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Ophthalmic Statistics . Paul Niblett and Catherine Faley. Contents. What and who are the Information Centre? Latest reports on ophthalmics Changes to data collection. What and who are the IC?.
Ophthalmic Statistics Paul Niblett and Catherine Faley
Contents • What and who are the Information Centre? • Latest reports on ophthalmics • Changes to data collection
What and who are the IC? • Formed in 2005 from a combination of statistics branches within DH and the NHS Information Authority. • The IC is a special health authority that provides facts-and-figures to help the NHS and social services run effectively. • We collect data from across the sector, analyse it, and convert it into useful information. • The quality of our information is key. It needs to be reliable, up-to-date, independent and trustworthy.
2 new reports published on 31 July 2007. “General Ophthalmic Services: Activity Statistics for England and Wales - year ending 31 March 2007” http://www.ic.nhs.uk/statistics-and-data-collections/primary-care/eye-care/general-ophthalmic-services:-activity-statistics-for-england-and-wales--year-ending-31-march-2007 “General Ophthalmic Services: Workforce Statistics for England and Wales - year ending 31 December 2006” http://www.ic.nhs.uk/statistics-and-data-collections/primary-care/eye-care/general-ophthalmic-services:-workforce-statistics-for-england-and-wales--year-ending-31-december-2006 Historical Reports http://www.ic.nhs.uk/statistics-and-data-collections/primary-care/eye-care Latest Reports on Ophthalmics
10.5 million NHS sight tests in England in 2006/07An annual increase of 1.3% Number of sight tests paid for by PCTs in England 1. From 1 April 1999, eligibility for an NHS sight test was extended to everyone aged 60 or over.
Patients aged 60 and over accounted for 43% of all NHS sight tests
Optical vouchers for just under 3.8 million spectacles were reimbursed by PCTs in England in 2006/07.An increase of 2.3% on 2005/06 Number of vouchers for spectacles or contact lenses paid for by PCTs in England
Adults receiving income support accounted for 44% of all vouchers
There were 310 thousand domiciliary visits in England in 2006/07.This was 5.4 per cent higher than 2005/06. Number of domiciliary visits paid for by PCTs, England
425 thousand vouchers for repair or replacement were issued in England in 2006/07.An increase of 4.4 per cent on 2005/06. Number of vouchers issued for repair or replacement of glasses or contact lenses by patient eligibility, England
There were 8,946 practitioners in England as at 31 December 2006.An increase of 3.6 per cent on 2005.29 per cent increase since 1996. Number of practitioners in England as at 31 December each year
44.6 per cent of the total number of practitioners in England were female as at December 2006.Increase from 38.4 per cent in 1996. Practitioners by gender in England as at 31 December each year
Factsheets • Excel based factsheet to accompany each report on our website. • Enables user to select a PCT of interest and make comparisons with the SHA and England
Data Collections • Majority of data transmitted via Exeter • Currently Table 4 submitted manually • Plan is for October – March 2008 Table 4 data to be submitted via online tool • PCTs will be sent login details etc prior to due date
Contact Details • Paul Niblett • Feedback on reports very welcome! • 0113 254 7060 • Paul.niblett@ic.nhs.uk or • ophthalmicleeds@ic.nhs.uk • Catherine Faley • 0113 254 47154 • Catherine.faley@ic.nhs.uk