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This dataset provides donor statistics for Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in 1999, including age and gender distribution, cause of donor death, blood group of donors, waiting lists, and transplant outcomes.
International Donor Statistics 1999 Donors PMP Eurotransplant:Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands Scandia Transplant: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden Source: Council of Europe 1999
Donors Per Three Months in Australia 1997 - 1999 Number of Donors
Donors Per Three Months in Australia 1994 - 1996 Number of Donors
Donors Per Three Months in Australia 1991 - 1993 Number of Donors
1997 (190) 1998 (196) 1999 (164) Age Group Cadaver Donors Australia
1997 1998 1999 Age and Gender Distribution of Donors Males Australia
1997 1998 1999 Age and Gender Distribution of Donors Females Australia
1997 (42) 1998 (46) 1999 (39) Age Group Cadaver Donors New Zealand
1997 1998 1999 Age and Gender Distribution of Donors Males New Zealand
1997 1998 1999 Age and Gender Distribution of Donors Females New Zealand
Cause of Donor Death Australia 1989 - 1999 n=2191
Cause of Donor Death New Zealand 1993 - 1999 n=267
Blood Group of Donors Australia 1989 - 1999 n=2191
Blood Group of Donors New Zealand 1993 - 1999 n=267
Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantsAustralia 1995 - 1999 Waiting List * Kidneys Tx Performed ** ** Includes kidneys donated from New Zealand
Waiting List * Tx Performed ** Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantsNew Zealand 1995 - 1999 Kidneys **Not included kidneys donated to Australia: 1996 (1) 1997 (2) 1998 (4) 1999 (2)
Outcome of Request for Kidney Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 3 Request for donation 161 No consent given 1 Consent given 160 Donors Kidneys not retrieved 20 Kidneys retrieved 300 Kidneys not transplanted 9 Kidneys en bloc 5 Double adult 2 Kidneys Transplanted 284 Total Donors 39 No request for donation 0 Request for donation 39 No consent given 0 Consent given 39 Donors Kidneys not retrieved 0 Kidneys retrieved 78 Kidney not transplanted 5 Kidneys en bloc 1 Kidneys Transplanted 72* * 2 Transplanted in Australia
Age of Kidney Donors Australia 1999 Donors (150) Kidney Transplants (284)
Age of Kidney Donors New Zealand 1999 Donors (37) Kidney Transplants (72) * * 2 Transplanted in Australia
Cadaver Kidney Transplants 1998 - 1999Australian States - New Zealand
Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantsAustralia 1995 - 1999 Waiting List * Liver Tx Performed ** 1999 NZ Waiting List = 4 Transplanted = 27 (includes 6 livers from Australia)
Age of Liver Donors Australia 1999 Donors (116) (1) * (1) * (1) * (2) * (2) * +
Age of Liver Donors New Zealand 1999 Donors (28)
Liver Transplants 1998 - 1999Australian States - New Zealand
Outcome of Request for Liver Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 4 Request for donation 160 No consent given 1 Consent given 159 Donors Livers not retrieved 35 Livers retrieved 124 Livers not transplanted 8 Livers Transplanted 116* * 123 recipients transplanted Total Donors 39 No request for donation 3 Request for donation 36 No consent given 0 Consent given 36 Donors Livers not retrieved 6 Livers retrieved 30 Livers not transplanted 2 Livers Transplanted 28 * 28 recipients transplanted
Waiting List Tx Performed ** Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantsAustralia 1995 - 1999 Heart ** Includes hearts donated from New Zealand
Waiting List Tx Performed ** Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantsAustralia 1995 - 1999 Heart/Lungs - Lungs ** Includes heart/lung and lungs donated from New Zealand
Waiting List * Tx Performed ** Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantNew Zealand 1995 - 1999 Heart *Source of waiting list - NZ Donor Coordinators ** Not included hearts donated to Australia 1995 (5), 1996 (1), 1997 (2), 1998 (3), 1999 (1)
Waiting List * Tx Performed** Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantNew Zealand 1995 - 1999 Lungs *Source of waiting list - NZ Donor Coordinators ** Not included lungs donated to Australia 1995 (5), 1996 (3), 1997 (1), 1998 (4), 1999 (2)
Age of Heart Donors Australia 1999 Donors (67)
Age of Heart Donors New Zealand 1999 Donors (11)
Heart Transplants 1998 - 1999Australian States - New Zealand
Outcome of Request for Heart Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 20 Request for donation 144 No consent given 6 Consent given 138 Donors Hearts not retrieved 69 Hearts retrieved 69 Hearts not transplanted 2 Hearts Transplanted 67 Total Donors 39 No request for donation 9 Request for donation 30 No consent given 1 Consent given 29 Donors Hearts not retrieved 18 Hearts retrieved 11 Hearts not transplanted 0 Hearts Transplanted 11
Age of Lung Donors Australia 1999 Donors (60)
Age of Lung Donors New Zealand 1999 Donors (8)
Lung Transplant Recipients 1998 - 1999Australian States - New Zealand
Single and Bilateral Sequential Lung Transplants 1998 - 1999 QLD NSW VIC
Outcome of Request for Lung Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 25 Request for donation 139 No consent given 4 Consent given 135 Donors Lungs not retrieved 152 Lungs retrieved 118 Lungs not transplanted 7 Lungs Transplanted 111 (Double lung 44 recipients) (Single lung 23 recipients) Total Donors 39 No request for donation 8 Request for donation 31 No consent given 0 Consent given 31 Donors Lungs not retrieved 46 Lungs retrieved 16 Lungs not transplanted 0 Lungs Transplanted 16 * (Double lung 7 recipients) (Single lung 2 recipients) * 2 Single lungs transplanted in Australia
Waiting List * Tx Performed Waiting List vs Cadaver TransplantsAustralia 1995 - 1999 Pancreas
Age of Pancreas DonorsAustralia 1999 Donors (17) Pancreas Transplants (17)
Outcome of Request for Pancreas Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 85 Request for donation 79 No consent given 8 Consent given 71 Donors Pancreas not retrieved 49 Pancreas retrieved 22 Pancreas not transplanted 5 Pancreas Transplanted 17 Total Donors 39 No request for donation 12 Request for donation 27 No consent given 1 Consent given 26 Donors Pancreas not retrieved 24 Pancreas retrieved 2 Pancreas not transplanted 0 Pancreas Transplanted 2
Pancreas Transplant Outcome 1984 - 1999Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney Transplant All Patients Australia
Outcome of Request for Corneal Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 18 Request for donation 146 No consent given 48 Consent given 98 Donors Corneas not retrieved 14 Corneas retrieved 182 Corneas not transplanted 5 Corneas Stored 177 Gone to Eye Bank Total Donors 39 No request for donation 20 Request for donation 19 No consent given 10 Consent given 9 Donors Corneas not retrieved 2 Corneas retrieved 16 Corneas not transplanted 0 Corneas Stored 16 Gone to Eye Bank
Outcome of Request for Bone Donation 1999 Australia New Zealand Total Donors 164 No request for donation 111 Request for donation 53 No consent given 26 Consent given 27 Donors Bone not retrieved 12 Bone retrieved 15 Bone not transplanted 0 Bone Transplanted 1 Bone Stored 14 Total Donors 39 No request for donation 20 Request for donation 19 No consent given 7 Consent given 12 Donors Bone not retrieved 12 Bone retrieved 0 Bone not transplanted 0 Bone Stored 0