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CCl report to ICG-WIGOS – 4 17-20 Feb 2015

Detailed report on Climate Data Rescue, Management Systems, IPET-CDMP, and more relevant activities under CCl for the intersessional period.

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CCl report to ICG-WIGOS – 4 17-20 Feb 2015

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  1. CCl report to ICG-WIGOS – 417-20 Feb 2015 Dr William Wright Co-chair OPACE1 on Data Management E-mail: w.wright@bom.gov.au

  2. Activities of Relevance to WIGOS • CCl (and OPACE 1) structure for 2014-18 Intersessional Period is at http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/ccl/cclstructure.php Ongoing activities - • Climate Data Rescue and Climate Data Management Systems • IPET-CDMP New or refocussed activities • Rapporteurs on observational issues • Task Teams/rapporteurs on: - statement of guidance for climate; - voluntary observing networks; - reference climate stations • Centennial stations Other • Technical Commission –Regional Association collaboration • CCl Congress activities

  3. Climate Data Rescue • ET-DARE continuing as an ongoing activity. Essential to find, secure and digitise/image historical climate records; • ET-DARE includes leaders of major non-WMO players in data rescue/recovery (ACRE, IEDRO) • Current main focus I-DARE Portal to coordinate globally DR efforts; - white paper and specification produced; - catalogue of undigitised data holdings - side event at CG XVII (prototype demo) Challenge: Sustaining the portal

  4. Climate Data Management Systems • ET-CDMS ongoing • CDMS specifications document published (WMO TD no 1131) • Progress on climate schema for the WMO Core Metadata profile • Open CDMS • Challenges: - comms infrastructure in D & LDC; - training needed in climate data management;

  5. IPET-CDMP(Climate Data Modernisation Program) • Proposal to establish a cross-program ET consisting of several CCl reps and also representatives from CBS, JCOMM, GCOS, WCRP • Emphasis on climate-specific aspects (relevant CDMS specs; better regulation of practices; • A concept paper has been drafted • Close collaboration with WIGOS DM initiative on cross-program issues. • Provisional planning for back to back meetings of WIGOS team and IPET-CDMP in 1st quarter 2015-16 Challenges: • Large undertaking that may take many years; • Ensuring effective ongoing collaboration.

  6. Rapporteurs on Observational Standards & Practices • A group of experts to address climate observation issues and engage with relevant groups in other domains, e.g. GCW. • Experts to attend relevant meetings (provide climate viewpoint; learn about new initiatives; enhance collaboration). • Address relevant ad hoc tasks or initiatives such as centennial stations, quality control guidelines, etc

  7. Other relevant task teams TT-SOGCON Rapporteurs on Voluntary Observing Networks Reference Climate Networks TT-Data Homogenisation TT-Use of remote sensing data for climate monitoring

  8. Centennial stations – (1) • A WMO recognition mechanismisexpected to raise the profile of long-termobserving stations and contribute to Members’ efforts to maintainsuch stations under the mostpreferable conditions. • Background: - Request by EC-65 (2013) - Development of draft recognition criteria by two experts (2013) - WMO Scoping Meeting, followed by a test of the proposed recognition criteria by six Members (2014) - Support by CCl-XVI, CIMO-XVI and CBS-Ext.(2014) (all 2014)

  9. Centennial stations (2) – Concept • Send out to Members, on a regular basis (e.g. every 2ndyear, tbd), an invitation to apply for WMO recognition of centennial observing stations as per criteria (list of recognition criteria to be ticked off and commented on by Members; refer template cf. ICG-WIGOS IV doc. 7.6) • Review of nominations received from NMHSs by a Task Team on Long-term Observing Stations • Recommendations for formal recognition to be tabled at Executive Council sessions; • Stations to be listed in WIGOS Information Resource (WIR); • WMO to keep up-to-date a Website and brochure on all centennial observing stations, indicating their importance; • Nominations to be renewed every ten years.

  10. Centennial stations – (3) Request to ICG-WIGOS: Due to the cross-cutting nature of the proposed mechanism, recommend on implementing a Task Team on Long-term Observing Stations under WIGOS.

  11. Tech Commission – RA Collaboration Suggestions from CCl MG meeting: • RA Working Group on climate is pivotal • OPACE Chairs to participate in RA WG meetings • Keep RA WGs abreast of important CCl developments • Social media links – Facebook, Twitter • CCl vice president to have Webextelecons with RA WGs

  12. CCl Cg XVII activities • Climatological standard normals update – resolution + side event • CDMS standards + incorporation in WIS – resolution plus side event • Focus on Data Rescue activities globally – side event on prototype I-DARE portal • Resolutions/decisions on climate monitoring products • Side events on Centennial stations and Volunteer Observing networks

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