves.3. Provide policymakers with C stock information of value for climate change mitigation and adaptation activities. Mangroves – Tremendous range in structural diversity

  4. Topic C3. Slide 5 of 29 Mangroves – Tremendous range in structural diversity A detailed methods manual for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) in mangroves exists – Kauffman and Donato 2012. www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/WPapers/WP86CIFOR.pdf

  5. Topic C3. Slide 6 of 29 Mangroves – Tremendous range in structural diversity Trees Non-tree vegetation Dead wood Soil Forest floor

  6. Topic C3. Slide 7 of 29 Mangrove forest ecosystem Mangroves – Tremendous range in structural diversity Aboveground pools Belowground pools Sediments Trees >1.3 m ht Downed wood Roots palms Seedlings 0–10 cm depth Dead Live by species Herbs 0.67 cm diameter 10–30 cm Blades Litter >100 cm dbh 0.67–2.54 cm diameter 30–50 cm Rachis 50–100 cm dbh pneumatophores 2.54–7.6 cm diameter 50–100 cm Bracts 100–200 cm 30–50 cm dbh >7.6 cm diameter 5–30 cm dbh 300–500 cm sound rotten 0–5 cm dbh >500 cm In order to measure the carbon stocks of a forest, you need to break it down into ecologically meaningful components that can be accurately measured. Here is how we partition mangrove forests. When you see this… You have to also see this

  7. Topic C3. Slide 8 of 29 PLOT LAYOUT TO DESCRIBE MANGROVES Trees <5 cm dbh measured in 2 m radius (A = 12.6 m2) (all plots) Trees <5 cm dbh measured in 2 m radius (A = 12.6 m2) (all plots) Wood debris transects (4 per plot, all plots) Trees >5 cm dbh measured in 7 m radius (A=153.9m2) D A R= 2 m 7 m B C Soil measurements and core extraction (all plots) Marine ecotone Plot: 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 m 20 m www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/WPapers/WP86CIFOR.pdf

  8. Topic C3. Slide 9 of 29 Plot design: Dwarf mangroves and young stands of planted mangroves

  9. Topic C3. Slide 10 of 29 Why use a linear transect? Trees <5 cm Trees >5 cm Wood debris dbh measured dbh measured transects in 2m radius in 7m radius (4 per plot, all 2 (A=12.6m ) (all (A=153.9m 2 ) plots) plots) D A R= 2m B C • Captures a broad environmental gradient • Avoids species contagion • Less chance of sampler bias • More efficient for field sampling • Fewer steps required for field technicians – less disturbance to the permanent plot; critical in these wet areas with fragile soils • Ease of relocation

  10. Topic C3. Slide 11 of 29 • PLOT DESCRIPTION – METADATA • General description of the area – trees, soils land use, etc. • Name of plot, date sampled • GPS coordinates of each plot are critical • Compass direction of the transect (degrees) • Salinity – measured at soil sampling plots • pH – measured at soil sampling plots • Photo documentation • Systematic photopoints at center of each plot • Reporting purposes, visualization • Names of field technicians

  11. Topic C3. Slide 12 of 29 Trees

  12. Topic C3. Slide 13 of 29

  13. Topic C3. Slide 14 of 29 How to determine whether trees are ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ the plot. • Why use a circular plot? • Ease of setup and relocation • Ease of measurement • Less edge to area ratio

  14. Topic C3. Slide 15 of 29 Dead trees Live (with leaves) – measure dbh Class 1 dead – recent death, only leaves missing – measure dbh Class 2 dead – dead with all small branches missing – measure dbh Class 3 dead – only trunk/mainstems present – measure dbh and height

  15. Topic C3. Slide 16 of 29 W1 W1 W1 W2 Crown depth Height Elliptical crown area = (W1 x W2/2)2*π; Where W1 is the widest length of the plant canopy through its center, and W2 is the canopy width perpendicular to W1. Crown volume = elliptical crown area * crown depth. Height is measured from the sediment surface to the highest point of the canopy. D30 is the main stem diameter at 30cm. D30 Most often we use models that use diameter and plant height to determine biomass

  16. Topic C3. Slide 17 of 29

  17. Topic C3. Slide 18 of 29 Dead wood Pieces 2.5 -7.6 cm measured here 0m 2m 9m 14 m Pieces >7.6 cm measured here

  18. Topic C3. Slide 19 of 29 Soil depth and sampling Intervals: 0–15 cm, 15–30 cm, 30–50 cm, 50–100 cm, 100–300 cm

  19. Topic C3. Slide 20 of 29 Extract the soil core and cut it off flush with the smooth edge

  20. Topic C3. Slide 21 of 29 Measure the depth ranges to collect sample

  21. Topic C3. Slide 22 of 29

  22. Topic C3. Slide 23 of 29

  23. Topic C3. Slide 24 of 29

  24. Topic C3. Slide 25 of 29 EXAMPLE 2: Examples of total ecosystem carbon stocks for selected mangroves of the west Pacific and Asia

  25. Topic C3. Slide 26 of 29 SUMMARYWhy is this work important? • Mangroves provide a number of critical ecosystem services • The carbon stocks in mangroves are among the highest of any ecosystem on earth • Rates of land-use/land-cover change in mangrove conversion are high • Greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove conversion are high • MRV is possible in mangroves

  26. Topic C3. Slide 27 of 29 References • Donato DC, Kauffman JB, Murdiyarso D, Kurnianto S, Stidham M, and Kanninen M. 2011. Mangroves among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics. Nature Geosciences4:293–297. doi: 10.1038/NGEO1123. • Howard J, Hoyt, S, Isensee K, Telszewski M, Pidgeon E (eds.). 2014.Coastal Blue Carbon: Methods for assessing carbon stocks and emissions factors in mangroves, tidal salt marshes,and seagrasses. Arlington, Virginia, USA: Conservation International, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Union for Conservation of Nature. • [IPCC] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2003.Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change, and forestry. Penman J, Gytarsky M, Hiraishi T, Krug Thelma, Kruger D, Pipatti R, Buendia L, Miwa K, Ngara T, Tanabe K, et al, eds. Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. • Kauffman JB and Donato DC. 2012. Protocols for the Measurement, Monitoring, & Reporting of Structure, Biomass and Carbon Stocks in Mangrove Forests. Working Paper 86. Bogor: Center for International Forest Research. Kauffman JB, Donato D, Adame MF. 2014.Protocolo para la medición, monitoreo y reporte de la estructura, biomasa y reservas de carbono de los manglares de México. CIFOR Working Paper/Documento de Trabajo 117. Bogor: Center for International Forest Research.

  27. Topic C3. Slide 28 of 29 References Kauffman JB, Heider C, Norfolk J, Payton F. 2014. Carbon Stocks of intact mangroves and carbon emissions arising from their conversion in the Dominican Republic. Ecological Applications 24:518–527. Spalding MD, Kainuma M, Collins L. 2010. World atlas of mangroves. London: Earthscan. [UNEP] United Nations Environment Programme. 2014. The Importance of Mangroves to People: A Call to Action. van Bochove J, Sullivan E, Nakamura T, eds. Cambridge: United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge.

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