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Personal Evangelism Seminar Becoming Fishers of Men. Introduction Our Personal Evangelism Heritage. 1. Our first impulse toward soul-winning comes from God. a. God is love, and He has taught us how to love (1 John 1:19-21). b. Godly people encourage us to win souls (Hebrews 11:1-40).
Personal Evangelism Seminar Becoming Fishers of Men
Introduction Our Personal Evangelism Heritage • 1. Our first impulse toward soul-winning comes from God. • a. God is love, and He has taught us how to love (1 John 1:19-21). • b. Godly people encourage us to win souls (Hebrews 11:1-40).
Introduction Our Personal Evangelism Heritage 2. Jesus Christ is our best example of personal evangelism (Luke 19:10). a. He came to earth on a mission from God. b. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world (John 3:16). c. He taught multitudes, but He also taught individuals. d. Christ died for individual human beings (Galatians 2:20). e. Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). f. Because we were led to Christ, we want to teach others about Christ (2 Timothy 1:5-6).
Introduction Our Personal Evangelism Heritage “I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus Christ Matthew 4:19
Introduction Our Personal Evangelism Heritage 3. Personal Evangelism is a transferring of the mission of Jesus Christ. God Gave Jesus a mission (John 17:18). Jesus transferred His mission to the apostles (John 17:18; Matthew 28:18-19). c. The saved have an obligation to preach the gospel to the lost (2 Tim. 4:2; Rom. 10:13-15). d. The chain of preaching and salvation must continue until the Lord returns.
Introduction Our Personal Evangelism Heritage The “Chain of Salvation” God Christ Disciples Christians
Introduction The Great Commission • GREAT in its MISSION • Make Disciples • Go ye therefore, and teach all nations • Luke 6:40 • Baptizing them. • Acts 2:38 • Acts 8:35-38 • Romans 6:3-6 • Teaching them. • Acts 2:41-42
Introduction The Great Commission • GREAT in its SCOPE • For ALL Nations • Mark 16:15 • Acts 1:8 • Not Just Israel • Matthew 10:5-6 • Ephesians 2:11-22
Introduction The Great Commission • GREAT in its PROMISE • I Am With YOU • And, lo, I am with you always, • Matthew 18:20 • John 14:18-23 • Even unto the end of the world. • Matthew 13:39-43 • Matthew 13:49
Introduction Impediments to Personal Evangelism • Unconverted church members. • They don’t pay the cost of discipleship (Matt. 16:24). • b. They don’t have a servant attitude (Romans 6:17-18). • c. They don’t behave as citizens of the Kingdom (Colossians 1:13). • d. They remain citizens of the world.
Introduction Impediments to Personal Evangelism • 2. A wrong view of the church. • Many think large and wealthy churches attract people. • Some believe personal evangelism is unnecessary. • Superficial attitudes produce superficial Christians.
Introduction Impediments to Personal Evangelism • 3. A misunderstanding of responsibility. • God’s people must choose to serve Him (Joshua 24:15). • The strength of any group or organization is • determined by the strength of its individual members. • c. All Christians should be involved in the mission of • the church, including evangelism.
Introduction Impediments to Personal Evangelism • 4. A failure to get involved. • Some say they do not have enough biblical knowledge. • Others say they lack Christian experience. • Remember, evangelism is a team effort. • d. Each member has a gift or skill that can lead someone • to Christ.
Introduction Impediments to Personal Evangelism • 5. A lack of sincere commitment. • Commitment can overcome individual weakness and lack of experience. • Note these biblical examples: • Noah was not a boat builder. • Moses had no leadership training. • Joseph had no previous government experience. • Nehemiah knew nothing of masonry.
Lesson 1 Importance of Personal Evangelism • To evangelize means to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Christ. • 2. Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). • 3. Christians have the good news that can save souls. • This places us under obligation to share the gospel with the lost so they can be saved. • Someone loved us enough to teach us the truth.
Lesson 1 Importance of Personal Evangelism • 4. The Lord doesn't want anyone to be lost (2 Peter 3:9). • Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37-38). • Successful evangelism is accomplished one • person at a time.
Lesson 1 Importance of Personal Evangelism • 5. Evangelism is not only to be done in distant lands. • We must also teach those near us, our next door neighbors. • When we teach the lost, we cause all of Heaven to rejoice (Luke 15:7, 10).
Lesson 2 Sources of Prospects • Prospects are everywhere. • The vast majority of people we come in contact with • are lost (Matthew 7:13-14). • 3. We must love them enough to share God’s word with them.
Lesson 2 Sources of Prospects List of prospects for Personal Evangelism. 1) Children of members. 2)Spouses of members. 3)Friends of youth. 4) Friends at Ladies’ Bible class. 5)Benevolence contacts. 6)Bible school and VBS contacts. 7)Visitors to worship services. 8)Hospital contacts. 9)Delinquent members. 10)Neighbors. 11)Fellow employees. 12)Door knocking. 13)Friends/relatives of members. 14)Newcomers to town. 15)Visitors to your home. 16)Bible correspondence courses. 17)Funerals. 18)Jails and prisons. 19)Rest homes. 20)Newspaper and radio contacts. 21)Questioners and objectors. 22)Friends of new converts. 23)People seeking counseling. 24)Those getting married. 25)People undergoing trauma. 26) College students.
Lesson 3 Setting up the Study Before you teach: 1) Pray to God to help you to say the right thing, in the right way. 2) Until a study is set up, it can’t be conducted. 3) No single approach will work with all people. 4) Be genuinely sincere when talking to someone about his soul. 5) Be genuinely interested in the interests of others. 6) Don’t be afraid to teach. 7) Teach individuals one-on-one. 8) Take time to prepare people to hear.
Lesson 3 Setting up the Study Before you teach: 9) Invite non-members to eat with you. 10) Respect the convictions and opinions of prospects. 11) Never argue with those we teach. 12) Avoid a proud, excited, argumentative, or angry attitude. 13) We should not make the other person angry. 14) Be alert for people who are undergoing trauma. 15) A person must see that he is lost and needs the study.
Personal Evangelism Information Internet Resources Person Evangelism Studies A Three Lesson Evangelistic Bible Study http://www.netbiblestudy.net/evangelism/new_page_8.htm A Two Lesson Bible Study for New Converts http://www.netbiblestudy.net/evangelism/new_page_9.htm A Two Lesson Bible Study to Help Restore the Fallen http://www.netbiblestudy.net/evangelism/new_page_10.htm "Are You Really Sure Of Your Eternal Salvation?" www.netbiblestudy.net: "Are You Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth?" www.netbiblestudy.net/worship "Bible Class Lessons" www.netbiblestudy.net/lessons
Personal Evangelism Information Internet Resources Person Evangelism Studies A Study of Personal Evangelism by Gene Taylor Oldpaths.net/Works/Personal/ www.ntslibrary.com/PDF%20Books/personal-evang.pdf Personal Evangelism in the Local Congregation Oldpaths.net/Works/Personal/ Personal Evangelism Church of Christ Articles churchofchristarticles.com/blog/administrator/personal-evangelism/
Lesson 4 What To Say Situation 1: Unexpected call (cold door knocking). Situation 2: Approaching friends.
Lesson 5 Conducting the Study Suggestions for a successful Bible study: 1) Be on time. 2) Take a silent partner with you. 3) Be sure to eliminate any distractions or disturbances. 4) Take enough study materials, pencils, paper, and Bibles. 5) Provide lessons for all participants. 6) Choose an appropriate place to study, such as a kitchen table.
Lesson 5 Conducting the Study • 7) Start with a prayer. • 8) All involved in the study should have the same Bible version. • 9) Ask some questions that prospects can answer affirmatively. • “Do you accept the Bible as God’s word?” • “Do you want to go to heaven?” • “If you are not pleasing God, are you willing to change?” • 10) Make clear that, "We want to speak where the Bible speaks • and remain silent where the Bible is silent.” • 11) Tell prospects to ask questions if they do not understand.
Lesson 5 Conducting the Study 12) Have the prospect and his or her spouse read the scripture. 13) Do not skip any scriptures or questions and do not proceed until all agree with what the scripture says. 14) Use illustrations and explanations to help emphasize the point. 15) Do not preach to prospects, but let the Bible give the answers. 16) Don't argue - you will always lose. 17) Always show sincere concern and interest. 18) Do not allow the prospect to stray from the lesson. 19) Teach the lessons in the minimum possible time.
Lesson 5 Conducting the Study 20) With this study, you don’t have to remember a lot of scriptures. 21) Establish the prospect’s point of salvation before beginning. 22) Emphasize these three points: 1) The one who has not obeyed the gospel is lost. 2) The gospel is God's power to save the lost. 3) We are God’s ministers to the lost. 23) In winning souls, we use God's word to: 1) Cause the lost to realize their lost condition. 2) Help them understand God's plan of salvation. 3) Cause them to desire this salvation.
Lesson 6 Using Persuasion • Personal Evangelism seeks to persuade or convince people to obey the gospel. • a. Change is produced by reasoning, urging, or inducement. • b. People change when they are convinced. • Before we use persuasion in evangelism, we must win the prospect’s confidence. • Persuasion must be preceded by fundamental teaching.
Lesson 6 Using Persuasion Bible examples of persuasion: 1) 2 Corinthians 5:11 "Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.” 2) Acts 2:40 "And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, Be saved from this perverse generation." 3) Jude 22-23 "And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.“
Lesson 6 Using Persuasion Bible examples of persuasion: 4) Luke 14:16-23 (Parable of The Great Supper) "Then the master said to the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." 5) Acts 13:43 "Many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.” 6) Acts 18:4 "And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.”
Lesson 6 Using Persuasion Bible examples of persuasion: 7) Acts 18:13 "Saying, This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law." (We today should persuade people to worship God correctly.) 8) Acts 19:26 "Moreover you see and hear that not only at Ephesus, but throughout almost all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are not gods which are made with hands.” 9) Acts 26:28 "Then Agrippa said to Paul, "You almost persuade me to become a Christian."
Lesson 6 Using Persuasion Bible examples of persuasion: 10) Acts 28:23 "So when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening.” 11) Acts 21:14 "So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, ‘The will of the Lord be done.’”
Lesson 6 Using Persuasion Bible examples of persuasion: 12) Acts 24:24-25 (NIV) "As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, ‘That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.’” 13) Acts 18:28 "For he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ."
Lesson 7 Closing the Study • For a successful conclusion of the Bible study: • Establish a need: Jesus is the only hope for sinners. • 2)Display a loving and caring attitude: speak softly. • 3)Eliminate objections before the close: “Why would you not want to obey God?”
Lesson 7 Closing the Study • For a successful conclusion of the Bible study: • 4)Ask the individual to respond: “Let us go to the • church building right now for your baptism.” • 5)Close in the affirmative—Ask “yes” questions. • “Do you love Jesus?” • “If you love Jesus, will you obey Him?” • “Do you want to go to heaven?” • “Do you understand that salvation requires baptism?” • 6)Silence:Ask the prospect to be baptized, and then remain silent.
Lesson 7 Closing the Study For a successful conclusion of the Bible study: 7)Change places with the prospect: "Suppose that you are I and I am you…” 8)Emotional close: Discuss the uncertainties of life. 9)Help the prospect face the consequences. “What if you don’t obey?”
Lesson 7 Closing the Study For a successful conclusion of the Bible study: 10) Reassurance: “How can you be wrong if you do what pleases God?” 11) Compare: 1) What he believes with what the Bible teaches; 2) The difference between being in Christ and being outside of Christ. 12)Welcome objections: These will indicate how the prospect thinks and feels.
Lesson 7 Closing the Study For a successful conclusion of the Bible study: 13)Key words to use in closing – 1) Why or Why Not? 2) When? 3) Which? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? 14)Always leave the door open for further studies.
Lesson 8 Answering Questions and Objections Answering Objections: 1. Honest objections provide an opportunity to teach. 2. Objections tell what the prospect thinks and feels. 3. Objections are a sign the objector is seeking more information.
Lesson 8 Answering Questions and Objections Answering Objections: 4. Do not consider objections to be a rejection. 5. Convince the prospect by answering his objections. 6. Avoid a proud, excited, argumentative, or angry attitude.
Lesson 8 Answering Questions and Objections Answering Questions: (1 Peter 3:15) 1) "Do you believe that only members of the church of Christ are going to Heaven? 2) "Do you think my mother and father are in Hell?“ 3) "What will happen to someone who has never heard of Christ or the Bible?“
Lesson 8 Answering Questions and Objections Answering Questions: (1 Peter 3:15) 4) "What about all of those hypocrites in the church?" 5) "Do you doubt my sincerity?"
Lesson 9 Questions About Salvation Ask these questions before teaching about baptism: 1) Have you been saved? 2) How old were you when you were saved? 3) Did you go forward in church when you were saved? 4) Was it on Sunday morning, Sunday night, or Wednesday night when you went forward?
Lesson 9 Questions About Salvation Ask these questions before teaching about baptism: 5) Did you accept Jesus as your personal Savior when you went forward? 6) Did you or the preacher say the "Sinner's Prayer" for you when you went forward? 7) Were you saved and your sins forgiven when you went forward in church?
Lesson 9 Questions About Salvation Ask these questions before teaching about baptism: 8) If you had died on the day you accepted Christ, would you have gone to Heaven? 9) Have you been baptized? 10) How long after you were saved were you baptized?
Lesson 9 Questions About Salvation Ask these questions before teaching about baptism: 11) So you say that at age ____ you went forward in church and you got saved and your sins forgiven and then you were baptized ____ weeks later? 12) So you say that you were saved and your sins were forgiven ____ weeks before you were baptized?
Lesson 9 Questions About Salvation Ask these questions before teaching about baptism: 13) So your baptism had nothing to do with your being saved and nothing to do with your sins being forgiven? Are you saying you were saved and your sins were forgiven before you were baptized?
Lesson 9 Questions About Salvation • Make these points before teaching about baptism: • Note: Baptism for the wrong purpose and at the wrong time does not save. • We must do God’s will: • What God says to do. • When God says to do it. • How God says to do it. • For the reason God says to do it.
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