NPR Project Carla Vela Haide Robles
Jobless Rate • The economy is recovering after the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. In order to recover, 115,000 jobs are being added monthly to bring down the unemployment rate. Still, it is not enough because the civilian labor force has increased. • Connection: In this article, the scarcity of jobs exist because people are having a hard time finding a job. Another connection that is made is that people choose to look for a job and like mentioned in the article, many gave up on looking for a job. The consequence of people’s actions is that the economy as a whole is affected.
Chinese Activist Allowed to Leave the Country • Chen a blind Chinese man wants to pursue his studies in America, but the Chinese government isn’t making it possible because he’s an activist. The Chinese government has strict policies regarding activism and education opportunities that is affecting Chen’s choice of wanting to leave to America. • Connection: Non-monetary policies affect people’s choices because they weren’t allowing Chen to increase his human capital in another country . This shows the importance of having a limited government because in this case, the government was depriving Chen from his rights.
Long Term Care • Geneva Hunter doesn’t have a long term insurance and the older she gets more frustrated and stressed. The problem is that she can’t afford it, especially when she’s taking care of her sick mother. Businesses aren’t being much help, most companies aren’t giving a long-term care anymore. Businesses try to rip-off people so that they can have more money. • Connection: The government won’t offer health insurance to the elderly or sick unless it’s an emergency otherwise they have to pay for any type of care. Health care is a policy that is still debated on today because they want to make it fair for the citizens. Yet, there are citizens who can’t obtain health care so they’re unhappy with the policymaking system because it isn’t equal.
Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost of Cyber war • A bill is trying to be passed to protect a U.S cyber infrastructure because we don’t have a national cyber army to defend networks. Trying to make regulations regarding a type of security is hard for the government because they haven’t decided who should be in charge of it. They've suggested private companies should invest in the interests of security. • Connection: By government trying to pass a bill on security to protect the U.S from an infrastructure is a good because they’re trying to protect the country, but every choice has a cost. In order for the bill to work, money has to be invested into a type of security method so the businesses have to be willing to contribute to the bill.
Americans Remain Spilt on Same Sex- Marriage. • Gallup polls from 1996 – present shows the public opinion on the same sex marriage. More people believe that same sex couples should have the same rights today than previous years before. The public, politics and have influenced people to think differently. Equal rights guarantees same sex couples these rights. • Connection: The public is educated about what rights are corresponded to them as people, so now when this issue came up some people were unhappy that same sex marriage isn’t considered an equal right. This connects to the years before when African Americans and women didn’t have the same rights as other men did. This arises activism and civil disobedience because some think it is unconstitutional.
Obama Gambles on Gay Marriage • Obama recently stated that he backs up gay marriage. He believes that his support for same-sex marriage can help boost up the younger- voter/ liberal turnout. However, the groups that support him are mostly African Americans and Hispanics and they are more religious. This means that the people that support him most won’t anymore because of their disagreement with same-sex marriage. This politically puts Obama in a bad situation because he loses votes but may gain some from liberals. • Connection: Politically, Obama’s goal is to win the election whether or not he truly agrees or disagrees with the issue. He’s using tactics, such as targeting citizens who are unhappy to please them so they can vote for him in return. His advantage is that he’ll gain the votes from those who aren’t being represented equally but in the other lose support. He has to make a choice in which he would benefit as well as the people.
JP Morgan’s $2 Billion Loss • The loss was caused because of a massive trade placed out of it’s London office. It involved an index of corporate credit default swaps, which are insurance policies that pay off if a company can’t make payments on debts. Fortunately, JP Morgan is able to recover from the loss because of his profit (6billion). However, his reputation has decreased because of the loss especially because it is one of the riskiest banks. • Connection: Policies allow for this to happen even though the publics money is involved. Situations such as these greatly affect the economy.
FDA & a Pill to Cut HIV Infections • The Food and Drugs Administration gave approval to a pill that can cut the risk of infections, Truvada. Truvada can reduce the infection by 63% or more and can protect the uninfected. However, the drug costs about $11,000 a year in the U.S. This economically good because it can prevent disease, which means less treatments and less money spent on them. Thousands of people will be healthier. • Connection: If regulatory government agency approves of it, it’s because it benefits the public. This will be good economically and good for the society because of new discoveries diseases that could cause a major economic depression will be prevented.