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Purposes of Conferences. To help the Extension community understand existing emergency planning and response frameworks, and to define potential roles To help stimulate action where action is needed (a beginning, not an end)
Purposes of Conferences • To help the Extension community understand existing emergency planning and response frameworks, and to define potential roles • To help stimulate action where action is needed (a beginning, not an end) • To help the emergency management, public health, law enforcement, and other communities become aware of the incredible resource that is Cooperative Extension
A Very Short History of the Cooperative Extension Service • 1862: Morrill Act established Land Grant Colleges where "the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific or classical studies, to teach such branches as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts". • 1887: Hatch Act established Agricultural Experiment Stations at the Land Grant Colleges – promoted agricultural research
A Very Short History of the Cooperative Extension Service • Farmer’s Institutes brought research advances of Experiment Stations to the agricultural community • 1906: First County Demonstration Agent (W.C. Stallings) was hired by Texas • 1914: Smith-Lever Act established USDA/Land Grant cooperative support for Extension activities
A Very Short History of the Cooperative Extension Service • the work (of Extension)...."shall consist of instruction and practical demonstration in agriculture and home economics to persons not attending or resident in said colleges in the several communities, and imparting to such persons information on said subjects through field demonstrations, publications and other wise...."
The Cooperative Extension Service • is about education • is about identifying needs • is about helping people acquire the understanding, capabilities, attitudes and skills essential to solving farm, home and community problems.
“We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing”Mother Theresa
Be Prepared! • Prevention • Detection • Response • Intervention or Mitigation • Recovery