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Piloting the Household Vulnerability Index in WVI Programmes

This project evaluates the Household Vulnerability Index (HVI) to enhance food aid targeting in Lesotho, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. The pilot project aims to build a vulnerability database, rank households, and inform effective intervention programs.

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Piloting the Household Vulnerability Index in WVI Programmes

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  1. Piloting the Household Vulnerability Index to Improve Targeting in WVI programmes in Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe Tendayi Kureya tendayi@developmentdata.co.zw FANRPAN Stakeholders Regional Policy Dialogue and AGM Theme: Regional Strategies for Addressing the Global Food Crisis Crossroads Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi Date: 1-5 September 2008

  2. Structure • Goal and Objectives of the project • The journey so far • About the HVI and HVI-WVI data collection tools • Anticipated outputs • Partnerships

  3. The HVI pilot project • In February 2008, WVI in partnership with FANRPAN agreed to conduct operational research in Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe to evaluate the applicability of the HVI in WVI’s development programmes. • The goal of the project is to: apply the Household Vulnerability Index (HVI) to Improve Targeting in Food Aid Transfers in three pilot Area Development Programmes in Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.

  4. Objectives of the pilot project • To develop and populate a comprehensive household vulnerability database in three ADPs in Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. • To analyse household vulnerability in these areas by computing HVIs and ranking households on a vulnerability basis; and use this information to inform intervention programmes • To assess the requirements for full institutionalization of the HVI tool and database in WVI programmes.

  5. The journey so far.. • Approach: The project is longitudinal in nature, with a minimum of two years required (Up to March 2010). • Preliminary country assessments were made in February 2008 • The project was launched at the visioning workshop in Swaziland in May 2007 • The study is divided into two phases with the first phase (March 2008-Feb 2009) being a dry run of the HVI that will involve its customization for WV systems.

  6. The journey so far.. • The second phase (March 2009-Feb 2010) will focus on critical factors for continued use of the HVI, i.e. the frequency of updating information which is intricately connected to the cost, and ensuring integration and use of HVI in WVI work. • A methodology workshop to equip the project driving team was held in Lesotho in August 2007. • Data collection in the 3 countries will commence in Swaziland in September 2008 and end in Zimbabwe in April 2008.

  7. What is the HVI? • The HVI is a measure that was developed by FANRPAN to measure vulnerability of households and communities to impacts of both internal and external shocks e.g. HIV/AIDS, poverty, etc. • The model adopted the SLF and assesses all the five livelihood assets in a household • The result, HVI, can be used to categorize households into three levels of vulnerability, i.e., coping, acute and emergency households.

  8. HVI Data Collection Tools • HVI data collection tools adapted to meet the different types of interventions that WVI implements will be as follows: • Form A: A general household data card will capture information that almost all interventions will need to know about a household before planning an intervention. This form will be for all households in an ADP. • Form Bs: Intervention-specific data cards that will capture information that a particular intervention will need to know about a household or beneficiary other than that already collected by Form A.

  9. HVI Data Collection Tool (ctd) • Form C: A generic intervention-specific data card that will capture information that a new particular intervention will need to know about a household or beneficiary. This tool will be used for those unique interventions that are not mainstream for ADPs. • Form D: A semi-static data card that will capture information at the ADP level. Information will be on general ADP profile data such as location, contact details, soils, geography, socio-economics and administrative boundaries. • All these forms will be linked to each other by use of a carefully developed ID system.

  10. So how will all these tools be linked? Database Structure FORM A and D data cards The areas of intersection will indicate which households/individuals have benefited from the intersecting interventions. A graduation system for beneficiaries is thus possible.

  11. Database analysis and reporting The following analysis will be generated from the database: A: General: Contextual: Physical and environmental information, Key features and trends, Political, Social, Economic, Ecological, Infrastructure, Institutions Community Level: Social differentiation, Socio-political considerations, Institutional types, Spatial considerations, Livelihood systems Household Level: Livelihood resources: Physical, Natural, Social, Economic, Human Intra-household Level: Gender, Generational

  12. Database analysis and reporting B: Basic analysis embedded within the database Household vulnerability indices (HVI) as food security proxy nutritional status, health status, education, poverty indicators (income, assets, social network) Vulnerability: Dynamic perspectives, Trends in household dynamics, Trends in livelihood strategies, Current vulnerability (snapshot) of individuals that are vulnerable

  13. Database analysis and reporting C: Programme design tools embedded within the database • Tweaking for sensitivity of HVI computations • Distribution lists for households/individuals that meet set HVI criteria • Comparison of HVI to community ranking or other targeting tools for checking for errors of inclusion or exclusion • Sampling for monitoring and evaluation (including for both beneficiaries and non- beneficiaries if required).

  14. Support….. • The database will have an integrated analysis programme, manual and help facility. • Each data collection tool will come with an interview guide and a training for the initial set of enumerators. • An online (web) version of the tool and discussion forum already developed, will be used to keep all stakeholders updated.

  15. Anticipated outputs • Established partnerships – Research institutions, government and CSOs • Evidence base for policy • Improved targeting • Community participation • Integration • Prioritizing • Impact assessment

  16. Partnerships • Partnerships that will be established during the course of the project will be with the following institutions: • Universities in the three countries • Local government offices in ADPs • Government –Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Environment • Other implementing organizations

  17. Thank you,

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