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Authors: Anirudh Ramachandran, Nick Feamster, and Santosh Vempala

Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting. Authors: Anirudh Ramachandran, Nick Feamster, and Santosh Vempala Publication: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007 Presenter: Melvin Rodriguez for CAP 6133, Spring ’ 08. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting.

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Authors: Anirudh Ramachandran, Nick Feamster, and Santosh Vempala

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  1. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting Authors:Anirudh Ramachandran, Nick Feamster, and Santosh Vempala Publication:ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007 Presenter:Melvin Rodriguez for CAP 6133, Spring’08

  2. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • What is Spam / Spamming • Indiscriminately send of unsolicited bulk messages - Different types of Spam • Why it is used? • Reach of potential customers / market • No or little operating cost for senders E-mail Spam - unsolicited bulk email Source: Wikipedia -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_%28Monty_Python%29

  3. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • The problem with Spam • Users waste time and resources • Users received multiple unwanted emails • Promoting events • Advertising new products sales • Promoting services • Spammers use more sophisticated techniques • More resources are needed • Increase capacity in servers storage and bandwidth • Increase time to manage items Spam uses needed resources and increase costs Source: Wurd -http://www.wurd.com/cl_email_faq_spam.php

  4. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • A 2007 study by Osterman Research Inc. - A growing proportion of spam is generated by zombies that are part of enormous botnets of infected computers. - Symantec reported in March 2007 that it had discovered more than six million zombies worldwide. - More than 80% of spam is today generated by zombies - Spam campaigns are constantly changing strategies Spam – very hard to control Source: Osterman Research Inc - http://www.ostermanresearch.com/whitepapers/or_sym0607.pdf

  5. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • How to Solve the problem • Spam Filters • Blacklisting • Publicizing known IP addresses that send spam • Issues • Need to know what to block / filter • Need to constant update • Need to adapt to spam campaign changes • Behavior Blacklisting – Spam Tracker • Classifies senders based on their sending behavior rather than IP identity • Similar patterns of spammers sending behavior “fingerprint” Behavior Spam Filter – based on sending behavior

  6. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Behavior Blacklisting • Spam Tracker • Cluster emails based on targeted domains • Builds “blacklist clusters” based on known spammers • Tracks sending patterns from other senders • Uses fast spectral clustering algorithms • Two phases: • Clustering (spectral) - similar behavior in their target domain - gather initial data and create clusters • Classification – assign a value and compare - obtain sending patterns from servers - compares algorithm value to known pattern

  7. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting Spam Tracker – High Level Design

  8. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Conclusion • New spam detecting technique using “behavioral blacklisting” • Classifies email based on senders sending patters • Creation of email “blacklist clusters”

  9. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Contributions • Improvements on detecting email spam • Using new algorithms to detect and classify email spam • Capable of detecting new email spammers senders earlier than existing processes

  10. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Weaknesses • Dependent on the number of data sources • Limited number of data collection points • Limited testing pool of domains • Process sequence is not clearly depicted • Lack of integration with existing spam systems

  11. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • How to Improve • More testing needed for analysis of false positives • Increase the number of data collection points • Add additional features to algorithms • Add integration capabilities with existing email spam services • Add missing diagrams discussed in paper • Present process sequence in more detail

  12. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Back-Up Slides

  13. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Origins of the use of the word SPAM • "Spam" is a popular Monty Pythonsketch, first televised in 1970. In the sketch, two customers are trying to order a breakfast from a menu that includes the processed meat product in almost every dish. The term spam (in electronic communication, and as of 2007, general slang) is derived from this sketch. Source: Wikipedia -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_%28Monty_Python%29

  14. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • The list of 2007 top 12 countries that spread spam around the globe: • USA - 28.4%; • South Korea - 5.2%; • China (including Hong Kong) - 4.9%; • Russia - 4.4%; • Brazil - 3.7%; • France - 3.6%; • Germany - 3.4%; • Turkey - 3.%; • Poland - 2.7%; • Great Britain - 2.4%; • Romania - 2.3%; • Mexico - 1.9%; • Other countries - 33.9% [8] Source: Wikipedia -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_%28Monty_Python%29

  15. Filtering Spam with Behavioral Blacklisting • Trace Date Range Fields • Organization Mar. 1 – 31, 2007 Received time, remote IP, targeted domain, whether rejected • Blacklist Apr. 1 – 30, 2007 IP address (or range), time of listing • Data sets used in evaluation. • Our primary data is a set of email logs from a provider (“Organization”) that hosts and manages mail servers for over 115 domains. The trace also contains an indication of whether it rejected the SMTP connection or not. We also use the full database of Spamhaus [37] for one month, including all additions that happened within the month (“Blacklist”), to help us evaluate the performance of SpamTracker relative to existing blacklists. We choose the Blacklist traces for the time period immediately after the email traces end so that we can discover the first time an IP address, unlisted at the time email from it observed in the Organization trace was added to Blacklist trace.

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