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UCL Estates Induction Pack Guide

Navigate through UCL Estates facilities, objectives, leadership, key contacts, and sustainability initiatives in this comprehensive guide.

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UCL Estates Induction Pack Guide

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  1. UCL Estates Induction pack

  2. Contents Introduction to Estates 4 Who we are 5 Locations 12 Green UCL 15 Getting started 19 First actions 20 Telephone 27 Meeting rooms 29 Sickness 30 Purchasing 31 Probation requirements 33 Training 34 Life at UCL 35 Staff benefits 36 Out and about 40

  3. Useful information 43 Smartphone apps44Maps 45 Health and safety 49 Recruitment and selection 52 Key policies and links 53 Probation forms 56 Appraisal forms (web links) 61 Estates HR 62 Satellite estates 65

  4. Welcome You must be new here Don’t know what to do? Don’t know where to go? Need a coffee? This guide will point you in the right direction and help find answers to your questions. If you’re still stuck please do not hesitate to ask! Tom Mapleson (t.mapleson@ucl.ac.uk, 32348) Estates HR administrator

  5. Estates Who we are Wemanage the estate and facilities infrastructure at UCL. What we do Property acquisition and management Capital projects Engineering and maintenance Environmental sustainability Safety Security Facilities management Student residences Central room bookings For more detailed information on our core activities please visit www.ucl.ac.uk/efd

  6. Estates objectives • One team with a common purpose • Providing a great customer service • Improving communications • Delivering a clear Estates strategy and space allocation • Managing our scarce resources efficiently and reporting our performance • Providing a long term perspective of: • - Environmental sustainability • - Long term maintenance • Improving the student experience with: • - Teaching and learning spaces • - Student accommodation • Enhancing the estate through the capital programme and public realm

  7. Estates leadership team Andrew Grainger - Director of UCL Estates a.grainger@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 41212  Dave Smith - Deputy director, Estates strategy & space dave.smith@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 41224  Colin Plank – Head of property c.plank@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 41612 

  8. Paul Stirk – Head of safety p.stirk@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 41948 William Wilson – Director of student residences w.wilson@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 46960 Sian Minett – Head of satellite estate services s.minett@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 48240 Richard Jackson – Head of environmental sustainability richard.jackson@ucl.ac.uk Geoff Prudence – Head of engineering and maintenance g.prudence@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 41201

  9. Greg Beach - Director of capital projects g.beach@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 41207 David M Smith – Head of facilities d.m.smith@ucl.ac.uk. Tel: 34352 UCL directory To search for any UCL employee, see: www.ucl.ac.uk/directory/

  10. Organisation charts To understand who does what in Estates and who to contact for a specific query please consult the Estates organisation charts at www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/about/organisation-charts/. These charts display the job title, telephone number and email address for the majority of Estates employees. If you wish to contact a person not listed on these charts please contact the section of the person you require, or contact HR administrator Tom Mapleson on 41973.

  11. Key contacts Maintenance/porter requests Call 30000 or log it online at www.ucl.ac.uk/maintenance-service-requests/ Security Contact UCL security services on 32102 for emergencies and other security matters. www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/security/ Safety Call 45913 for all general safety enquiries. www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/

  12. Other Estates locations Basement, 1-19 Torrington Place Head of facilities services David M Smith and his team are located here. Foster Court Our maintenance work shop is located here. Andrew Huxley building Estates security is coordinated from here. Security passes are also issued here. UCL shop Located in the south wing of the Wilkins building, for all your snack and stationery needs.

  13. Green UCL As an institution, UCL is working to identify and manage its impacts on the environment. Here are some ways you can help: Stamp donation We collect used postage stamps for donation to The Leprosy Mission. Please put any used postage stamps into the wallet which is located by the binding machine in the seventh floor post area. Toner recycling Used toner and ink jet cartridges are collected and sent for remanufacture. If you replace a toner cartridge in one of the printers, please put the used cartridge in the collection box located next to the seventh floor goods lift (and make a note on the log sheet attached to the box).

  14. Used batteries A battery collection point is located by the goods lift on the seventh floor. Used batteries are sent for recycling. Food waste Food waste is collected in the bin located in the eighth floor kitchen, and in the food caddies located in the seventh floor kitchen and in the Procurement section. Please use these bins for all food (tea bags, coffee grounds, fruit peelings, food remains, etc). The waste is sent for composting so please do not put plastic, glass or metal into these bins. Mixed recyclable waste Recycling bins, which have clear bin liners, are located around the seventh and eighth floors. These bins can be used for all wastes apart from liquids, batteries, toner cartridges, batteries and electrical items. The wastes from these bins is sent to a materials recovery facility where they are sorted. Around 80% of the wastes are recycled and the rest sent for incineration with energy recovery.

  15. Turn it off! Leaving unused electrical items switched on wastes money and caused unnecessary carbon emissions. Please switch off your computer, monitor and task light when you have finished using them. Remember to unplug your phone charger once your phone has been charged. An equipment plan detailing how the heating, lighting and other systems work is posted on the Walk the Green Line notice board located on the seventh floor. Water, water, everywhere! If you are holding meetings please do not bring in bottled water. Taps providing filtered/chilled tap water are available in the kitchens located on the seventh and eighth floors. If you must use bottled water please order the Vivreau water from the Refectory as this is filtered and chilled tap water (and is also available as a sparkling water).

  16. Walk the green line Walk the green line is the UCL Estates green impact team who have implemented small, but achievable, improvements to the environmental performance of the seventh floor. The team is being formalised into a task group which will promote the programme across other parts of Estates. Information about current environmental initiatives may be found on the notice board located opposite the goods lift on the seventh floor. Double sided printing All printers and photocopiers are set to print double sided automatically. Please only print one sided if absolutely necessary. Print in colour only when essential. Information about UCL’s environmental sustainability policy and implementation programmes can be found on the green UCL website: www.ucl.ac.uk/environment. Please contact Tony Overbury (53159 or t.overbury@ucl.ac.uk) to find out more about any of these initiatives.

  17. Getting started

  18. First actions • Have you completed your staff • registration details? • UCL needs to collect some further information from • you. To access the staff registration system: • Go to www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs • Click on ‘Current employment opportunities at UCL’ • Select ‘Returning applicant’ on the left hand side • Select the vacancy for which you have been • successful • Click on the ‘Staff registration’ link on the left hand side. • Please return your signed contract of • employment to HR (at 9th floor, 1-19 Torrington • Place).

  19. Induction On your first day you will be provided with information on the following: Your line manager should help provide this induction for you.

  20. Induction During your first week you should also be provided with: Your line manager should help provide this induction for you.

  21. Induction Within the first month you should have completed: Your line manager should help provide this induction for you.

  22. Knowledge • Security access • Visit Security (Andrew Huxley building, south quad) soon after you start to obtain a security pass. They will already have a record of your name but you will need to take appropriate ID (such as a driving licence or passport) with you to fully prove your identity. • IT access • Before you can access a PC you will need: • a UCL username, • and two separate passwords, • one for logging on to an Estates PC • one for accessing UCL software (such as MyView and FIS). This password will also allow you to use PC’s in UCL cluster rooms. • Please contact Elsa Taddesse (48314) or Martin Paul (41203) if these are not provided within your first week of work or if you experience any other problems.

  23. Logging on • Once you have received notification of your ADS username and password, log on as follows: • Press CTRL+ALT+DEL • Normally, the first time you logon you will be prompted to change your password. • When you log on, enter your user name and password and remember to check that the ‘Log on to:’ field is filled in with the domain name ADM. • MyView • Now you have IT access, you can use MyView to: • Check and update your personal details • View your payslips • Book holiday and other annual leave • Record training courses • Log on at www.ucl.ac.uk/myview.

  24. Once annual leave is requested on MyView it will be sent to your line manager for approval. If your line manager does not respond within 5 working days the request Access to staff files Staff files are located on the W: drive (go to My Computer – W: drive). If you do not have access to the correct files please contact Martin Paul (41203). Access to staff software If you need help accessing software, or to discuss your software requirements, please contact Martin Paul (41203). UCL staff can download a number of free software packages. To find out more go to: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/common/software

  25. Telephone If you are expecting a telephone extension, this should be set up automatically upon your arrival. However, if you are experiencing problems with your telephone please call Tom Mapleson (41973) or Telecoms (31391). Dial 37000 to access your voicemail. The default passcode is 1234. Main menu option keys:

  26. Using your telephone Transfer a call: Press R button, enter new extension number and replace handset when new person is ready. To return to the outside caller press R*1. Use Ring Back button to request an automatic call back if dialled number is engaged. Hold a call: Press R button and listen for holding dial tone. Key in *9 and wait for switching successful tone to indicate party is on hold. Replace the handset. To reconnect lift handset and key in *1. Conference call: Whilst speaking to 1st party press R and key number of person to be added. Press R to receive the dial tone and key in *4. If your telephone is a member of a pick-up group covering a number of phones key in **3 to answer. For more information about how to use your telephone’s features please go to: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/telecoms/telephone-features/

  27. Meeting rooms • There are two ways to book meeting rooms. • Rooms in 1-19 Torrington Place can be found by • opening the relevant shared room calendar on • Microsoft Outlook. To book a room you need to • ‘invite’ it as an attendee to a meeting, along with • the other, human attendees. • Rooms are identified in the format: ‘~1-19TorrPl.807.(4).CSS’ (example). The number in the brackets tells you the capacity of the room. • Other rooms in the university can be searched and booked using the online room booking system, found at: https://shibidp.ucl.ac.uk/idp/Authn/UserPassword

  28. Sickness If you are sick and cannot attend work you must contact your manager (or relevant co-worker) within 30 minutes of your start time. If you expect to be absent for more than seven calendar days you must provide a medical certificate to substantiate this. More information can be found at: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/sickness_absence Your manager will record your absence on MyView and conduct a ‘return to work interview’ to discuss any further issues.

  29. Purchasing We use the FIS system to raise requisitions, place purchase orders and receipt invoices. All orders that we place must have a purchase order number. To access FIS please complete the FIS user form (see next page) with your manager. If you have any further problems please contact Philip Flash. The FIS website (www.ucl.ac.uk/FIS) contains user manuals but we recommend you are shown how to use FIS by another member of staff. Training can be arranged by contacting Philip Flash. FIS key contacts Purchasing: Philip Flash (p.flash@ucl.ac.uk or 41850) Invoicing: Chuni Shah (c.shah@ucl.ac.uk or 41959) FIS helpdesk: fis@ucl.ac.uk or 53133

  30. Probation requirements • Staff in grades 1- 6 will be subject to a 6 months probationary period and staff in grades 7 - 10 will be subject to a 9 months probationary period. • During this period your manager will make clear any service standards related to your particular post in terms of: • Quality and quantity of output • Skills that must be acquired • Deadlines which must be met • Your manager will also make clear how these standards will be monitored throughout the probation period and the frequency with which they will be formally reviewed.

  31. Training When you start at UCL: Book yourself on to the Provosts welcome See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/osd/ and the Estates safety induction See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/UCLTrainingBookingSystem/ All staff are expected to attend at least 3 separate training events per year. Your manager will help you to identify and plan these sessions. UCL also offers a number of free, in-house training courses See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/osd/ www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/staff/training

  32. Life at UCL

  33. Staff benefits Season ticket loan An interest free season ticket loan that is paid back in monthly instalments through your salary. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/season_tickets_bicycle_loans Childcare vouchers These are tax and national insurance exempt for the first £55 per week of your childcare costs, potentially saving you hundreds of pounds a year. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/benefits/family_friendly_benefits.php#Heading9 Eye test A free eye examination (and potentially free glasses) for computer users. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/occ_health/health_advice/eyecare

  34. Staff discounts Waterstones in Gower Street – 10% discount See: www.ucl.ac.uk/procurement/agreements./personal/books/waterstones Costco cash & carry membership See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/benefits/staff_discounts.php#procurement Gym Bloomsbury fitness (Gordon St) See: http://beta.uclu.org/facilities/bloomsbury-fitness ULU energybase (Malet St) See: www.ulu.co.uk/content/621793/health__fitness/ 52 club (52 Gower St) See: www.the52club.co.uk/

  35. UCL libraries Unlimited loans for UCL staff See: www.ucl.ac.uk/library/ UCL staff can also access many university libraries across London and the UK. Go to the SCONUL website for more information. http://www.access.sconul.ac.uk/members Cycle parking UCL promotes the use of cycling to work and provides cycle racks across the campus. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/locations/ucl-maps/ucl-bloomsbury-campus-map for parking locations. Cycle scheme You may be entitled to a 12 month bike loan allowing the employee to benefit from income tax and national insurance relief. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/cycle_scheme

  36. Staff development OSD offer a number of free in-house training courses. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/osd/ Study assistance scheme Offers 50% of course fees (pro-rata for part-time staff) up to £400.00 and a maximum of 8 days' study leave. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/osd/sas/index.php Software discount UCL staff can purchase Microsoft Office and Windows 7 from the UCL shop for £10 each. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/ucl-shop/staff-software/

  37. Out and about There are many restaurants, cafes, shops and attractions that surround the Bloomsbury campus. The UCL student’s union (25 Gordon Street), UCL Refectory (South junction, Wilkins building) and ULU (Malet Street) offer good value food and drink for UCL staff. There is also a Barista van in the front quad of the Wilkins building, selling coffee and snacks. The UCL shop supplies a wide range of stationery and snacks. Find them in the south wing of the Wilkins building (open 9-5, mon-fri). UCL also offer a number of free, open events, such as lunch hour lectures in the Darwin theatre (see www.ucl.ac.uk/events for more information). Love books? Rochelle Libson runs a monthly book club. Please contact her on 45980 for more details.

  38. Food and drink Planet Organic (supermarket) – 22 Torrington Place, UCL staff discount available Tapped and packed (café) – 114 Tottenham Court Road Lantana (café) – 13 Charlotte Place Busaba Eathai (Thai restaurant) – 22 Store St Indian YMCA (Indian restaurant) – 41 Fitzroy St Benito’s Hat (Tex-Mex restaurant) – 56 Goodge St There are many pubs and bars in the local area. Some of the best: Euston Tap (30+ ales available), Fitzroy Tavern (Charlotte St), Newman Arms (Rathbone St) and The Bar @ TCR (183 Tottenham Ct Rd, UCL discount available).

  39. Shopping UCL is near to a number of retail centres, including Tottenham Court Road (electronics/furnishing), Oxford Street (fashion) and Covent Garden (fashion). Attractions Wellcome collection (museum) – 183 Euston Road Grant museum - Rockefeller Building, 21 University Street Petrie museum – Malet Place British library (exhibitions) – 96 Euston Road

  40. Useful information Smartphone apps Maps Health and safety Recruitment and selection Key policies and links Probation forms Appraisal forms Estates HR Satellite estates

  41. Smartphone apps UCL iMap UCL iMap is an application which can be downloaded to your iPhone, allowing you to navigate a map of the UCL campus directly from your handset. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/locations/UCLiMap UCL GO UCL GO! is an application to access UCL university information, such as the UCL phone directory, locations, news, library and calendar. See: www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/students/mobile/ucl-go Email setup for live@ucl users See: www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/staff/mail/live/mobphon/mobilephones

  42. Archway campus

  43. Hampstead campus

  44. Health and safety policies UCL safety See: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/ Estates arrangements for managing safety See: www.ucl.ac.uk/efd/maintenance/construction/safety-arrangements/ Risk assessments See: www.ucl.ac.uk/efd/maintenance/construction/safety-arrangements/risk-assessments/

  45. First aid • arrangements • You will see signs like this • around the office. They • indicate the location of your • first aid equipment and first • aiders. • If you would like to volunteer • as a first aider advise your • line manager accordingly • If you have an accident whilst • at work please complete the • accident report form. • www.ucl.ac.uk/efd/safety_services_www/intranet/forms/accident.pdf • In an emergency call 222 from any UCL phone.

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