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以 Cortex M3+uC/OS II 為基礎之雲端式生理監測儀的製作

Presenter :莊凱華 Adviser : Dr. Pei- Jarn Chen Date : 2013/10/14. 以 Cortex M3+uC/OS II 為基礎之雲端式生理監測儀的製作. I.Cloud Mobile Healthcare Overview. I.Cloud Mobile Healthcare Overview. 二、行動醫療市場現況 在 智慧型行動裝置近幾年急速成長以及滲透率不斷提升的帶動之下,使用者越來越習慣與長時間使用相關應用,更加速行動醫療應用市場發展。. II. CORTEX--M3. Bluetooth. RJ-45.

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以 Cortex M3+uC/OS II 為基礎之雲端式生理監測儀的製作

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presenter:莊凱華 Adviser:Dr. Pei-Jarn Chen Date:2013/10/14 以Cortex M3+uC/OS II為基礎之雲端式生理監測儀的製作

  2. I.CloudMobile Healthcare Overview

  3. I.Cloud Mobile Healthcare Overview • 二、行動醫療市場現況 在智慧型行動裝置近幾年急速成長以及滲透率不斷提升的帶動之下,使用者越來越習慣與長時間使用相關應用,更加速行動醫療應用市場發展。

  4. II. CORTEX--M3 Bluetooth RJ-45 RS232 J-Link Operating Frequency :120MHz

  5. III. uC/OS-II features • It is a very small real-time kernel. • Memory footprint is about 20KB for a fully functional kernel. • Source code is written mostly in ANSI C. • Highly portable, ROMable, very scalable, preemptive real-time, deterministic, multitasking kernel. • It can manage up to 64 tasks (56 user tasks available).

  6. III.uC/OS-II features • It has connectivity with μC/GUI and μC/FS (GUI and File Systems for μC/OS II). • It is ported to more than 100 microprocessors and microcontrollers. • It supports all type of processors from 8-bit to 64-bit.

  7. IV. uC/OS-II task CPU_INT08U os_err; BSP_IntDisAll(); OSInit(); os_err = OSTaskCreateExt((void (*)(void *)) App_TaskStart, //指到工作程式碼的指標 (void * ) 0, //傳遞參數給工作 (OS_STK * )&App_TaskStartStk[APP_TASK_START_STK_SIZE - 1],// 堆疊頂端指標 512128 (INT8U ) APP_TASK_START_PRIO, //優先權 4~61 (INT16U ) APP_TASK_START_PRIO,//識別ID (OS_STK * )&App_TaskStartStk[0],//堆疊底端指標 (INT32U ) APP_TASK_START_STK_SIZE,//指定堆疊數目 (void * )0, //可指向使用者擴充資料的指標 (INT16U )(OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CLR | OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK));//指定是否允許堆疊檢驗、堆疊清除、工作是否進行浮點操作 #if (OS_TASK_NAME_EN > 0) OSTaskNameSet(APP_TASK_START_PRIO, (CPU_INT08U *)"Start Task", &os_err); #endif OSStart(); /* Start multitasking (i.e. give control to uC/OS-II). */ return (0);

  8. V. System Architecture (I) Start Display on LCD Write in SD TCP/IP 接收RS232 MONITORING Cloud Server

  9. V. System Architecture (II) 透過Internet 傳至 Server資料庫 將參數擷取存到SD卡 接收生理監視器傳來得參數 Display on LCD

  10. VI.SD卡資料備份

  11. VI.SD卡資料備份

  12. VI.SD卡資料備份

  13. VI.SD卡資料備份


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