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Decade's Project. 1900’s-1910. 1900's-1910. Economics Environment Society Culture. Economy.
Decade's Project 1900’s-1910
1900's-1910 Economics Environment Society Culture
Economy At the turn of the century, three in five in the United States lived in a town having a population of less that 2,500. The United States of America was still more rural than urban, but it was already a world leader in industry, the U.S. benefiting from both a great abundance in natural resources and an economy organized by giant corporations. The United States led the world in the production of iron and steel, and it led Britain in manufacturing, the U.S. having 23.6 percent of the world's total against Britain's 18.5 percent [note].
1900's-1910 During the 1910s labor unions continued to grow as the middle classes became more and more unhappy. Unsafe working conditions were underscored by the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in which 145 female workers were killed. Children were hired to work in factories, milles, and mines for long hours in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Though efforts to pass a federal law proved unsuccessful, by the middle of this decade every state had passed a minimum age law.
Culture The 1910s were called the Ballroom Decade. Many of the trendier restaurants were equipped with dance floors. Black Americans continued to write and perform ragtime, blues and jazz. Popular songs of the decade (many made popular because of WWI) included Alexander's Ragtime Band (Irving Berlin), Danny Boy, You Made Me Love You (Al Jolson), Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life, The Aba Daba Honeymoon, and All I Do is Dream of You. War songs (listen to the originals) included Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag, Keep the Home Fires Burning, Over There,Til We Meet Again, Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning, and Hinky Dinky Parlay Vous.
FACTS about this decade. • Population: 92,407,000 • Life Expectancy: Male 48.4 Female: 51.8 • Average Salary $750 / year • The Ziegfeld girls earned $75/week. • Unemployed 2,150,000 • National Debt: $1.15 billion • Union Membership: 2.1 million Strikes 1,204 • Attendance: Movies 30 million • per week • Lynchings: 76 • Divorce: 1/1000 • Vacation: 12 day cruise $60 • Whiskey $3.50 / gallon, Milk $.32 / gallon • Speeds make automobile safety an issue • 25,000 performers tour 4,000 U.S. theaters
The Granger Collection Symbolism-Statue of Liberty, White House Irony- Garbage being dumped at the Statue of Liberty. Labeling- The flag on the boat.
TIMELINE 1900 • George Eastman makes first portable camera that's affordable and open to the public 1901 • President Mckinley is shot dead by Leon Czolgsz • Electric typewriter is invented • Teddy Roosevelt is elected President 1902 • The U.S. Navy installs the first radio telephone aboard ships
1903 • Henry Ford founds Ford Motor Co. • Orville and Wilbur Wright take the first test flight in their plane at Kitty Hawk, NC • The first World Series is held, Boston vs. Pittsburgh • 1904 • The first comic book is invented • George M. Cohan, the creator of many patriotic songs and musicals creates his first musical, Little Johnny Jones • The answering machine is invented
1905 • The first Yellow Pages is invented • The Jukebox is invented with 24 songs. • 1906 • 2,500 people die from an earthquake in San Francisco • An animated cartoon is created • Teddy Roosevelt becomes the first president to leave the country
1907 • The Lamiere brothers create still color photography • Pablo Picasso unveils his cubism art, Les Demoiselles d' Avignon • 1908 • Henry Ford makes his first Model T for $850 • 1909 • A radio S.O.S. saves 1,700 lives after ships collide • First subject on radio talk is about woman's suffrage • William Taft is elected President
Were US interventions abroad between 1890and 1917 motivated more by realism or idealism? American were more motivated by idealism because foreign policy is based on the belif that values and ideals should influence how countries relate to one another.Foreign policy should be used to promote America's founding ideals- democracy, liberty, and rights. Relism is based on the belief that relations with other countries should be guided by national self-interest.
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