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School Crest Here. Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign. BULLYING IS DELIBERATE, REPEATED HURTFUL BEHAVIOUR If you see it don’t support it! RECOGNISE IT, REJECT IT, REPORT IT!. Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign. School Crest Here.
School Crest Here Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign BULLYING IS DELIBERATE, REPEATED HURTFUL BEHAVIOUR If you see it don’t support it! RECOGNISE IT, REJECT IT, REPORT IT!
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here Bullying behaviour is no longer restricted to the school yard. It can be by phone or online and out of sight and earshot of both teachers and parents.
Your home should be a safe place where you can be away from bullying and harassment . . . Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here . . . but Cyber Bullying by phone and online can affect you even when you are at home . . .
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here Cyber Bullying is repeatedly using computers, mobile phones, smart phones or any other technology to cause hurt or embarrassment to another person Being cruel, leaving in circulation material hurtful to others or about others using technological means
Cyber Bullies may: Spread lies about students Spread rumours about students Circulate pictures without consent Circulate altered pictures without consent Trick people into revealing personal information Circulate personal information about someone without consent Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here “Flaming”: Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language “Harassment”: Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages “Cyber Stalking”: Repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or are highly intimidating or engaging in other on-line activities that make a person afraid for his or her own safety “Denigration”: ‘Dissing’ someone online. Sending or posting cruel gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here “Impersonation”: Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material online that makes someone look bad, gets her/him in trouble or danger, or damages her/his reputation or friendships “Outing and Trickery”: Tricking someone into revealing secret or embarrassing information which is then shared online “Exclusion”: Intentionally excluding someone from an on-line group, like a ‘buddy list’
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here ASK.fm • E-mail • Mobile/smart phones • Text messages • Instant messaging / MSN • Social networking sites • Chat rooms • These can be like well-designed playgrounds . . . at night . . . with no adults . . . and with a few troublemakers hanging around
People who Cyber Bully: May pretend it’s “a joke” May think it’s “no big deal” May be encouraged by friends May pretend everybody does it May not think about consequences Think they won’t or can’t get caught Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here If so, as you will see . . . they should definitely think again!
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here “But we were just slagging!” “We didn't mean it!” • Slagging is … • When the student targeted is in on the joke • When student targeted also laughs • When it ends quickly • When all are on the same level • When there is no discrimination • When there is no fear or threat • Any hurt or upset is accidental • (Cyber)-Bullying is … • Unwanted • Repeated over time • A power imbalance • Victim feels socially excluded • A threat • Deliberate • Used to upset people
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here ? One of the most worrying aspects of Cyber Bullying is that . . . ? ? ? . . . You can’t see who is doing it so you think you don’t know who it is. ? ? ? But as we will see . . . you can find out . . .
Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here Research shows that those who Cyber Bully are usually the same people who bully people directly . . . so you may know who they are . . . But to prove it you will need evidence . . . and cyber-bullies leave lots of electronic “fingerprints.” So, to outsmart them . . . don’t be angry . . . be clever!
A victim of Cyber Bullying by phone should: Never reply to bullying or harassment by phone Put yourself in control - store the messages as evidence Block the sender - phone networks allow you to do this Tell someone you trust that the bullying is going on If Cyber Bullying continues, report the problem to parents/teachers and depending on severity, the Gardaí. Even if the sender’s number is hidden the exact time and date are attached to messages and enable the Gardaí to check with the service provider and trace the sender of the message Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here
A victim of Cyber Bullying online should: Never reply to online bullying or harassment even if tempted Put yourself in control - store and print out messages and keep them as evidence, noting exact time and date if possible Block communication with the Cyber Bullying person: (a) by email, by adding her/him to your “blocked list” and (b) on social networking sites (e.g. Facebook) by (i) reporting it to the site administrators (ask a friend/adult to do so too) - giving details of why it is so harmful/hurtful and (ii) changing your privacy settings to exclude her/him If Cyber Bullying continues, report the problem to parents/teachers and depending on severity, the Gardaí. Presentation Secondary School Wexford Anti-Bullying Campaign School Crest Here
Useful rules to live by: If you wouldn’t say it in person . . . don’t say it in a message Before you send a message remember . . . everything that is sent is traceable - even if you send it anonymously If it is nasty, if it is mean . . . don’t send it, don’t forward it, don’t let it be seen Ask your friends to help, to . . . School Crest Here Adapted with kind permission of Caroline O’Doherty, Loreto, Beaufort