COMMON ENTPROBLEM Dr. AsheshBhushan Address: (YatharthHospital)PlotNo32,Omega-I,GreaterNoida Callon +918447611794
Endoscopy Itis aprocedurethatallowsan ENTsurgeontoobservetheinsideofthenosepassage without a majorsurgery.
Need OfEndoscopy Congestion in your nose Blockage in the nose Rhinosinusitis Tumors in thenose Inability tosmell
Benefits of an endoscopy Ithelpstodrainyoursinuses,whichinturncanpreventsinusinfections. Itimproves your sense of smell. Itimprovesthesymptomsforabout9outof10people. https://www.completeentsolution.com/
Get To Know Us Dr.AsheshBhushanWorkingasaEntSurgeon atAddress: (Yatharth Hospital) Plot No 32, Omega-I, Greater Noida, He have experience more than 10 years in this field. To book appointmentkindlyvisitonourinfopage. Dr. AsheshBhushan
CONTACT US Address: (Yatharth Hospital) Plot No 32, Omega-I, GreaterNoida EmailAddress asheshbhushan@yahoo.com Our Websitehttps://www.completeentsolution.com/