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As you may know, I like to write and have a pretty good track record of being published by some of the top houses. I recently gave a presentation on getting published. (You can see the PPTs here on SlideShare.) And while doing the research for it I came across a number of cool tools that I think you may also find useful. I hope you find these of use, and let me know what tools you recommend as well! PS: feel free to email me if you like a PDF with live links to the noted sites. DrChrisStout@gmail.com Cheers, Chris
As you may know, I like to write and have a pretty good track record of being published by some of the top houses. http://tinyurl.com/AmazonAuthorDrChrisStout I recently gave a presentation on getting published. (You can see the PPTs here on SlideShare: http://tinyurl.com/DrStoutOnGettingPublished) And while doing the research for it I came across a number of cool tools that I think you may also find useful. Here goes…
Lulu Titlescorer (http://www.lulu.com/titlescorer) has been developed exclusively for Lulu by statisticians who studied the titles of 50 years' worth of top bestsellers and identified which title attributes separated the Bestsellers from the rest. They commissioned a research team to analyze the title of every novel to have topped the hardback fiction section of the New York Times Bestseller List during the half-century from 1955 to 2004 and then compare them with the titles of a control group of less successful novels by the same authors. They used the data gathered from a total of some 700 titles to create this program to predict the chances that any given title would produce a New York Times No. 1 Bestseller. Bookalyzer(it’s on the tool bar: http://tinyurl.com/Bookalyzer) is another free tool that allows you to run an analysis of your digitally published books (that is, any with an ASIN number). You type in your book’s ASIN (or copy and paste it from Amazon), then click “Bookalyze It!” It will then break down your book for you from where its ranking to “also-bought” (and why they are important) it gives you all of your book’s info in one easy location. In addition, it gives you recommendations on how you can increase your books score to sell even more books. The folks that created Bookalyzer, the Author Marketing Club, also offer a free download of their “How to Sell More Books with Awesome Amazon Descriptions” (http://tinyurl.com/AmazonBookDescriptions) ironically, a goofy title, but it does offer some helpful tips. Grammarly (http://tinyurl.com/GramerlyProofer ) provides another set of eyes to help perfect your writing. Grammarly’s patent-pending grammar checking technology reviews and improves your text, correcting grammar, spelling, word choice and style mistakes with unmatched accuracy.
Plagiarism Detection & Citations (http://tinyurl.com/GrammarlyPlagiarismProofer) Grammarly finds unoriginal text before it gets you into trouble by checking for plagiarism against a database of over 8 billion web pages. Grammarly not only brings borrowed texts to light but also suggests citations. And, I recently published The Little Blue Book on Writing Well and Getting Published: Proven Methods, Tips This book is a treasure trove of tools, tips, and real-world proven methods to gain a traditional publishing house contract for your manuscript as well as the things to consider in the self-publishing realm (from Blurb and Lulu to Kindle and CreateSpace). Dozens of examples along with additional material websites and passwords to access my actual contracts are provided. Learn the step-by-step processes that I and other successful authors have learned and used. http://www.amazon.com/Little-Blue-Writing-Getting- Published/dp/1502928272/ref=asap_B003MROVZ8?ie=UTF8 I hope you find these of use, and let me know what tools you recommend as well! Cheers, Chris << Fine Print >> PLEASE BE IN TOUCH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE: AND ALIFEINFULL.ORG AND DRCHRISSTOUT.COM