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Website: <br>https://drache.ca/<br><br><br>Address:<br>120 Terence Matthews Crescent Suite B1<br>Kanata, ON<br>K2M 1P7<br><br><br>Owner name: <br>Adam Aptowitzer<br><br><br>Phone: <br>613-237-3300<br>Description: <br>Charity Law and Corporate Lawyer Ottawa, DracheAptowitzer LLP is recognized as one of Canadau2019s foremost experts in the law related to charities and non-profit organizations, DracheAptowitzer LLP will provide appropriate guidance through every step of your organizationu2019s life span.<br>Of note, DracheAptowitzer acts for many organizations across Canada, as well as international charities with Canadian connections. Our firm also regularly works with and supports other organizations and legal advisors who prefer to take advantage of our specialized expertise.<br>The firm has particular expertise in the area of the arts having worked with both arts related charitable organizations, National Arts Service Organizations and individual artists in tax-related matters.<br>The firm is also often retained by taxpayers to structure significant charitable donations, both during their lifetimes and in their estate planning.<br>Arthur has appeared on behalf of charities and donors before the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. While Adam has extensive experience before the Tax Court of Canada and has appeared also at the Federal Court of Appeal.<br>We have also acted as an expert adviser to aboriginal organizations in establishing tax efficient vehicles for investment and for business activities.<br>* Strategic planning<br>* Incorporation<br>* Establishment of charitable trusts<br>* Establishment of non-profit organizations<br>* Structuring significant donations for maximum tax efficiency<br>* Assisting charities in dealing with Canada Revenue Agency, including appeal of revocation of charitable registrations<br><br>We look forward to helping your organization as well.<br><br><br><br>Business Email: <br>info@drache.ca<br><br><br>Hours: <br>Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm<br><br><br>Social links:<br>https://www.facebook.com/dracheaptowitzerllp/<br><br>https://twitter.com/charitytax?lang=en<br><br>https://www.linkedin.com/company/drache-aptowitzer-professional-corporation/?originalSubdomain=ca<br><br>
Business name: Drache Aptowitzer LLP Website: https://drache.ca/ Address: 120 Terence Matthews Crescent Suite B1 Kanata, ON K2M 1P7 Owner name: Adam Aptowitzer Phone: 613-237-3300 Keywords: charity law, charity lawyer, corporate lawyer, corporate lawyer Ottawa, corporate law Description: Charity Law and Corporate Lawyer Ottawa, Drache Aptowitzer LLP is recognized as one of Canada’s foremost experts in the law related to charities and non-profit organizations, Drache Aptowitzer LLP will provide appropriate guidance through every step of your organization’s life span. Of note, Drache Aptowitzer acts for many organizations across Canada, as well as international charities with Canadian connections. Our firm also regularly works with and supports other organizations and legal advisors who prefer to take advantage of our specialized expertise. The firm has particular expertise in the area of the arts having worked with both arts related charitable organizations, National Arts Service Organizations and individual artists in tax-related matters. The firm is also often retained by taxpayers to structure significant charitable donations, both during their lifetimes and in their estate planning. Arthur has appeared on behalf of charities and donors before the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. While Adam has
extensive experience before the Tax Court of Canada and has appeared also at the Federal Court of Appeal. We have also acted as an expert adviser to aboriginal organizations in establishing tax efficient vehicles for investment and for business activities. * Strategic planning * Incorporation * Establishment of charitable trusts * Establishment of non-profit organizations * Structuring significant donations for maximum tax efficiency * Assisting charities in dealing with Canada Revenue Agency, including appeal of revocation of charitable registrations We look forward to helping your organization as well. Business Email: info@drache.ca Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Social links: https://www.facebook.com/dracheaptowitzerllp/ https://twitter.com/charitytax?lang=en https://www.linkedin.com/company/drache-aptowitzer-professional- corporation/?originalSubdomain=ca