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GLOBAL DEALER EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2012-2013. MECHANICS AND PRIZES. Table of Contents. 1 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 25. Dealer Qualifications GDEA Scorecard GDEA Scorecard Definitions and Details Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Table of Contents 1 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 25 • Dealer Qualifications • GDEA Scorecard GDEA Scorecard Definitions and Details • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) • New Sales • Merchandising • Subscriber Application Form (SAF) Data Accuracy • Customer Service Satisfaction • Community Involvement Score Requirements to win • Special Awards on Platforms • Special Awards on Merchandising • Best Practice Sharing of Regional Dealer of the Year Scorecard for Special Awards - Regional Dealer of the Year List of Special Awards - Regional Dealer of the Year • GDEA Prizes Regional Dealer of the Month Regional Dealer of the Year Global Dealer of the Year Special Awards – TFC Platforms and Best in Merchandising • Dealer FAQs • Dealer Feedback and Inquiries
DEALER QUALIFICATIONS • All dealers, regular and probationary with signed contract or memorandum of agreement with ABS-CBN Global. • Must be in good standing in terms of payables to ABS-CBN. Account receivables is within the prescribed Daily Sales Outstanding (DSO) of the region. • Must agree to submit the monthly report indicating new sales, churn and inventory.
GDEA SCORECARD Definitions and Details Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Performance of TFC Dealers shall be evaluated based on set KPIs such as New Sales, Merchandising, Data Accuracy of Subscription Application (SAF) Form, Customer Service Satisfaction and Community Involvement. Each KPI has a specific weight or tiered point system. The highest potential score for each month shall not exceed 100 points.
GDEA SCORECARD Definitions and Details New Sales A KPI based on the percentage of sales achievement for each month. The percentage is multiplied to the weight which is 65 points. For sales percentage higher than 120%, maximum potential score is fixed to 78 points.
GDEA SCORECARD Definitions and Details Merchandising A KPI based on the number of new touchpoints (TP) of the TFC Dealer. A TP is defined as a point of contact of the TFC Dealer and its potential customers. Hence, TP can create leads for sales and presence of merchandising materials in critical TPs are important. TFC Dealers must continuously make the effort to discover new TPs and sustain the merchandising on existing ones. To substantiate this effort, photos must be submitted by the TFC Dealer. Otherwise, no point shall be given for this particular KPI. Scoring for this KPI is tiered. TFC Dealers with successful merchandising may vie for the Best in Merchandising. (see Special Awards on Best in Merchandising on page 12)
GDEA SCORECARD Definitions and Details Subscription Application Form (SAF) Data Accuracy All successful sales require the submission of the SAF. The form must contain accurate information of the subscriber. The TFC Dealer shall not process any subscription application when information provided are not clear, incomplete or inaccurate. When SAF is submitted, information contained are validated by the assigned customer service associate for the region. Scoring for this KPI is tiered.
GDEA SCORECARD Definitions and Details Customer Service Satisfaction Survey This survey applies to new subscribers only. Upon activation of a new sale, a welcome call is conducted by the assigned customer service associate for the region. The survey asks questions regarding the customer service handling of the TFC Dealer and customer service experience of the new subscriber. The responses are then classified as to whether positive or negative . Scoring for this KPI is tiered.
Scorecard Definitions and Details Community Involvement This is a new KPI included in the GDEA Scorecard. TFC Dealer gets additional points for initiatives that establishes short and long-term relations with the communities. Scoring is tiered and depends on the extent of the initiatives. Photos and other forms of documentations are required to substantiate the score.
SCORE ELIGIBILITY TO WIN Regional Dealer of the Month The TFC Dealer in the region who gets the highest score of not less than 70 points for each qualifying month from July 2012 to October 2013. Regional Dealer of the Year The TFC Dealer in the region who gets the highest score of not less than 1,000 points from July 2012 to October 2013. Global Dealer of the Year The Regional Dealer of the Year who is able to achieve significant performance based on GDEA scorecards from July 2012 to October 2013.
SPECIAL SALES AWARDS (TFC PLATFORMS) • It is a quarterly and annual awards for TFC Dealers selling TFC-IPTV, TFC-Direct-to-Home, TFC.tv (Online) and TFC-Premium Package. • TFC Dealers in all TFC regions may vie for this award. • Minimum sales achievement must be not less than 100% of the TFC Dealer’s total quarterly target. • The TFC Dealer who achieves the highest sales achievement in each of this platform per quarter shall be declared as the winner. • First quarter shall be from July 1, 2012 to September 31, 2012 and thereafter until September 2013 to December 31, 2013 only.
SPECIAL SALES AWARDS (BEST IN MERCHANDISING) An annual award given to the Regional Dealer of the Year who has the most number of new customer touchpoints (TP) and has managed consistent visibility and efficient utilization of merchandising materials. TFC Dealers must submit photos as entries with captions and descriptions of the merchandising materials they use. At the end of the program, all entries will be evaluated based on the criteria below. SELECTION AND RATING • Visibility of TFC merchandising materials (30%) • Originality and uniqueness of display (20%) • Consistent placement and efficient utilization of merchandising collaterals (30%) • Merchandise Inventory management (20%)
BEST PRACTICE SHARING (REGIONAL DEALER OF THE YEAR) Each Regional Dealer will present their 2012-2013 business plan, strategies and over-all results. They will be asked to share at least two (2) major successful initiatives that enabled them to win over other TFC Dealers in their respective region. A panel of jury will be created to score the contenders based on a set criteria for judging. All Regional Dealer of the Year will contend for the Special Awards during their presentation to be held in Manila, Philippines on January 2014.
Scorecard on Special Awards (REGIONAL DEALER OF THE YEAR)
SPECIAL SALES AWARDS (REGIONAL DEALER OF THE YEAR) INNOVATIVE DEALER AWARD A special award given to a TFC Dealer for the best lead generating initiative (type of activity, no. of leads generated and sales conversion rate) executed from July 2012 to October 2013.. PASSIONATE AND DEDICATED DEALER A special award given to a TFC Dealer who has shown undaunted attitude and embodies the true spirit of a Kapamilya.
SPECIAL SALES AWARDS (REGIONAL DEALER OF THE YEAR) EXCELLENCE IN EXECUTION DEALER AWARD A special award given to a TFC Dealer who exemplifies excellent business management and execution of business initiatives. OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY RELATION DEALER AWARD A special award given to a TFC Dealer who has established an outstanding on-ground presence in the communities. An instrument in increasing the awareness of these communities on TFC. The TFC Dealer who has shown genuine involvement in community relations, and has earned the respect and trust of its community as a TFC Dealer.
GDEA Prizes Regional Dealer of the Month • GDEA Certificate of Excellence • Monthly winners will get two-weeks airing of a congratulatory TV plug by a Kapamilyaartist on TFC and online channels
GDEA Prizes Regional Dealer of the Year HONOR AND GLAMOUR • Represent the region along with two (2) other companions in the TFC Dealers Best Practice Sharing in Manila on January 2014. • Roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodation shall be shouldered by TFC. • Celebrate GDEA and TFC Dealers success with ABS-CBN Executives in a night of glitz and glamour, and world-class Filipino performances. RESPECT AND RECOGNITION • Receive the GDEA trophy distinction for being the best TFC Dealer in the regions and claim more recognition from the roaster of Special Kapamilya Awards.
GDEA Prizes Regional Dealer of the Year CELEBRITY-LEVEL PR • Regional Dealer of the Year will get two weeks airing spot on TFC of a congratulatory TV plug by a Kapamilya artist • Homecoming features in Philippines' largest newspaper and online channels • Watch live the ABS-CBN top noon-time show and meet and greet their favorite Kapamilya artists PAMPERING AND LEISURE • Relaxing spa and wellness package • Experience Luzon’s best out-of-town getaway for continuous learning and leisure
GDEA Prizes Global Dealer of the Year EXCELLENCE AND PRESTIGE • Receive the highest GDEA distinction for being the best amongst the TFC Dealers in all TFC regions. • Exclusive features in TFC’s news and magazine shows, PH local newspaper and online channels. • Donate P50,000 cash to a chosen organization. • Take the 3rd spot on the GDEA Wall of Champion housed in TFC’s main corporate office in Redwood, San Francisco, USA. • All-expense-paid roundtrip vacation for three to any Kapamilya TFC region.
GDEA Prizes Special Sales Awards QUARTERLY - PLATFORMS • Certificate of Excellence • Quarterly winners announcement via TFC’s online channels • Top-notch prizes July –- Sept 2012 : Premium /Fine Dining for two (2) Oct - Dec 2012 : Techno-Gadgets: Apple new iPAD Jan –- Mar 2013 : Overnight Weekend Getaway for two (2) Apr - Jun 2013 : Spa & Wellness Package for two (2) Jul –- Sep 2013 : VIP Event Tickets for two (2) Oct–- Dec2013 : Techno-Gadget: 11” Mac book air ANNUAL -PLATFORMS/BEST IN MERCHANDISING • Exclusive invitation to attend the GDEA Gala and Awards Night on January 2012 in Manila.. Roundtrip airfare to the Philippines will given. • Roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodation shall be shouldered by TFC. • Pocket money worth $500 • 3-days hotel accommodation • GDEA plaque of recognition
DEALER FAQs Q: I just joined TFC as Dealer, am I still qualified in GDEA? A: Yes, probationary TFC Dealers are qualified anytime during the program duration from July 1, 2012 to Oct. 31, 2013. You still have the chance to win the monthly and regional dealer awards as long as you meet the required scores to win. Q: I sell two kinds of TFC subscription, IPTV and TFC.tv, is it possible to get two awards for one quarter if I hit my targets for both platforms? What if I win two awards at the end of the program? A: Yes, a TFC Dealer can receive multiple awards for the quarterly Special Sales Awards on Platforms and receive the prizes for both awards. However, for annual winners the airfare and accommodations are not considered as part of the reward or prize, therefore is excluded from the awards that can be multiplied. The airfare and accommodation are logistical means to fulfill the winner’s reward of attending the Gala Awards Night.
DEALER FAQs Q: How will I know if I win? A: The TFC Regional Office c/o the Regional Sales Head will inform you. More so, monthly winners are announce via TFC in a congratulatory plug. Q: How do I claim my prize? A: For Regional Dealer of the Month and Special Sales Award, the TFC Regional Office c/o the Regional Sales Head shall schedule an appointment with you for the handover of the certificate. For quarterly Special Sales Awards, details shall be coordinated to arrange the best schedule when you plan to consume your prize.
DEALER FAQs Q: If I win the Regional Dealer of the Year who are allowed as my companions? A: Your two companions depend on your preference. Nevertheless, companions should have the necessary travel documentation such as valid passport and visit visa as applicable. TFC will not shoulder any travel documentation expenses of the companion other than those declared as prizes. Q: If I win the Regional Dealer of the Year, can I extend my stay in the Philippines? A: Yes, however length of stay in the Philippines should be within the allowed maximum stay in the country as prescribed by Philippines laws and statutes. Hence, TFC reserves the right to approve such request.
DEALER FAQs Q: If I win the Global Dealer of the Year, am I allowed to change my companions? A: Yes. Q: When is the actual travel of the Global Dealer of the Year for the pick your region prize? A: The actual travel shall be within two (2) months after the determination of the winner. There is a waiting period in the consumption of the prize due to travel documentation such as visa application that may be required by the country of destination. The visa application has to be applied in the country of origin of the Global Dealer of the Year.
DEALER FEEDBACK AND INQUIRIES For feedback, comments and suggestions Please email TFC_GDEA@abs-cbn.com For Official Monthly Results Please contact your Regional Sales Head