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Explore the historical and military ties between North Vietnam and Pathet Laos during the Vietnam War, highlighting mutual support and strategic significance.
Ho Chi Minh: “Viet – Lao our two countries, friendship is as deep as Red River and the Mekong” • Souphanouvong: “That friendship is higher than mountains, longer and rivers, larger than the seas, brighter than full moon, more scented than the most fraggant flowers”
Long and traditional fighting relations: traced back to resistance against French invasion in late 19th century. • More direct root dated back to the establishment of Indochina Communist Party (1930). “Mission of the Party is that of intensifying the struggling movement all over French Indochina.” • First Indochina War marked the 1st military involvement of Viet Minh (later North Vietnam) into Laos which continued until the end of Vietnam War.
Viet Minh – Pathet Laos in First Indochina War • Viet – Laos mutual pact signed soon after revolutions in two countries in 1945. • Ho Chi Minh: To help our neighbors is helping ourselves • Viet Minh military presence in Laos began right after the pact. • 1948: 4 of 5 Viet Minh “joint-regions” (liên khu) were in charged of specific regions in Laos. Lao-Viet joint force operated in Sam Neua, Xieng Khoang and middle Laos.
1949: Latxavong team established by Cayxon Phomvihane under supervision of Viet Minh. • 1950: Upper Laos Front Command established. The Commander was also Viet Minh’s supreme advisor to Pathet Laos Ministry of Defence. • Viet Minh army in Laos reached its peak of 12,300 personnel in 1951 with units as large as regiments. • 1953-1954: series of operations with the presence of VM divisions in Laos=> contributed to Dien Bien Phu and the control of Pathet Laos over Sam Nuea and Xieng Khoang
North Vietnam-Pathet Laos in the Vietnam War • Geneva Agreements 1954: Viet Minh had their power over Northern Vietnam. Sam Nuea and Xieng Khoang were put under Pathet Laos control
Continuous formations of North Vietnam task forces in Laos began right after the Agreements incl: Western task force, Group 100, Laos affairs board (headed by Gen Giap), and Group 959. • After 15th Plenum of VLP (1/59) decision to turn struggling form of South Vietnam from political into military, Laos People’s Party follow the same route on 5/59.
North Vietnam provided significant military supplies to Pathet Laos forces in the very first years of the Vietnam War. In 1957, Pathet Laos’ 2 regiments (1954) => 7,267 personnel and 5,000 guns • 1960-1964:North Vietnam forces up to divisions operated with Pathet Laos Forces “liberated” vast area incl crucial positions => Pathet Laos gained more land and people, NVN controlled a long corridor to establish their newly contructed Ho Chi Minh Trail • 10/64: NVN personnel in Laos reached 10,000.
NVN provided Pathet Laos with large supply packages incl: essential logistics, military equipments and finance
After 1965, VLP strengthened aid to Pathet Laos to go against so called American special war, forged the forces in Middle and lower Laos (Ho Chi Minh Trail). • Cu Kiet and Lamson 719 campaigns witnessed enormous presence of PAVN in Laos: 2 major divisions and units from MR IV and Northwest (Cu Kiet), 5 major divisions, B4-5 forces, 11 regiments with 60,000 tons of supply (Lamson 719)=> foundation for the massive invasion of 1972 by NVN army to the South.
10/1973, NVN troops still remained in Laos: 1 division, 9 regiments, 4 battalions:43,000 personnel (not incl hidden mobile forces stationed close to V-L border) compare to Pathet Laos’ 18,500 main force troops, to help Pathet Laos follow their roots of revolutionary violence method. • Exploited the victory of NVN April 30th 1975, Pathet Laos gained their power one month later
Positions of the Alliance • To North Vietnam: strategically important: secured the West side of the country from U.S.’ influence, built up and successfully protected the Ho Chi Minh trail, weaken American fighting will in Indochina. • To Pathet Laos: decisively important: without the support of Viet Minh and later North Vietnam, Pathet Laos could not develop and gain power in 1975.
Le Duan: “the gallant and sacrificeable fight of Laotian people is an ultimate and priceless succor, contributes greatly to the final victory of Vietnamese people” • Kaysone Phomvihane:”The fighting alliance between Vietnam and Laos is the comprehensive, faithful and unshakable coalition, the rare benchmark of international unity. It is…one of the fundamental factors secure the success of revolutions in each countries”