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Equipment. inflation. shell. Milking Unit. air tube. claw. milk hose. vacuum hose. Inflation. Made from flexible materials; attaches to cow’s teat during milking; normally surrounded by a rigid shell. Shell. Part of the milking unit that houses the inflation. Air Tube.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Equipment

  2. inflation shell Milking Unit air tube claw milk hose vacuum hose

  3. Inflation Made from flexible materials; attaches to cow’s teat during milking; normally surrounded by a rigid shell

  4. Shell Part of the milking unit that houses the inflation

  5. Air Tube Short flexible tube; connects shell to claw; allows vacuum pressure to be placed inside the shell, which causes milk to be released from the udder

  6. Milking Claw Collects milk from individual teats, then milk moves through tubing into main pipeline; attaches to shell/inflation and air tubes

  7. Milk Tubing Moves milk from individual milking unit into main pipeline

  8. Shut Off Valve Connects to vacuum/milk tubing; shuts off vacuum/milk flow

  9. Support Arm Supports milk/vacuum tubing while the milking unit is attached to the cow

  10. Pulsator Controls when vacuum pressure is applied inside the shell

  11. Air Fork Connects milking claw to pulsation (vacuum) system

  12. Vacuum Regulator Maintains vacuum levels in milking system

  13. Vacuum Gauge Measures the vacuum level of milking system

  14. CIP Cup Covers the inflation opening during CIP cleaning; CIP stands for clean in place

  15. CIP Hanger Stores CIP cups

  16. Duckbill Drain Drain component of CIP system

  17. Jetter Distributer Distributes water/cleaning solution to milking unit during CIP cleaning

  18. Clean In Place (CIP) System CIP cup duckbill drain

  19. Flapper Gasket Fits onto milk receiver, which collects milk from the pipeline before it flows into bulk tank

  20. Milk Filter Filters milk before it enters the bulk tank

  21. Milk Filter Frame Milk filter fits onto frame

  22. Pail Lid Gasket Fits onto lid of milk pails

  23. Teat Dip Cup Teat dip fills the top compartment; teat dip is applied to teat by inserting it into top compartment

  24. CMT Paddle Used in mastitis detection; milk is placed into each section and a reagent is added that helps identify cases of mastitis

  25. Weaning Ring Inserted into nose of calves that are not completely weaned; prevents calf from nursing

  26. Insemination Rod Used with semen straws; places semen inside cow during artificial insemination

  27. Elastrator Used to castrate bull calves

  28. Electric Dehorner Used for dehorning calves

  29. Balling Gun Used to administer oral medication to cattle

  30. Syringe Used to give injections to cattle

  31. Paint Stick Used for marking cattle

  32. Ear Tagger Attaches tags to ear of cattle

  33. Tatooer Applies permanent tatoo for identification

  34. Body Weight Tape Measures heart girth circumference, which is used to calculate body weight

  35. Leg Band Attaches around the leg of cattle; used for identification

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