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살며 생각하며. 하나님 감사합니다 !!! / Thank you, Lord !!!  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 그리스도의 몸 된 교회로 세워지는 행복한 공동체. 예배안내. ▣ 영어예배 (English worship 10:00 AM) ▣ 주일예배 (Sunday worship 11:00 AM)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 살며 생각하며 하나님 감사합니다!!! / Thank you, Lord !!!  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 그리스도의 몸 된 교회로 세워지는 행복한 공동체 예배안내 ▣ 영어예배 (English worship 10:00 AM) ▣ 주일예배 (Sunday worship 11:00 AM) ▣ 수요기도회(Wednesday bible study7:00 PM) ▣ 새벽기도회 (Monday – Saturday 6:00 AM) 담임 목사: 최병일 Wichita Baptist Church 9736 E. Chamberlin St. Wichita, KS 67206 Phone: (316) 440-7550 (818) 279-3284, 3329 -cell www.wkbcks.org www.facebook/wkbcks

  2. 교회소식Announcement 2012년 11월 18일 1. 귀 교회 담임 목회자의 취임 예배가 12월 2일(주)에 있습니다. 성도님들의 귀한 헌신으로 기쁘고 의미있는 시간으로 준비되기를 바랍니다. (We will have an appointment Service for our Church’s pastor on 12/2/12) 2. 11월24(토 ,오전 9시)일에 추계 교회 대청소로 모이겠습니다. 각 선교회별로 담당 구역을 결정해 주셔서 수고해 주시기 바랍니다. (We are having a Fall church clean-up day on November 24th.) 3. 12월23일에는 위치타 지역 한인 교회 연합으로 성탄 예배를 드립니다. 연합 성가대를 위한 연습이 오늘 점심 식사후에 있습니다. (We are celebrating a Christmas joint worship service with Wichita area Korean churches on December 23rd.) 4. 추수감사절 주간 (19-23일) 동안 교회 사무실은 휴무합니다. 수요예배는 드리지 않으며, 새벽 예배는 계속 모입니다. (The church office will be closed during Thanks giving week.) 5. 한국학교 발표회가 12월15(토)일에 있습니다. (Korean school is having a presentation for the parents on December 15th.) 6. 라티 문 성탄절 헌금을 올 해 말까지 드립니다. 남침례교회를 통해 파송 된 선교 사역을 위해 헌금이 사용 될 것입니다. 헌금 봉투와 안내 편지가 안내 데스크에 준비 되어있습니다. (We are collecting Lottie Moon offering until the end of this year. Lottie Moon Christmas offering will be used to support a Southern Baptist missionaries around the world.) 추수감사 예배순서Order of worship 인도자(Liturgist): 최병일 촛불점화(Candle Lighting) ··········································· 예배로의 부름 (Call to Worship) ·······················…·· 인도자 (Pastor) 찬 양(Praise) ················································ 대표기도(Prayer) ····················································· 성경봉독(Scripture) ············································· ◈성도의 교제(Fellowship) ···························································· 말 씀(Message) ··············································· 공동체의 기도(Prayer) ····················································· 헌 금(Offering) ····················································· 헌금 기도(Prayer)································································· 광 고(Announcement)························································ ◈ 헌신의 찬양 (Song of Dedication)····················································· ◈축 도(Benediction) ··············································· 인도자(Liturgist) 찬양팀 (Praise Team) 양 현 아 누가복음 17:11-19 (Luke 17:11-19) 최병일 목사 다 같 이 아홉은 어디 있느냐? (Where are the other nine?) ···· 최병일 목사 다 같 이 찬 양 팀 (Praise Team) 강 임 선 최병일 목사 인도자(Liturgist) 예배 위원 (Worship Committee) 찬 송 가 (308장) 다같이(All together) 인도자(Liturgist) ◈ 는 일어나십니다. All who are able, please stand 사역을 돕는 이들 ▣ 담임목사: 최병일 ▣ 협력선교사: 기찬종, 한삼봉, 김동욱, 김창의, 박용대, 황길상, 남창식 ▣ 반주: 지현주, 정소영 ▣ 찬양인도: 심성훈, 양현아, Andy, 연성구, Krissa

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