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Using Core Academic Standards as the Foundation for Quality Differentiation. Jan W. Lanham, PhD jan.lanham@nelson.kyschools.us KAGE 2014. QUALITIES WE WANT FOR OUR STUDENTS:. Gifted students are students who are college and career ready: Demonstrate independence
Using Core Academic Standards as the Foundation for Quality Differentiation Jan W. Lanham, PhD jan.lanham@nelson.kyschools.us KAGE 2014
QUALITIES WE WANT FOR OUR STUDENTS: Gifted students are students who are college and career ready: • Demonstrate independence • Possess a strong content knowledge • Know how to access information • Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline • Comprehend as well as critique • Value evidence • Use technology and digital media strategically and capably • Understand/appreciate other perspectives & cultures
Exemplary Instruction • Purposeful attention to each element of Literacy (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) • Differentiated material (content), processes, and products.
Differentiation Built IN!! Start with clear mastery criteria and diagnostic pre-assessment to match student growth needs with planning and delivery. Make adjustments of Content/Process/Product a natural part of the instructional planning and delivery. Use clearly established NEW mastery criteria to assure that the assessment and/or products reflect opportunity for growth for the student.
Barriers to Effective Differentiation • Curriculum maps/pacing guides that dictate reading material for all….. • Rigid expectations for grade level literature • Availability of resources/reading texts/class sets • Limited/no grouping; reliance on whole group processes • Limited awareness of what reflects progress • Differentiation is harder than one size fits all
KCAS Standards CANNOT be an excuse for one-size fits all! • Expectation is that instruction will foster growth for EVERY student, including those who are performing at high levels. Pacing, instructional planning, and delivery must be responsive to student strengths and needs.
Teachers need: • Anchor Standards and Standards of Mathematical Practice • Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards—Deconstructed • Quality Curriculum Maps • Effective Unit Planning • Diagnostic Pre-assessment to determine instructional readiness and need • Rigorous, high-level success criteria established and communicated • Responsive lesson planning to assure continuous progress • Accurate assessment with opportunity for student self-assessment and goal-setting
Anchor Standards • Foundational instructional standards in place K-12 that serve as the basis for all skills planning • Application standards that reflect what students are expected to be able TO DO WITH the skills in each content area • KEY TO GIFTED PLANNING
Standards of Mathematical Practice • CCSS.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • CCSS.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • CCSS. MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • CCSS. MP4 Model with mathematics. • CCSS. MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically. • CCSS. MP6 Attend to precision. • CCSS. MP7 Look for and make use of structure. • CCSS. MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Kentucky Core Academic Standards Grade Level/ Course: 4th Grade Standard with code: 4.OA.4 Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1–100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is prime or composite. Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Cluster: Gain familiarity with factors and multiples. Type: ______Knowledge ___X___Reasoning ______Performance Skill ______Product Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance Skills Targets Product Targets Define prime and composite numbers. Determine if a given whole number (1-100) Know strategies to determine whether is a multiple of a given one-digit number. a whole number is prime or composite. Identify all factor pairs for any given number 1-100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors.
Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards— Deconstructed • Become knowledgeable about the standards and the targets represented as they have been deconstructed • Reference the relevant national standards/organizations and the intent behind those standards • Be an active participant in the process at the district level • Advocate for high level mastery criteria • Advocate for flexibility in “leveling” of exposures based on the “new standards”
Unit Planning Using Universal Themes conflict Universal themes are BIG IDEAS. It is important to look at links between college & career readiness goals and the overarching themes of these big ideas!! Instructional planning should provide a strong foundation that supports CONNECTIONS between and among skills and topics. In order to help students use high-level thinking and see connections, it is important to build the curriculum maps under the umbrella of universal themes. Change Systems
PATTERNS Big ideas within the theme are: • patterns allow for prediction • patterns have an internal order • patterns have segments that are repeated • patterns allow us to apply knowledge in new situations CHANGE Big ideas are: • change generates additional change • change can be positive or negative • change is inevitable • change is necessary for growth • change can be natural or man-made • change occurs over time
CONFLICT Big ideas are: • conflict is composed of opposing forces • conflict can be natural or human created • conflict may be intentional or unintentional • conflict may allow for synthesis and change ADAPTATION Big ideas are: • adaptation is constant • adaptation results in change • adaptation can be planned or spontaneous • adaptation can be positive or negative • adaptation occurs over time
STRUCTURES Big ideas are: • structures have parts that interrelate • parts of structures support and are supported by other parts • smaller structures may be combined to form larger structures • a structure is no stronger than its weakest parts SYSTEMS Big ideas are: • systems have parts that work to complete a task • systems are composed of subsystems • parts of systems are interdependent and form symbiotic relationships • a system may be influenced by other systems • systems interact • systems follow rules
Quality Curriculum Maps • Need to outline coverage while reflecting connections/correlations • Need to address the college & career readiness expectations • Need to reflect opportunities for continuous progress • Need to be based on meaningful standards & mastery criteria
Effective Unit Planning • Develops the specific content, skills, processes, resources, assessments, and literacy connections to align with the maps & pacing guides. • Requires: • CLEAR MASTERY CRITERIA • CLEAR PLAN FOR DETERMINING STUDENT READINESS & NEEDS • A PLAN TO ASSURE CONTINUOUS PROGRESS!!
Rigorous, High-level Success Criteria Established & Communicated • Students & teachers must have clear understanding of the “growth” expectation for the unit/lesson. • Students must know what success will look like and why it is relevant.
Responsive lesson planning with the unit • Based on performance data, the actual lesson delivery (content, process, product) reflects adjustments to promote continuous progress. • Differentiation of questioning is integrated consistently. • “I Can” statements (learning targets) reflect student growth.
Key to ease of differentiation is clear, well-written objectives. Objective must identify: What I want students to know or be able to do. How I will know if they can do it in a manner that is measurable, observable, and holds each child individually accountable.
The key to ease of differentiation is clear, well-written objectives. Objective must identify: • What I want students to know or be able to do. • How I will know if they can do it in a manner that is measurable, observable, and holds each child individually accountable. Students will demonstrate understanding of the primary causes of the American Revolution after participating in the Independence simulation* by writing a letter as their character that explains those causes to a family member.
The “by” in the objective is the formative assessment for the lesson. *an efficient objective may identify one or more activities that will provide practice with the skill/concept By completing a learning log entry. By answering the unit questions. By performing the sonnet from memory. By completing 10 problems. Adding the “as measured by” can be used to establish the basic performance standard, which can be another place where differentiation can occur. By completing the 6 frame captioned comic strip as measured by the rubric. By completing the graphic organizer based on the checklist. By completing the story map as measured by the key. Once the objective is developed-differentiation is EASY!!!!
Accurate assessment with opportunity for student self-assessment and goal-setting • Unit/lesson planning includes tools for students to self-assess by measuring product /performance against identified criteria. • Opportunity for peer and real-world assessment included. • Based on performance, goal-setting included in process.
Questioning at High Levels Application Questions: Ask students to apply essential knowledge to new settings and contexts: How could you apply these grammar and usage principles to your essay? How could you demonstrate the use of this concept? How would you illustrate this process in action? What can be generalized from these facts?
Analytical Questions: Ask students to take apart key information or analyze essential concepts, themes, and processes: How are these characters alike and different? What is an analogy that might represent this situation? How would you classify these literary works? What are the major elements that comprise this sequence of events? What are the major causes of this situation?
Synthesis Questions: Ask students to combine, summarize, infer, or create new scenarios: Based on the evidence, what would you hypothesize about these unusual events? Based on her statements, what can you infer? Based upon these facts, what predictions would you make? Create a design for a setting that is represented by the information in the reading. Formulate an estimate for the costs of the project based in the information you have. Invent a process or product that might be a solution to this ecological problem.
Interpretive Questions: Ask students to formulate opinions in response to ideas presented in a print or non-print (e.g., art work, audio-visual) medium. Students must support their opinions with direct textual evidence. What does Frost mean when he says: "I have miles to go before I sleep?" Why does the photographer emphasize only his subject's eyes? What social and economic factors were the framers of the Constitution addressing through their language?
Evaluative Questions: Ask students to formulate and justify judgments and criticisms based upon clearly-articulated evaluative criteria. Based on the criteria: Why did you decide to choose that course of action? How would you rank these choices? Why? How might you defend that character's actions? How would you verify that conclusion? What is your critique of that work of art?
Successful Implementation of High-Level Unit Development based on Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards can mean increased opportunity for all students to achieve at high levels.It’s up to us!!