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Strengthening our National Innovation System

Strengthening our National Innovation System. Gary R. Bachula Technology Administration U.S. Department of Commerce. “National Innovation System”. The Production of Knowledge The Application of Knowledge. Production of Knowledge. Research & Development Scientists and Engineers:

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Strengthening our National Innovation System

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  1. Strengthening ourNational Innovation System Gary R. Bachula Technology Administration U.S. Department of Commerce

  2. “National Innovation System” • The Production of Knowledge • The Application of Knowledge

  3. Production of Knowledge • Research & Development • Scientists and Engineers: • Universities • Government Labs • Private Labs • Supporting Infrastructure: • Labs & Equipment • Institutions • Policies • Funding Sources

  4. Production of Knowledge Issues • Public Funding of R&D • Private Funding of R&D • Balance of R&D Portfolios • R&D Infrastructure • Science, Math & Engineering Education • Policy Climate for the Conduct of R&D

  5. Intellectual Property Rights Anti-Trust Tax Incentives (R&E Tax Credit, Capital Gains) Regulatory Issues Standards International, National,State, Local Policies Performance Measurements Risk-Sharing, Partnerships Accounting Practices R&D Policy Climate

  6. Application of Knowledge • Problem Solving, New Products, Services, Efficient Processes • Knowledge Producers • Government Agencies • Entrepreneurs • Venture Capitalists • Business Managers • Financial Institutions

  7. Barriers to Deployment: IPR Tax Anti-Trust Regulatory Standards Skills & Workforce Issues Seed, venture, mezzanine capital “Valley of Death” Bridging the gap between research & commercialization Partnerships Federal, state, local Application of Knowledge Issues

  8. “Barriers to Innovation” Early Stage Knowledge Production • Resources for Fundamental Science • Infrastructure for Fundamental Science: • Laboratories & Equipment • Information Infrastructure • Number, Quality & Skills of S&T Workforce

  9. “Barriers to Innovation” Next-Stage Applied Research & Technology Development • Resources for the “Valley of Death” • Private Sector “Seed Capital” • Risk-Sharing, Uncertainty -- the need for partnerships, collaborations, consortia • Tax, regulatory, IPR, standards barriers • Market barriers

  10. “Barriers to Innovation” Technology Commercialization • Venture Capital • Tax, regulatory, IPR, standards, anti-trust • Complex Systems

  11. Market barriers Regulatory barriers Resources Externalities Standards Technical barriers Infrastructure Complex systems Multiple policy levels: international, national,state, local Knowledge diffusion “Barriers to Innovation” Technology Application (Deployment, Diffusion)

  12. “Barriers to Innovation” • “Complex v. Simple” Innovations • Each sector has different issues… • “No one size fits all policy solutions”

  13. A Final Thought…. Can government policy keep up with “The Speed of Innovation?”

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