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James and Galatians

James and Galatians. Acts 10-15. Acts 10:11-16 God cannot tempt us into sin (James 1:13) Acts 10:27-29 It was not just about food but about people. Acts 10:48 Peter stayed there many days and ATE WITH THEM (11:3) Acts 11:18 Even Gentiles! Acts 13:38-41; 43 The Gospel. Acts 10-15.

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James and Galatians

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  1. James and Galatians

  2. Acts 10-15 • Acts 10:11-16 God cannot tempt us into sin (James 1:13) • Acts 10:27-29 It was not just about food but about people. • Acts 10:48 Peter stayed there many days and ATE WITH THEM (11:3) • Acts 11:18 Even Gentiles! • Acts 13:38-41; 43 The Gospel

  3. Acts 10-15 • Galatians 2:11-21 Peter’s hypocrisy – what is the true gospel? • Acts 15:7-11 Peter’s truth (sounds like he got it from Paul ) • He gave them the HS before they were torah observant • Insisting on Torah observance is testing God • The law is not possible to keep • “we believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.”

  4. Acts 10-15 • James • It is God’s will that the Gentiles come to faith • Torah observance makes converting too difficult • BUT because MOSES is known • Abstain from food polluted by idols • Sexual immorality • Meat from strangled animals • Blood • It seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements. Acts 15:29

  5. James • Written by the brother of Jesus • Written primarily to Jews who had put their trust in Jesus as Christ • Perhaps the first epistle written • Focuses on OT allusions and natural life examples

  6. Big Ideas from James • Faith produces fruit. • Faith alone is not faith at all. • There is an ethical standard the Christ-follower should live. • 1:21: Get rid of moral filth replace it with God’s Word • 1:26-27 Shut-up & Stand up for those with no voice • 2:8 The Royal Law • 4:4 Do not be a friend to this world • 4:11-12 Do not slander or speak ill of another

  7. Galatians • Written by Paul • First epistle by Paul • Written to the mixed church of Jews and Gentiles in Galatia (including Antioch) • A defense against Judaizers • A strong argument for faith as the basis for salvation

  8. Big Ideas from Galatians • Faith does not mean keeping the law. (2:16) • Faith is found in trusting in Christ Jesus. (3:24) • There are no demands to saving faith other than trusting in Christ. (5:4) • Paul is not giving license to sin! (5:13-26)

  9. Ethical Comparisons JAMES GALATIANS 5:19-21 The works of the flesh 5:15 & 2:10 Watch your words & remember the poor 5:14 The Royal Law 5:26 How we speak about each other • 1:21: Get rid of moral filth replace it with God’s Word • 1:26-27 Shut-up & Stand up for those with no voice • 2:8 The Royal Law • 4:4 Do not be a friend to this world • 4:11-12 Do not slander or speak ill of another

  10. Paul and Law • “As we have seen, Paul affirmed the Law’s commitment to separation of the people of God from the rest of the world; but the crucial areas of separation were now no longer the observance of dietary rules and circumcision, but moral behavior motivated by God’s sanctifying Spirit.” Dictionary of Paul and his letters (536)

  11. Paul and Law • “The one who fulfills law of Christ also fulfills the OT Law (Lev. 19:18; Gal. 5:14), which is summed up in the law of love. From the previous context of Galatians, (e.g. Gal. 2:11-14; 4:10; 5:2-6) it is evident that food laws, circumcision, and the observance of certain days are not longer binding on believers” Dictionary of Paul and His letters (544)

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