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This sermon explores the value of human life by examining the topics of abortion, euthanasia, and injustice for murder. It emphasizes that being human is not enough, but being made in the image of God gives intrinsic worth to every individual. The sermon also discusses how God's love for humanity is demonstrated through Jesus' sacrificial atonement. It encourages listeners to respond properly by being informed, praying intelligently, and providing financial support and personal involvement.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Value of Human LifeSelected Scriptures There have been over 59 million babies aborted in the United States since Roe v Wade 46 years ago Doctors routinely recommend abortion of a child that might be sickly, deformed or just unwanted “Born alive” laws enacted to try to protect against infanticide
The Value of Human LifeSelected Scriptures Euthanasia laws already enacted in 6 states, forced upon Montana by a judge, 25 states with pending legislation Genocide has occurred in the United States before, and could occur again
The Value of Human Life Being human is not enough for those who consider man just a higher form of animal Superior quality arguments do not protect the sickly, old or impaired. Economic arguments can easily be turned to favor abortion and euthanasia of the unproductive
The Creation of Man Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7 Animals, creeping things & mankind all created by God from the dust of the ground - and so share common traits God breathed into man the breath of life and give him a soul - an eternal quality not shared in by animals
Made in the Image of GodGenesis 1:26; Genesis 9:5 God commands capital punishment for murder of man because man is made in the image of God Murder is a rebellious act against God The right to life & capital punishment are both based on man being made in the image of God
Made in the Image of GodGenesis 1:26; Genesis 9:5 Abortion and euthanasia advocates want to kill the innocent and keep alive the guilty Professing “Christians” who advocate these evils contradict what God has said and so blaspheme Him
Made in the Image of GodGenesis 1:26; Genesis 9:5 Infanticide was a reason for the destruction of the Canaanites (Lev. 20:2; Deut. 12:31; 18:10-13). Injustice for murder is a reason Israel & Judah were oppressed & then deported (Deut. 28:15f; cf Isaiah 5, Ezk. 22) Proverbs 14:34 - blessing for obedience and curses for disobedience for all nations
Made in the Image of GodGenesis 1:26; Genesis 9:5 All men are dependent on God (Acts 17:28; Col. 1:17) & will be held accountable by Him (Rev. 20:12) Value is determined by the owner / creator, not someone else
Loved by God Man is sinful, yet God has demonstrated His love for him through Jesus’ sacrificial atonement (Romans 5:8)
The value of man is the value of the price God paid to redeem him from his sin. • Jesus set aside the glories of heaven • Jesus became a man • Jesus died on the cross in our place • God did not do this because of anything in man, but because of His own nature (Romans 5:8)
Your value to God is not based in: • Heritage • Social Class • Job / Income / Position • What others think • What you think • Performance • Intelligence • Physical ability • Beauty • Behavior Your value is based in God creating you in His image and in His declared love for you proven in Jesus Christ.
Loved by God Abortion, infanticide, euthanasia & injustice for murder fail to respect the value God gives to everyone
Answers to Abortion Arguments God created mankind (Genesis 1:27; 2:22; Matthew 19:5; 1 Corinthians 11:8-9)
Answers to Abortion Arguments God controls the creation of each individual: Sarah and the birth of Isaac (Genesis 16:1-2; 17:15-19; 21:21:2) Hannah and the birth of Samuel (1 Samuel 1:5, 11, 19-20) The Psalmists: Psalm 100:3; Psalm 127:3; Psalm 139:13-16
Answers to Abortion Arguments Each unborn child is an unique individual formed by God - and is not a part of the woman’s body A woman’s body belongs to her husband (and vica versa) - 1 Cor. 7:4 and to the Lord - 1 Cor. 6:13 A woman has a right to choose many things - murder of her baby is not one
Answers to Abortion Arguments When Human Life Begins: Luke 1:39-45 - Mary, Elizabeth, John & Jesus Jeremiah 1:4-5 - formed, known and consecrated before birth Abortion is nothing less than the willful taking of a human life which is murder
Answers to Infanticide and Euthanasia God makes the handicapped for His own purpose - Exodus 4:11 There is no right to health - John 9 It is not up to man to decide when he will die - Job 14:5; 30:23; Ps 89:46-48; Heb. 9:27
Responding Properly(Go to the links at the end of the notes for this sermon) The Hope of the Gospel Be Informed on the Issues Pray intelligently Financial Support Personal Involvement
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ